helm repo add influxdata https://helm.influxdata.com/ helm search repo influxdata helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts helm search repo grafana
export METRIC_NAMESPACE=metric export APP=onap sudo apt install jq kubectl apply -f metrics-pv.yaml -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE helm install $APP-influxdb2 influxdata/influxdb2 -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE --create-namespace -f influxdb-override.yaml echo $(kubectl get secret onap-influxdb2-auth -o "jsonpath={.data['admin-password']}" --namespace $METRIC_NAMESPACE | base64 --decode) kubectl exec -t -n metric onap-influxdb2-0 -- sh -c 'influx auth create --token $DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN --org $DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG --json --all-access' kubectl create secret generic -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE influxdb-grafana-token --from-env-file <(kubectl exec -t -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE $APP-influxdb2-0 -- sh -c 'influx auth create --token $DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN --org $DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG --json --all-access'|jq -r "to_entries|map(\"\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)\")|.[]" ) # get the token kubectl get secret -n metric influxdb-grafana-token -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' |base64 -d; echo kubectl create configmap -n metric grafana-dashboards --from-file dashboards/ #pm-dashboard-oai.json
helm install $APP-grafana grafana/grafana -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE --create-namespace -f grafana-override.yaml
kubectl get secret --namespace $METRIC_NAMESPACE onap-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
## update grafana Dashboard any modifification in the dashboard cannot be saved in the deployment. Export dashboard as json file and recreate configmap
kubectl delete configmap -n metric grafana-dashboards kubectl create configmap -n metric grafana-dashboards --from-file dashboards/ kubectl label configmap -n metric grafana-dashboards grafana_dashboard=1
Refresh browser and after a certain time the updated dashboard will be available. ## Uninstall grafana
export METRIC_NAMESPACE=metric export APP=onap helm uninstall $APP-grafana -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE
kubectl patch pv grafana-storage-local-pv -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null}}'
kubectl delete pv grafana-storage-local-pv sudo rm -rf /dockerdata-nfs/grafana/
## Install pm microservice
## uninstall influxdb
export METRIC_NAMESPACE=metric export APP=onap helm uninstall $APP-influxdb2 -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE kubectl delete secret -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE influxdb-grafana-token kubectl delete pvc onap-influxdb2 -n $METRIC_NAMESPACE kubectl delete pv influxdb-storage-local-pv sudo rm -rf /dockerdata-nfs/influxdb/