With respect to OAM the SMO implements the O1-interface provider. According to the O-RAN OAM Architecture and the O-RAN OAM Interface Specification, the SMO has a NetConf Client for configuration and HTTP/REST/VES Server for receiving all kind of events in a VES format.
The setup contains an OpenDaylight based NetConf client and a VES Test Collector.
This docker-compose file starts a pre-configured, self-contained SDN-R solution for developer test or demo purposes
SDN-R single node instance
... representing the NetConf consumer on the Service Management and Orchstration framework (SMO) for the O1 interface. ODL-Neon/CCSDK/SDNC-ElAlto
VES test collector
... representing the VES (REST) provider at SMO for all kind of events. DCAE-ElAlto/VES 5.0
NTSDevice simulator
... represents the NetConf Provider of an O-RAN component.
... another simulator
docker-compose file version 3.3 is used and tested with
cat /etc/os-release docker --version docker-compose --version git --version cd mkdir git cd git git clone https://git-highstreet-technologies.com/highstreet/CICD_environment.git cd CICD_environment/docker/solution/o-ran-dev
cd ~/git/CICD_environment/docker/solution/o-ran-dev nano .env
cd ~/git/CICD_environment/docker/solution/o-ran-dev docker-compose up -d
tail -f /var/tmp/sdnr/logs/karaf.log
ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101
tail -f /var/tmp/ves-v5/logs/evel-output.log
'.env' file contains customizing parameters
Network Element 'NTSDevice' Should be connected
Network Element 'SIMTEST' Should be connected
tail -f /var/tmp/ves-v5/logs/evel-output.log
Authenticated OK ==== Wed Aug 14 12:28:51 2019 ================================================= Valid body decoded & checked against schema OK: { "event": { "commonEventHeader": { "domain": "heartbeat", "eventId": "testpattern-ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015", "eventName": "heartbeat_Controller", "eventType": "Controller", "lastEpochMicrosec": 11087481660, "priority": "Low", "reportingEntityId": "", "reportingEntityName": "bf0c1c6deac1", "sequence": 7, "sourceId": "", "sourceName": "bf0c1c6deac1", "startEpochMicrosec": 11087481660, "version": 3.0 }, "heartbeatFields": { "additionalFields": [ { "name": "eventTime", "value": "2019-08-14T12:28:51.5Z" } ], "heartbeatFieldsVersion": 1.0, "heartbeatInterval": 30 } } } - - [14/Aug/2019 12:28:51] "POST /eventListener/v5 HTTP/1.1" 202 0
NTSDevice simulator raise new alarms every 60 seconds. Time interval can be configured within .env file This alarm shoulld be visible within the ves testcollector log file
Raise test event via device simulator and check VES log file
login to simulator with admin:admin
ssh admin@<host_IP> -p 8000
==== Wed Aug 14 12:36:34 2019 ================================================= Valid body decoded & checked against schema OK: { "event": { "commonEventHeader": { "domain": "fault", "eventId": "SIMTEST_LP-MWPS-RADIO_signalIsLostMajor", "eventName": "fault_Microwave_Radio_Alarms_signalIsLostMajor", "eventType": "Microwave_Radio_Alarms", "lastEpochMicrosec": 1565786194600000, "priority": "High", "reportingEntityId": "", "reportingEntityName": "bf0c1c6deac1", "sequence": 23, "sourceId": "", "sourceName": "SIMTEST", "startEpochMicrosec": 1565786194600000, "version": 3.0 }, "faultFields": { "alarmAdditionalInformation": [ { "name": "eventTime", "value": "2019-08-14T12:36:34.6Z" }, { "name": "equipType", "value": "unknown" }, { "name": "vendor", "value": "unknown" }, { "name": "model", "value": "unknown" } ], "alarmCondition": "signalIsLostMajor", "alarmInterfaceA": "LP-MWPS-RADIO", "eventSeverity": "MAJOR", "eventSourceType": "Microwave_Radio", "faultFieldsVersion": 2.0, "specificProblem": "signalIsLostMajor", "vfStatus": "Active" } } } - - [14/Aug/2019 12:36:34] "POST /eventListener/v5 HTTP/1.1" 202 0
To stop all container:
cd ~/git/CICD_environment/docker/solution/o-ran-dev docker-compose down
re-start solution at any point in time with
cd ~/git/CICD_environment/docker/solution/o-ran-dev docker-compose up -d
!!! be careful if other stopped containers are on the same system
docker system prune -a -f sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/ves-v5/
Issue: no VES events, no heartbeat events
sudo docker-compose down git checkout -- devicemanager.properties sudo docker-compose up -d