Create PM Data Sequence diagram

- initial version

Issue-ID: OAM-349
Change-Id: Icb116e9ddc0677caea350249dfd587199911e981
Signed-off-by: Martin Skorupski <>
diff --git a/spec/pm-streaming/o-ran-sc-i-pm-streaming-sequence.puml b/spec/pm-streaming/o-ran-sc-i-pm-streaming-sequence.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c479682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/pm-streaming/o-ran-sc-i-pm-streaming-sequence.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+' Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH
+' This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+' SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+@startuml o-ran-sc-i-pm-streaming-sequence
+title Performance Data Streaming
+autonumber 1 1 "<b>[00]"
+box "App layer" #LightBlue
+  participant "rApp" as rApp
+end box
+box "SMO OAM" #gold
+  participant "Message Router" as mr
+  database "PM Database" as pmDb
+  participant "PM Coordination" as pmCoord
+  participant "PM Collector" as pmCollect
+  participant "VES Collector" as ves
+  participant "OAM Controller" as sdnr
+end box
+box "Network" #LightPink
+  participant "NetworkFunction\n2401 NTSims" as nf
+end box
+box "Simulation" #LightBlue
+  participant "PM Trigger App" as trigger
+end box
+== init ==
+rApp -> mr: pm data streaming subscription
+mr -> pmCoord:  pm data streaming subscription
+pmCoord -> pmCoord: analyze subscription
+nf -> ves: <<HTTP/TLS>> VES pnfRegistration
+ves -> mr: forward VES pnfRegistration
+mr -> sdnr: grep VES pnfRegistration
+sdnr -> sdnr: create Mount Point
+sdnr -> nf: <<NETCONF/TLS>> establish connection 
+sdnr-> mr: Connected!
+== PM JOB Configuration ==
+mr -> pmCoord: Connection to NF established
+pmCoord -> sdnr: PM Job Creation
+sdnr -> nf: <<NETCONF/TLS>> PM Job Creation
+nf -> sdnr: PM Job Created
+sdnr -> pmCoord: PM Job Created
+== PM Data Streaming ==
+alt not needed, because streamTarget of the PM Job is the ConnectionId value
+  nf -> pmCollect : <<HTTP/TLS>> establish Streaming Connection
+  pmCollect -> nf : <<HTTP/TLS>> Connection Established returns ConnectionId (wss:url)
+loop while performance job is active
+  trigger -> sdnr: <<RESTCONF/TLS>> Trigger PM stream,\nwhen UEs are entering, leaving the cell
+  sdnr -> nf: <<NETCONF/TLS>> trigger
+  nf -> pmCollect : <<WebSocket>> report PM data via stream unit (wss:url)
+  pmCollect -> pmCollect: convert GPB into json (or SQL)
+  pmCollect -> pmDb: store pm data
+  pmCollect -> mr: inform about new pm data (don't send data - to be discussed)\n{jobId,sender,pm-database-query-command}
+  mr -> rApp: new PM data available!
+  rApp -> pmDb: GET new (filtered) PM data 
+  rApp <- pmDb: send new (filtered) PM data
+' End Diagram
+' Format
+right footer <img:{scale=0.2}> \lCopyright 2023 highstreet technologies USA Corp.\lThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0\l International License.\lSPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0\n2023-08-13 | oam project | Thanks to PlantUML!
+skinparam backgroundColor #fefefe
+'skinparam handwritten true
+skinparam roundcorner 15