tree: f3132526f0c12d2bdfa7f4e1bc23ac363f2e7026 [path history] [tgz]
  1. client-scripts-ves-v7/
  2. dmaap/
  3. docs/
  4. kafka/
  5. ntsim-ng-o-du/
  6. sdnr/
  7. ves-collector/
  8. zookeeper/
  9. .env
  11. docker-compose.yml

Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)

Table of Contents

Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)


With respect to OAM the SMO implements the O1-interface consumers. According to the O-RAN OAM Architecture and the O-RAN OAM Interface Specification, the SMO implements a NetConf Client for configuration and a HTTP/REST/VES server for receiving all kind of events in a VES format.

The setup contains an OpenDaylight based NetConf client and a VES Collector.


This docker-compose file starts a pre-configured, self-contained SDN-R solution for developer test or demo purposes

  • SDN-R single node instance

    ... representing the NetConf consumer on the Service Management and Orchestration framework (SMO) for the O1 interface based on ODL-Silicon/ONAP-Istanbul

  • VES collector

    ... representing the VES (REST) provider at SMO for all kind of events.

  • DMaaP ... representing SMO DMaaP component, includes message-router


$ cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS"

$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 20.10.2-0ubuntu1~20.04.2

$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.29.1, build c34c88b2

$ git --version
git version 2.25.1


Bring Up Solution

Check (adjust if required) environment variables

nano .env

Startup solution

Please note that it is necessary to configure first the identity service, before starting further docker images.

docker-compose up -d

The ntsim-ng configured for O1-interfaces nodes (e.g. O-DU) sends a ves:pnfRegistration event every time the docker container is started.

Due to the fact that the first VES event gets "lost" please stop and start the ntsim-ng container min 2 times, AFTER you could log in to ODLUX (http://localhost:8181/odlux/index.html).

docker-compose restart ntsim-ng-o-du-1122

docker-compose restart ntsim-ng-o-du-1122

ves:pnfRegistration in ODLUX

Once a new mount-point is created, it is possible to configure ntsim-ng, in a way that automatically fault messaged are send to the ves-collector.

$ python 
Set highstreet-O-DU-1122 True

'True' indicated that the settings through SDN-R to the NETCONF server were successful.

SDN-R reads the fault events from DMaaP and processes them. Finally the fault events are visible in ODLUX.

ves:fault in ODLUX

Log files and karaf console

ODL karaf.logs

docker exec -it sdnr tail -f /opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log

karaf console access (karaf:karaf)

ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101

ves-collector logs

docker logs -f ves-collector

Customizing Solution

'.env' file contains customizing parameters

Verification Solution

Access to SDN-R ODLUX

Login into SDN-R

User: admin // see .env file

Password: Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U

In case of trouble, please update the commands with your customized '.env' file.

Terminate solution

To stop all container:

docker-compose down

re-start solution at any point in time with

docker-compose up -d


!!! be careful if other stopped containers are on the same system

docker system prune -a -f


In most cases the .env setting do not fit to the environment and need to be adjusted.

Please make sure that the network settings to not overlap with other networks.

The commands ...

docker ps -a
docker-compose ps

## Prerequisites
# python3, tmux, libtmux
tmux new-session -n workspace -s integration

# within tmux session

... are your friends.

tmux logging