Merge "add test coverage of PolicyInstanceComponent"
diff --git a/webapp-frontend/src/app/policy/policy-instance/policy-instance.component.spec.ts b/webapp-frontend/src/app/policy/policy-instance/policy-instance.component.spec.ts
index 12a4c34..f39592f 100644
--- a/webapp-frontend/src/app/policy/policy-instance/policy-instance.component.spec.ts
+++ b/webapp-frontend/src/app/policy/policy-instance/policy-instance.component.spec.ts
@@ -116,17 +116,6 @@
- policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstancesByType.and.returnValue(
- of(policyInstances)
- );
- policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstance.and.callFake(function (
- policyId: string
- ) {
- return of(policyIdToInstanceMap[policyId]);
- });
- policyServiceSpy.getPolicyStatus.and.callFake(function (policyId: string) {
- return of(policyIdToStatusMap[policyId]);
- });
dialogSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj("MatDialog", ["open"]);
notificationServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj("NotificationService", [
@@ -137,7 +126,7 @@
- await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+ TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [
@@ -159,200 +148,243 @@
{ provide: ConfirmDialogService, useValue: confirmServiceSpy },
- }).compileComponents();
- hostFixture = TestBed.createComponent(PolicyInstanceComponentHostComponent);
- hostComponent = hostFixture.componentInstance;
- componentUnderTest = hostFixture.debugElement.query(
- By.directive(PolicyInstanceComponent)
- ).componentInstance;
- hostFixture.detectChanges();
- loader = TestbedHarnessEnvironment.loader(hostFixture);
- });
- it("should create", () => {
- expect(hostComponent).toBeTruthy();
- expect(componentUnderTest).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it("should set correct dark mode from UIService", () => {
- const uiService: UiService = TestBed.inject(UiService);
- expect(componentUnderTest.darkMode).toBeTruthy();
- hostFixture.detectChanges();
- expect(componentUnderTest.darkMode).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it("should contain number of instances heading and value, create and refresh buttons, and policies table", async () => {
- const instancesHeading = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
- "div"
- );
- expect(instancesHeading.innerText).toContain("Number of instances: 2");
- const createButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#createButton" })
- );
- expect(createButton).toBeTruthy();
- const createIcon = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
- "#createIcon"
- );
- expect(createIcon.innerText).toContain("add_box");
- const refreshButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#refreshButton" })
- );
- expect(refreshButton).toBeTruthy();
- const refreshIcon = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
- "#refreshIcon"
- );
- expect(refreshIcon.innerText).toContain("refresh");
- const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
- MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
- );
- expect(policiesTable).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it("should open dialog to create policy and refresh policies after successful creation", async () => {
- const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
- const createButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#createButton" })
- );
- await;
- expect(, {
- maxWidth: "1200px",
- maxHeight: "900px",
- width: "900px",
- role: "dialog",
- disableClose: false,
- panelClass: "dark-theme",
- data: {
- createSchema: policyTypeSchema,
- instanceId: null,
- instanceJson: null,
- name: "1",
- ric: null,
- },
- expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
- it("should open dialog to edit policy and refresh policies after successful update", async () => {
- const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
+ describe("content and dialogs", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstancesByType.and.returnValue(
+ of(policyInstances)
+ );
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstance.and.callFake(function (
+ policyId: string
+ ) {
+ return of(policyIdToInstanceMap[policyId]);
+ });
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyStatus.and.callFake(function (
+ policyId: string
+ ) {
+ return of(policyIdToStatusMap[policyId]);
+ });
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
- const editButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1EditButton" })
- );
- await;
- expect(, {
- maxWidth: "1200px",
- maxHeight: "900px",
- width: "900px",
- role: "dialog",
- disableClose: false,
- panelClass: "dark-theme",
- data: {
- createSchema: policyTypeSchema,
- instanceId: "policy1",
- instanceJson: "{}",
- name: "1",
- ric: "1",
- },
+ compileAndGetComponents();
- expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ it("should create", () => {
