Add a FlowManagement Component
- add node-red initial flows for
-- pnfRegistation
-- notifiyHaertbeat
-- notifiyFileReady
IssueID: OAM-308
Change-Id: Ic57a7fd489bd0f621076d78b01e2d057af364ba4
Signed-off-by: Martin Skorupski <>
diff --git a/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows.json b/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515810f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows.json
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ {
+ "id": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "type": "tab",
+ "label": "VES-Messages",
+ "disabled": false,
+ "info": "Sends a VES message with body defined by 3GPP TS 28.532.\n",
+ "env": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7b2f4859e5963695",
+ "type": "tls-config",
+ "name": "",
+ "cert": "",
+ "key": "",
+ "ca": "",
+ "certname": "",
+ "keyname": "",
+ "caname": "",
+ "servername": "",
+ "verifyservercert": false,
+ "alpnprotocol": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "91a1f8d3ce84ceda",
+ "type": "inject",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "notifyFileReady",
+ "props": [
+ {
+ "p": "payload"
+ },
+ {
+ "p": "topic",
+ "vt": "str"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repeat": "",
+ "crontab": "",
+ "once": false,
+ "onceDelay": 0.1,
+ "topic": "notifyFileReady",
+ "payload": "",
+ "payloadType": "date",
+ "x": 120,
+ "y": 160,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b5533c10604af5a6",
+ "f8e64d1cb25eb4ab"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b5533c10604af5a6",
+ "type": "function",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "vesHeader",
+ "func": "const timeStamp = new Date(msg.payload);\nconst eventType = msg.topic;\nlet domain = \"stndDefined\";\n// handle domain expecption for 'pnfRegistration'\nif (eventType === 'pnfRegistration') {\n domain = eventType;\n} \nconst nfNamingCode = env.get('APP_NETWORK_FUNCTION_ID');\nconst namespaces = {\n notifyHeartbeat: '3GPP-Heartbeat',\n notifyFileReady: 'file-ready',\n pnfRegistration: undefined\n};\n\nmsg.topic = \"commonEventHeader\"\nmsg.payload = {\n domain: domain,\n eventType: eventType,\n eventId:[nfNamingCode, eventType, msg._msgid].join('_'),\n eventName: [domain, eventType].join('_'),\n sequence: Number(timeStamp),\n priority: \"Low\",\n reportingEntityId: \"c2b7d6e9-ee35-459a-ab8e-717a6fc1fde6\",\n reportingEntityName: global.get('os').hostname(),\n sourceId: \"378e9904-6d39-40ea-9994-0596fe2235a3\",\n sourceName: env.get('APP_SOURCE'),\n startEpochMicrosec: timeStamp.getTime() * 1000,\n lastEpochMicrosec: timeStamp.getTime() * 1000,\n nfNamingCode: nfNamingCode,\n nfVendorName: env.get('APP_VENDOR'),\n timeZoneOffset: \"+00:00\",\n stndDefinedNamespace: namespaces[eventType],\n version: \"4.1\",\n vesEventListenerVersion: \"7.2.1\"\n}\nreturn msg;",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "noerr": 0,
+ "initialize": "",
+ "finalize": "",
+ "libs": [],
+ "x": 350,
+ "y": 40,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f65b1c13e0243ef6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f8e64d1cb25eb4ab",
+ "type": "function",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "vesStndDefindBody",
+ "func": "const timeStamp = new Date(msg.payload);\nconst startTime = new Date(Math.floor(Number(timeStamp) / 900000) * 900000);\nconst endTime = new Date(Number(startTime) + 900000);\nconst paddy = (num, padlen, padchar) => {\n const pad_char = typeof padchar !== 'undefined' ? padchar : '0';\n const pad = new Array(1 + padlen).join(pad_char);\n return (pad + num).slice(-pad.length);\n}\nconst fileStartTime = [\n paddy(startTime.getFullYear(), 4),\n paddy(startTime.getMonth() + 1, 2),\n paddy(startTime.getDate(), 2),\n '.',\n paddy(startTime.getHours(), 2),\n paddy(startTime.getMinutes(), 2),\n '+0000'\n].join('');\nconst fileEndTime = [\n paddy(endTime.getHours(), 2),\n paddy(endTime.getMinutes(), 2),\n '+0000'\n].join('');\nconst fileLocation = ['/pm-data-files/A', fileStartTime, '-', fileEndTime, '_', env.get('APP_NETWORK_FUNCTION_ID'), '.xml'].join('');\nmsg.payload = {\n schemaReference: '',\n stndDefinedFieldsVersion: '1.0',\n data: {\n href: global.get('os').hostname(),\n notificationId: Number(startTime),\n notificationType: msg.topic,\n eventTime: timeStamp.toISOString(),\n systemDN: '/',\n fileInfoList: [\n {\n fileLocation: fileLocation,\n fileSize: 1234,\n fileReadyTime: startTime.toISOString(),\n fileExpirationTime: endTime.toISOString(),\n fileCompression: 'no',\n fileFormat: 'xml',\n fileDataType: 'Performance'\n }\n ],\n additionalText: 'Have fun!'\n }\n};\nmsg.topic = 'stndDefinedFields';\nreturn msg;",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "noerr": 0,
+ "initialize": "",
+ "finalize": "",
+ "libs": [],
+ "x": 370,
+ "y": 160,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f65b1c13e0243ef6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f65b1c13e0243ef6",
+ "type": "join",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "",
+ "mode": "custom",
+ "build": "object",
+ "property": "payload",
+ "propertyType": "msg",
+ "key": "topic",
+ "joiner": "\\n",
+ "joinerType": "str",
+ "accumulate": false,
+ "timeout": "",
+ "count": "2",
