tree: 53d79ce1d73746241b5937bf56dac7ce78b54854 [path history] [tgz]
  1. inventory/
  2. playbooks/
  3. roles/
  4. ansible.cfg
  6. requirements.txt
  7. requirements.yml


The purpose of the contained Ansible playbook and roles is to deploy an ORAN-compliant O-Cloud instance.

Currently supported Kubernetes platforms and infrastructure targets are:




The following prerequisites must be installed on the host where the playbook will be run (localhost, by default):


To enable network access to cluster services, DNS address records must be defined for the following endpoints:

  • api.. (e.g.
  • api-int.. (e.g.
  • *.apps.. (e.g. *

In the case of all-in-one topology clusters, all addresses must resolve to the machine network IP assigned to the node.

The okd/playbooks/deploy_dns.yml playbook can be used to deploy dnsmasq if a DNS server needs to be configured.


Install Ansible per Installing Ansible on specific operating systems documentation.


If deploying the O-Cloud as a virtual machine, the host must be configured as a libvirt/KVM host. Instructions for doing so vary by Linux distribution, for example:

Ensure that the 'libvirt-devel' package is installed, as it is a dependency for the 'libvirt-python' module.

Python Modules

Install required python modules by installing via the package manager (e.g. yum, dnf, apt) or running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Ansible Collections

Install required Ansible collections by running:

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Ansible Variables



The following variables can be set to override deployment defaults:

  • ocloud_infra [default="vm"]: infrastructure target (supported values: "vm", "baremetal")
  • ocloud_platform [default="okd"]: platform target
  • ocloud_topology [default="aio"]: O-Cloud cluster topology
  • ocloud_cluster_name [default="ocloud-{{ ocloud_infra }}-{{ ocloud_platform }}-{{ ocloud_topology }}"]: O-Cloud cluster name
  • ocloud_domain_name [default=""]: O-Cloud domain name
  • ocloud_net_cidr [default=""]: O-Cloud machine network CIDR

Infrastructure / VM


  • role: cluster role of the node (supported values: "master")


The following variables can be set to override defaults for deploying to a VM infrastructure target:

  • ocloud_infra_vm_cpus [default=8]: Number of vCPUs to allocate to the VM
  • ocloud_infra_vm_mem_gb [default=24]: Amount of RAM to allocate to the VM in GB
  • ocloud_infra_vm_disk_gb [default=120]: Amount of disk space to allocate to the VM in GB
  • ocloud_infra_vm_disk_dir [default="/var/lib/libvirt/images"]: directory where VM images are stored
  • ocloud_net_name [default="ocloud"]: virtual network name
  • ocloud_net_bridge [default="ocloud-br"]: virtual network bridge name
  • ocloud_net_mac_prefix [default="52:54:00:01:23"]: virtual network MAC prefix
  • ocloud_dns_servers: list of DNS resolvers to configure (see okd/playbooks/deploy_dns.yml if a DNS server needs to be deployed)
  • ocloud_ntp_servers: list of NTP servers to configure (see okd/playbooks/deploy_ntp.yml if an NTP server needs to be deployed)

Infrastructure / Bare Metal


The following variables must be set for deploying to a bare metal infrastructure target (see okd/inventory/host_vars/master-0-baremetal/ for example):

  • bmc_address: hostname/IP of the node's out-of-band management interface (e.g. BMC, iDRAC, iLO)
  • bmc_user: username used to authenticate to the node's out-of-band management interface
  • bmc_password: password used to authenticate to the node's out-of-band management interface
  • installation_disk_path: disk device to which OKD will be installed (reference the deviceName subfield in About root device hints
  • mac_addresses: dictionary of interface names and corresponding MAC addresses
  • network_config: node network configuration in nmstate format
  • ocloud_dns_servers: list of DNS resolvers to configure (see okd/playbooks/deploy_dns.yml if a DNS server needs to be deployed)
  • ocloud_net_cidr: must be set to the subnet corresponding to the node's IP assigned in 'network_config'
  • ocloud_ntp_servers: list of NTP servers to configure (see okd/playbooks/deploy_ntp.yml if an NTP server needs to be deployed)
  • role: cluster role of the node (supported values: "master")