+ expect(hostComponent).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(componentUnderTest).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ it("should set correct dark mode from UIService", () => {
+ const uiService: UiService = TestBed.inject(UiService);
+ expect(componentUnderTest.darkMode).toBeTruthy();
+ hostFixture.detectChanges();
+ expect(componentUnderTest.darkMode).toBeFalsy();
+ });
+ it("should contain number of instances heading and value, create and refresh buttons, and policies table", async () => {
+ const instancesHeading = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
+ "div"
+ );
+ expect(instancesHeading.innerText).toContain("Number of instances: 2");
+ const createButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#createButton" })
+ );
+ expect(createButton).toBeTruthy();
+ const createIcon = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
+ "#createIcon"
+ );
+ expect(createIcon.innerText).toContain("add_box");
+ const refreshButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#refreshButton" })
+ );
+ expect(refreshButton).toBeTruthy();
+ const refreshIcon = hostFixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector(
+ "#refreshIcon"
+ );
+ expect(refreshIcon.innerText).toContain("refresh");
+ const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
+ );
+ expect(policiesTable).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ it("should open dialog to create policy and refresh policies after successful creation", async () => {
+ const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ const createButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#createButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(
+ PolicyInstanceDialogComponent,
+ {
+ maxWidth: "1200px",
+ maxHeight: "900px",
+ width: "900px",
+ role: "dialog",
+ disableClose: false,
+ panelClass: "dark-theme",
+ data: {
+ createSchema: policyTypeSchema,
+ instanceId: null,
+ instanceJson: null,
+ name: "1",
+ ric: null,
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it("should open dialog to edit policy and refresh policies after successful update", async () => {
+ const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ const editButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1EditButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(
+ PolicyInstanceDialogComponent,
+ {
+ maxWidth: "1200px",
+ maxHeight: "900px",
+ width: "900px",
+ role: "dialog",
+ disableClose: false,
+ panelClass: "dark-theme",
+ data: {
+ createSchema: policyTypeSchema,
+ instanceId: "policy1",
+ instanceJson: "{}",
+ name: "1",
+ ric: "1",
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it("should open dialog to edit policy and not refresh policies when dialog closed wihtout submit", async () => {
+ const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy(false);
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ const editButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1EditButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it("should open instance dialog when clicking in any policy cell in table", async () => {
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "modifyInstance");
+ const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
+ );
+ const firstRow = (await policiesTable.getRows())[0];
+ const idCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[0];
+ (await;
+ const ownerCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[1];
+ (await;
+ const serviceCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[2];
+ (await;
+ const lastModifiedCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[3];
+ (await;
+ // Totally unnecessary call just to make the bloody framework count the number of calls to the spy correctly!
+ await policiesTable.getRows();
+ expect(componentUnderTest.modifyInstance).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
+ });
+ it("should open dialog asking for delete and delete when ok response and refresh table afterwards", async () => {
+ const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
+ confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog.and.returnValue(dialogRefSpy);
+ const createResponse = { status: 204 } as HttpResponse<Object>;
+ policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy.and.returnValue(of(createResponse));
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ const deleteButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1DeleteButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ "Delete Policy",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete this policy instance?"
+ );
+ expect(policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("policy1");
+ expect(notificationServiceSpy.success).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ "Delete succeeded!"