+ "reduceRight": false,
+ "reduceExp": "",
+ "reduceInit": "",
+ "reduceInitType": "",
+ "reduceFixup": "",
+ "x": 550,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "1d6949a57bce82ab"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1d6949a57bce82ab",
+ "type": "function",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "createVesEvent",
+ "func": "msg.payload = {\n event: msg.payload\n};\nreturn msg;",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "noerr": 0,
+ "initialize": "",
+ "finalize": "",
+ "libs": [],
+ "x": 720,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "27e1d8d1e9b8fd93",
+ "9ab2b4d9caf52c14"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "27e1d8d1e9b8fd93",
+ "type": "http request",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "",
+ "method": "POST",
+ "ret": "txt",
+ "paytoqs": "ignore",
+ "url": "",
+ "tls": "7b2f4859e5963695",
+ "persist": false,
+ "proxy": "",
+ "insecureHTTPParser": false,
+ "authType": "basic",
+ "senderr": false,
+ "headers": [],
+ "x": 910,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f3412bcb9e134063"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f3412bcb9e134063",
+ "type": "debug",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "VesCollectorResponse",
+ "active": true,
+ "tosidebar": true,
+ "console": false,
+ "tostatus": false,
+ "complete": "payload",
+ "targetType": "msg",
+ "statusVal": "",
+ "statusType": "auto",
+ "x": 1120,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b5e1e7a83051b5b6",
+ "type": "inject",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "pnfRegistration",
+ "props": [
+ {
+ "p": "payload"
+ },
+ {
+ "p": "topic",
+ "vt": "str"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repeat": "",
+ "crontab": "",
+ "once": false,
+ "onceDelay": 0.1,
+ "topic": "pnfRegistration",
+ "payload": "",
+ "payloadType": "date",
+ "x": 120,
+ "y": 80,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "bd43459cf3907a5a",
+ "b5533c10604af5a6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bd43459cf3907a5a",
+ "type": "function",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "vesBody",
+ "func": "msg.topic = 'pnfRegistrationFields';\nmsg.payload = {\n pnfRegistrationFieldsVersion: '2.1',\n lastServiceDate: '2023-02-05',\n macAddress: '02:42:f7:d4:62:ce',\n manufactureDate: '2021-01-16',\n modelNumber: 'O-RAN-SC Model',\n oamV4IpAddress: '',\n oamV6IpAddress: '0:0:0:0:0:ffff:a0a:011',\n serialNumber: 'VENDORA-PNF2- BestInClass',\n softwareVersion: '2.3.5',\n unitFamily: \"O-RAN-SC\",\n unitType: 'PNF2',\n vendorName: env.get('APP_VENDOR'),\n additionalFields: {\n oamPort: '830',\n protocol: 'SSH',\n username: 'netconf',\n password: 'netconf!',\n reconnectOnChangedSchema: 'false',\n 'sleep-factor': '1.5',\n tcpOnly: 'false',\n connectionTimeout: '20000',\n maxConnectionAttempts: '100',\n betweenAttemptsTimeout: '2000',\n keepaliveDelay: '120'\n}\n};\nreturn msg;",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "noerr": 0,
+ "initialize": "",
+ "finalize": "",
+ "libs": [],
+ "x": 340,
+ "y": 80,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f65b1c13e0243ef6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "9ab2b4d9caf52c14",
+ "type": "debug",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "ves-message-data",
+ "active": false,
+ "tosidebar": true,
+ "console": false,
+ "tostatus": false,
+ "complete": "payload",
+ "targetType": "msg",
+ "statusVal": "",
+ "statusType": "auto",
+ "x": 930,
+ "y": 160,
+ "wires": []
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7d589030272c0a94",
+ "type": "inject",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "notifyHeartbeat",
+ "props": [
+ {
+ "p": "payload"
+ },
+ {
+ "p": "topic",
+ "vt": "str"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repeat": "",
+ "crontab": "",
+ "once": false,
+ "onceDelay": 0.1,
+ "topic": "notifyHeartbeat",
+ "payload": "",
+ "payloadType": "date",
+ "x": 120,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "b5533c10604af5a6",
+ "ab3bc53f12d28d8f"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ab3bc53f12d28d8f",
+ "type": "function",
+ "z": "51e83a0892da060e",
+ "name": "vesStndDefindBody",
+ "func": "const timeStamp = new Date(msg.payload);\nmsg.payload = {\n schemaReference: '',\n stndDefinedFieldsVersion: '1.0',\n data: {\n href: global.get('os').hostname(),\n notificationId: Number(timeStamp),\n notificationType: msg.topic,\n eventTime: timeStamp.toISOString(),\n systemDN: \"/\",\n heartbeatNtfPeriod: 120\n }\n};\nmsg.topic = \"stndDefinedFields\";\nreturn msg;",
+ "outputs": 1,
+ "noerr": 0,
+ "initialize": "",
+ "finalize": "",
+ "libs": [],
+ "x": 370,
+ "y": 120,
+ "wires": [
+ [
+ "f65b1c13e0243ef6"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows_cred.json b/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows_cred.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b1f83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solution/smo/apps/flows/data/flows_cred.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "$": "55576b1a0aa98d1443a2a555198079adh04MOYrQayyaQJoaxalSVDTuopUrQIV67jgC1Bve+zRvicnufGzwheRpTYlr7wWwNd9KfunaxgbN1d/pWou+U1sd81BrL+36ixJRhbZ8Q2gm"
\ No newline at end of file