The following inventory variables must be defined for the 'http_store' host (see okd/inventory/host_vars/http_store/ for example x inventory and okd/playbooks/deploy_http_store.yml if an HTTP store needs to be deployed):

  • ansible_host: hostname/IP of the HTTP store that will serve the agent-based installer ISO image
  • http_store_dir: document root on the HTTP store where thet agent-based installer ISO image will be copied
  • http_port: port on which the HTTP store listens


Platform / OKD


The following Ansible variables must be defined in group_vars/all.yml:

  • ocloud_platform_okd_ssh_pubkey: the SSH public key that will be embedded in the OKD install image and used to access deployed nodes


Optionally, the following variables can be set to override default settings:

  • ocloud_platform_okd_release [default=4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629]: OKD release, as defined in OKD releases
  • ocloud_platform_okd_pull_secret [default=None]: pull secret for use with non-public image registries


Execute the playbook from the base directory as follows:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/ocloud.yml

This will deploy the O-Cloud up through the bootstrap and installation phases, as well as deploying Stolostron and the oran-o2ims operator.



Set the KUBECONFIG variable to point to the config generated by the agent-based installer, for example:

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/ansible.6u4ydu5n/cfg/auth/kubeconfig

Verify the installation completion by running the 'oc get nodes', 'oc get clusteroperators', and 'oc get clusterversion' commands and confirm all nodes are ready and all cluster operators are available, for example:

$ oc get nodes
NAME       STATUS   ROLES                         AGE    VERSION
master-0   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   105m   v1.27.9+e36e183

$ oc get clusteroperators
NAME                                       VERSION                          AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
authentication                             4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      87m
baremetal                                  4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
cloud-controller-manager                   4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
cloud-credential                           4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      116m
cluster-autoscaler                         4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
config-operator                            4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      92m
console                                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      88m
control-plane-machine-set                  4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
csi-snapshot-controller                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      96m
dns                                        4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
etcd                                       4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
image-registry                             4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      89m
ingress                                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      96m
insights                                   4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      91m
kube-apiserver                             4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      92m
kube-controller-manager                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
kube-scheduler                             4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      91m
kube-storage-version-migrator              4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      97m
machine-api                                4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      91m
machine-approver                           4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
machine-config                             4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      96m
marketplace                                4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      96m
monitoring                                 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      85m
network                                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      98m
node-tuning                                4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
openshift-apiserver                        4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      89m
openshift-controller-manager               4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      90m
openshift-samples                          4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      90m
operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      94m
operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      93m
service-ca                                 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      97m
storage                                    4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         False      92m

$ oc get clusterversion
version   4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629   True        False         83m     Cluster version is 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-26-175629


Verify the Stolostron deployment by running the 'oc get all -n open-cluster-management' and 'oc get MultiClusterHub -n open-cluster-management' commands, for example:

