Describe the usage of this docker-compose

- add link to localhost to ignored links

IssueID: OAM-284
Change-Id: If40e108c99a5e18d106c72974bb44fc0b42fbf12
Signed-off-by: demx8as6 <>
diff --git a/docs/deployment.rst b/docs/deployment.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58043a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/deployment.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2022 highstreet technologies and others
+OAM Components are deployed in different context and for different use cases.
+Please see the Kubernetes deployment within the `it/deb <>`__ repository and its description in `O-RAN-SC wiki <>`__.
+The main OAM Components are:
+- OAM-Controller from ONAP SDN-R using OpenDaylight for O1-NETCONF and OpenFronthaul-Management-NETCONF support.
+- VES-Collector from ONAP DCAE for processing O1-VES messages.
+- Message-router from ONAP DMaaP using Kafka
+- Identity service from Keycloak for AAA support.
+This page focus on a lightweight deployment using docker-compose on an Ubuntu system for experience with SMO OAM Components and/or development.
+The following command are used to verify your system and it installed software package.
+In general new version then display here should be fine.::
+   $ cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME
+   PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS"
+   $ docker --version
+   Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.2
+   $ docker-compose version
+   docker-compose version 1.29.1, build c34c88b2
+   docker-py version: 5.0.0
+   CPython version: 3.7.10
+   OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l  10 Sep 2019
+   $ git --version
+   git version 2.25.1
+The communication between the components bases on domain-names. For a lightweight
+deployment on a single laptop or virtual-machine the /etc/hosts file should be
+modified as a simple DNS.
+Please modify the /etc/hosts of your system.
+* \<your-system>: is the hostname of the system, where the browser is started
+* \<deployment-system-ipv4>: is the IP address of the system where the solution will be deployed
+For development purposes <your-system> and <deployment-system> may reference the same system.::
+   $ cat /etc/hosts
+	               localhost
+	               <your-system>
+   <deployment-system-ipv4>   sdnc-web <your-system>
+   <deployment-system-ipv4>   identity <your-system>
+Docker Enable IPv6
+The O-RAN Alliance specifications target the support of IPv6.
+To support IPv6 by docker the docker configuration must be modified.
+Please see:
+1. Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json, set the ipv6 key to true and the fixed-cidr-v6 key to your IPv6 subnet. In this example we are setting it to 2001:db8:1::/64.
+.. code-block:: json
+  {
+      "dns": [""],
+      "registry-mirrors": [
+          "",
+          ""
+      ],
+      "log-driver": "json-file",
+      "log-opts": {
+          "max-size": "10m",
+          "max-file": "3"
+      },
+      "ipv6": true,
+      "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"
+  }
+2. Reload the Docker configuration file.
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ systemctl reload docker
+It is beneficial (but not mandatory) adding the following line add the
+end of your ~/.bashrc file. I will suppress warnings when python script
+do not verify self signed certificates for HTTPS communication.::
+   export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Unverified HTTPS request"
+Please ensure that you download and copy the required 3GPP OpenAPIs for VES-stndDefined
+message validation into the folder './solution/operation-and-maintenance/smo/oam/ves-collector/externalRepo'.