+ );
+ expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it("should open dialog asking for delete and not delete whith Cancel as response", async () => {
+ const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy(false);
+ confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog.and.returnValue(dialogRefSpy);
+ const deleteButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1DeleteButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it("should refresh table", async () => {
+ spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ const refreshButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#refreshButton" })
+ );
+ await;
+ expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
- it("should open dialog to edit policy and not refresh policies when dialog closed wihtout submit", async () => {
- const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy(false);
+ describe("no instances", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstancesByType.and.returnValue(
+ of({
+ policy_ids: [],
+ } as PolicyInstances)
+ );
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
+ compileAndGetComponents();
+ });
- const editButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1EditButton" })
- );
- await;
+ it("should display message of no instances", async () => {
+ const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
+ MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
+ );
+ const footerRows = await policiesTable.getFooterRows();
+ const footerRow = footerRows[0];
+ const footerRowHost = await;
- expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it("should open instance dialog when clicking in any policy cell in table", async () => {
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "modifyInstance");
- const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
- MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
- );
- const firstRow = (await policiesTable.getRows())[0];
- const idCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[0];
- (await;
- const ownerCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[1];
- (await;
- const serviceCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[2];
- (await;
- const lastModifiedCell = (await firstRow.getCells())[3];
- (await;
- // Totally unnecessary call just to make the bloody framework count the number of calls to the spy correctly!
- await policiesTable.getRows();
- expect(componentUnderTest.modifyInstance).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
- });
- it("should open dialog asking for delete and delete when ok response and refresh table afterwards", async () => {
- const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy();
- confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog.and.returnValue(dialogRefSpy);
- const createResponse = { status: 204 } as HttpResponse<Object>;
- policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy.and.returnValue(of(createResponse));
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
- const deleteButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1DeleteButton" })
- );
- await;
- expect(confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- "Delete Policy",
- "Are you sure you want to delete this policy instance?"
- );
- expect(policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("policy1");
- expect(notificationServiceSpy.success).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- "Delete succeeded!"
- );
- expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it("should open dialog asking for delete and not delete whith Cancel as response", async () => {
- const dialogRefSpy = setupDialogRefSpy(false);
- confirmServiceSpy.openConfirmDialog.and.returnValue(dialogRefSpy);
- const deleteButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#policy1DeleteButton" })
- );
- await;
- expect(policyServiceSpy.deletePolicy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it("should refresh table", async () => {
- spyOn(componentUnderTest, "getPolicyInstances");
- const refreshButton: MatButtonHarness = await loader.getHarness(
- MatButtonHarness.with({ selector: "#refreshButton" })
- );
- await;
- expect(componentUnderTest.getPolicyInstances).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(await footerRowHost.hasClass("display-none")).toBeFalsy();
+ const footerTexts = await footerRow.getCellTextByColumnName();
+ expect(footerTexts["noRecordsFound"]).toEqual("No records found.");
+ });
describe("#policiesTable", () => {
@@ -364,6 +396,24 @@
action: "editdelete",
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstancesByType.and.returnValue(
+ of(policyInstances)
+ );
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyInstance.and.callFake(function (
+ policyId: string
+ ) {
+ return of(policyIdToInstanceMap[policyId]);
+ });
+ policyServiceSpy.getPolicyStatus.and.callFake(function (
+ policyId: string
+ ) {
+ return of(policyIdToStatusMap[policyId]);
+ });
+ compileAndGetComponents();
+ });
it("should contain correct headings", async () => {
const policiesTable = await loader.getHarness(
MatTableHarness.with({ selector: "#policiesTable" })
@@ -401,6 +451,13 @@
+ // No message about no entries
+ const footerRows = await policiesTable.getFooterRows();
+ const footerRow = await footerRows[0];
+ const footerRowHost = await;
+ expect(await footerRowHost.hasClass("display-none")).toBeTruthy();
it("should have filtering for all four policy data headings", async () => {
@@ -574,6 +631,19 @@
+ function compileAndGetComponents() {
+ TestBed.compileComponents();
+ hostFixture = TestBed.createComponent(PolicyInstanceComponentHostComponent);
+ hostComponent = hostFixture.componentInstance;
+ componentUnderTest = hostFixture.debugElement.query(
+ By.directive(PolicyInstanceComponent)
+ ).componentInstance;
+ hostFixture.detectChanges();
+ loader = TestbedHarnessEnvironment.loader(hostFixture);
+ return { hostFixture, hostComponent, componentUnderTest, loader };
+ }
function setupDialogRefSpy(returnValue: boolean = true) {