$ oc get all -n open-cluster-management
Warning: DeploymentConfig is deprecated in v4.14+, unavailable in v4.10000+
NAME                                                                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
pod/cluster-permission-6964454c7b-pt2pq                               1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/console-chart-console-v2-7f5554f4bf-mpxkq                         1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/console-chart-console-v2-7f5554f4bf-mt949                         1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/grc-policy-addon-controller-8599cc9c55-qxhtq                      1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/grc-policy-addon-controller-8599cc9c55-r2rpq                      1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/grc-policy-propagator-78f57b57d8-f79b9                            2/2     Running            0               3h31m
pod/grc-policy-propagator-78f57b57d8-j49cw                            2/2     Running            0               3h31m
pod/insights-client-5445dbd97f-lfl4w                                  1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/insights-metrics-7b568c78fd-zdk7t                                 2/2     Running            0               3h31m
pod/klusterlet-addon-controller-v2-7b9c995cc5-kmtkb                   1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/klusterlet-addon-controller-v2-7b9c995cc5-v8b6z                   1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/multicluster-integrations-78bbdf889f-7nj27                        3/3     Running            1 (3h32m ago)   3h34m
pod/multicluster-observability-operator-86dc5477cb-sbw5f              1/1     Running            0               3h31m
pod/multicluster-operators-application-7995b449fb-2gssq               3/3     Running            2 (3h32m ago)   3h34m
pod/multicluster-operators-channel-597d9ddc46-kvwk2                   1/1     Running            1 (3h33m ago)   3h34m
pod/multicluster-operators-hub-subscription-58c97bf6cc-7rxqk          1/1     Running            1 (3h32m ago)   3h34m
pod/multicluster-operators-standalone-subscription-6b548d9bb8-r9rhf   1/1     Running            0               3h34m
pod/multicluster-operators-subscription-report-7bb6dfdcb6-nblvh       1/1     Running            0               3h34m
pod/multiclusterhub-operator-66d8788b98-98m7l                         1/1     Running            1 (3h34m ago)   3h34m
pod/multiclusterhub-operator-66d8788b98-bg5s2                         1/1     Running            0               3h34m
pod/search-api-6cbd6557c8-ld687                                       1/1     Running            0               3h30m
pod/search-collector-f68dbfc6-m955j                                   1/1     Running            0               3h30m
pod/search-indexer-54b95db649-6mlpc                                   1/1     Running            0               3h30m
pod/search-postgres-bb88bc4d4-ngff9                                   1/1     Running            0               3h30m
pod/search-v2-operator-controller-manager-79cfcfdf5b-d4r42            2/2     Running            0               3h31m
pod/submariner-addon-77b9fb5df8-27rbx                                 0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   46 (9s ago)     3h31m
pod/volsync-addon-controller-546985f674-lj56q                         1/1     Running            0               3h31m

NAME                                                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/channels-apps-open-cluster-management-webhook-svc       ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP    3h32m
service/console-chart-console-v2                                ClusterIP   <none>        3000/TCP   3h31m
service/governance-policy-compliance-history-api                ClusterIP    <none>        8384/TCP   3h31m
service/grc-policy-propagator-metrics                           ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   3h31m
service/hub-subscription-metrics                                ClusterIP   <none>        8381/TCP   3h34m
service/insights-client                                         ClusterIP    <none>        3030/TCP   3h31m
service/insights-metrics                                        ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP   3h31m
service/multicluster-observability-webhook-service              ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP    3h31m
service/multicluster-operators-application-svc                  ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP    3h33m
service/multicluster-operators-subscription                     ClusterIP     <none>        8443/TCP   3h33m
service/multiclusterhub-operator-metrics                        ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP   3h34m
service/multiclusterhub-operator-webhook                        ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP    3h34m
service/propagator-webhook-service                              ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP    3h31m
service/search-indexer                                          ClusterIP    <none>        3010/TCP   3h30m
service/search-postgres                                         ClusterIP     <none>        5432/TCP   3h30m
service/search-search-api                                       ClusterIP   <none>        4010/TCP   3h30m
service/search-v2-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   3h31m
service/standalone-subscription-metrics                         ClusterIP    <none>        8389/TCP   3h34m