+Please follow the instructions in ./solution/operation-and-maintenance/smo/oam/ves-collector/externalRepo/3gpp/rep/sa5/MnS/blob/Rel16/OpenAPI/
+The following tree shows the successfully tested folder structure. It combines different versions of the schemas ('Rel16' and 'SA88-Rel16') using 3GPP branch names.::
+   $ tree solution/operation-and-maintenance/smo/oam/ves-collector/externalRepo/
+   solution/operation-and-maintenance/smo/oam/ves-collector/externalRepo/
+   ├── 3gpp
+   │   └── rep
+   │       └── sa5
+   │           └── MnS
+   │               └── blob
+   │                   ├── Rel16
+   │                   │   └── OpenAPI
+   │                   │       ├──
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_FaultMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_FileDataReportingMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_HeartbeatNtf.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_PerfMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_ProvMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28532_StreamingDataMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28536_CoslaNrm.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28541_5GcNrm.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28541_NrNrm.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28541_SliceNrm.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28550_PerfMeasJobCtrlMnS.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28623_ComDefs.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS28623_GenericNrm.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml
+   │                   │       ├── TS29514_Npcf_PolicyAuthorization.yaml
+   │                   │       └── TS29571_CommonData.yaml
+   │                   └── SA88-Rel16
+   │                       └── OpenAPI
+   │                           ├── 5gcNrm.yaml
+   │                           ├── PerDataFileReportMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├── PerMeasJobCtlMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├── PerThresMonMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├── PerfDataStreamingMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├──
+   │                           ├── comDefs.yaml
+   │                           ├── coslaNrm.yaml
+   │                           ├── faultMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├── genericNrm.yaml
+   │                           ├── heartbeatNtf.yaml
+   │                           ├── nrNrm.yaml
+   │                           ├── provMnS.yaml
+   │                           ├── sliceNrm.yaml
+   │                           └── streamingDataMnS.yaml
+Expected Folder Structure
+The following figure show the expected folder structure for the different
+docker-compose file and its configurations.::
+   ├── network
+   │   ├── .env
+   │   ├──
+   │   ├── docker-compose.yml
+   │   │
+   │   ├── ntsim-ng-o-du
+   │   └── ntsim-ng-o-ru
+   └── smo
+      ├── common
+      │   ├── .env
+      │   ├── docker-compose.yml
+      │   │
+      │   ├── dmaap
+      │   ├── docker
+      │   ├── identity
+      │   ├── kafka
+      │   └── zookeeper
+      └── oam
+         ├── .env
+         ├── docker-compose.yml
+         │
+         ├── web
+         ├── controller
+         └── ves-collector
+Bring Up Solution
+Please check and adjust, if required the environment variables::
+   nano smo/common/.env
+   nano smo/oam/.env
+   nano network/.env
+The tested configuration uses the following external https ports:
+* 8443 for the ves-collector
+* 8453 for web access to ODLUX (SDNC_WEB_PORT)
+* 8463 for the keyclock web administrator user interface.
+Please note that it is necessary to configure first the identity service,
+before starting further docker images.
+The several docker-compose yml files must be started in the right order as listed below:
+First the SMO common services must be started::
+   docker-compose -f smo/common/docker-compose.yml up -d
+   python smo/identity/
+The python script configure the users within the identity service (keycloak).
+A system user (%USER) is also created with administration rights. The initial password (Default4SDN!).
+The identity service implemented by Keycloak is configured in a way that the user must change its initial password after the first successful login.
+In a second step the OAM specific service can be started: ::
+   docker-compose -f smo/oam/docker-compose.yml up -d
+Looking into the ONAP SDN-R logs will give you the startup procedure.::
+   docker logs -f sdnr
+The startup was successful when you see the following line: ::
+   Everything OK in Certificate Installation
+If you see the login page (https://sdnc-web:8453) you are good to go and can start the (simulated) network.::
+   docker-compose -f network/docker-compose.yml up -d
+Usually the first ves:event gets lost. Please restart the O-DU docker container(s) to send a second ves:pnfRegistration.::
+   docker-compose -f network/docker-compose.yml restart ntsim-ng-o-du-1122
+   python network/
+The python script configures the simulated O-DU and O-RU according to O-RAN hybrid architecture.
+O-DU - NETCONF Call HOME and NETCONF notifications
+O-RU - ves:pnfRegistration and ves:fault, ves:heartbeat
+'True' indicated that the settings through SDN-R to the NETCONF server were
+SDN-R reads the fault events from DMaaP and processes them.
+Finally the fault events are visible in ODLUX.
+Log files and karaf console
+OpenDaylight/Apache Karaf logs::
+   docker exec -it sdnr tail -f /opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log
+VES-collector logs::
+   docker logs -f ves-collector
+Verification of Solution
+On the web user interface https://sdnc-web:8453 you can login with the system user ($USER) and the default password mentioned above.
+You should see 4 network function connected via IPv6 and also alarm notification via NETCONF and VES.
+Terminate solution
+To stop all container please respect the following order::
+   docker-compose -f network/docker-compose.yml down
+   docker-compose -f smo/oam/docker-compose.yml down
+   docker-compose -f smo/common/docker-compose.yml down
+Please be very careful with the following command, if other stopped containers are on the same system::
+   docker system prune -a -f