NAME                                                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/cluster-permission                               1/1     1            1           3h31m
deployment.apps/console-chart-console-v2                         2/2     2            2           3h31m
deployment.apps/grc-policy-addon-controller                      2/2     2            2           3h31m
deployment.apps/grc-policy-propagator                            2/2     2            2           3h31m
deployment.apps/insights-client                                  1/1     1            1           3h31m
deployment.apps/insights-metrics                                 1/1     1            1           3h31m
deployment.apps/klusterlet-addon-controller-v2                   2/2     2            2           3h31m
deployment.apps/multicluster-integrations                        1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multicluster-observability-operator              1/1     1            1           3h31m
deployment.apps/multicluster-operators-application               1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multicluster-operators-channel                   1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multicluster-operators-hub-subscription          1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multicluster-operators-standalone-subscription   1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multicluster-operators-subscription-report       1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/multiclusterhub-operator                         2/2     2            2           3h34m
deployment.apps/search-api                                       1/1     1            1           3h30m
deployment.apps/search-collector                                 1/1     1            1           3h30m
deployment.apps/search-indexer                                   1/1     1            1           3h30m
deployment.apps/search-postgres                                  1/1     1            1           3h30m
deployment.apps/search-v2-operator-controller-manager            1/1     1            1           3h31m
deployment.apps/submariner-addon                                 0/1     1            0           3h31m
deployment.apps/volsync-addon-controller                         1/1     1            1           3h31m

NAME                                                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/cluster-permission-6964454c7b                               1         1         1       3h31m
replicaset.apps/console-chart-console-v2-7f5554f4bf                         2         2         2       3h31m
replicaset.apps/grc-policy-addon-controller-8599cc9c55                      2         2         2       3h31m
replicaset.apps/grc-policy-propagator-78f57b57d8                            2         2         2       3h31m
replicaset.apps/insights-client-5445dbd97f                                  1         1         1       3h31m
replicaset.apps/insights-metrics-7b568c78fd                                 1         1         1       3h31m
replicaset.apps/klusterlet-addon-controller-v2-7b9c995cc5                   2         2         2       3h31m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-integrations-78bbdf889f                        1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-observability-operator-86dc5477cb              1         1         1       3h31m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-operators-application-7995b449fb               1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-operators-channel-597d9ddc46                   1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-operators-hub-subscription-58c97bf6cc          1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-operators-standalone-subscription-6b548d9bb8   1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multicluster-operators-subscription-report-7bb6dfdcb6       1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/multiclusterhub-operator-66d8788b98                         2         2         2       3h34m
replicaset.apps/search-api-6cbd6557c8                                       1         1         1       3h30m
replicaset.apps/search-collector-f68dbfc6                                   1         1         1       3h30m
replicaset.apps/search-indexer-54b95db649                                   1         1         1       3h30m
replicaset.apps/search-postgres-bb88bc4d4                                   1         1         1       3h30m
replicaset.apps/search-v2-operator-controller-manager-79cfcfdf5b            1         1         1       3h31m
replicaset.apps/submariner-addon-77b9fb5df8                                 1         1         0       3h31m
replicaset.apps/volsync-addon-controller-546985f674                         1         1         1       3h31m

NAME                                  HOST/PORT                                                                      PATH   SERVICES            PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD          search-search-api   <all>   reencrypt     None

$ oc get MultiClusterHub -n open-cluster-management
NAME              STATUS    AGE
multiclusterhub   Running   3h34m


Verify the oran-o2ims operator deployment by running the 'oc get all -n oran-o2ims' command, for example:

$ oc get all -n oran-o2ims
Warning: DeploymentConfig is deprecated in v4.14+, unavailable in v4.10000+
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE
pod/deployment-manager-server-658bc7cbdf-qxw4s      2/2     Running   0                3h34m
pod/metadata-server-6ffb478f87-fk7hc                2/2     Running   0                3h34m
pod/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-bf459859f-lrbks   2/2     Running   32 (7m12s ago)   3h34m
pod/postgres-server-6f658dbfb9-gpp4b                1/1     Running   0                3h34m
pod/resource-server-77ccdfdf6d-2fgn8                2/2     Running   0                3h34m

NAME                                                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/alarms-server                                   ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP   3h34m
service/deployment-manager-server                       ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP   3h34m
service/metadata-server                                 ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP   3h34m
service/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP   3h34m
service/postgres-server                                 ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP   3h34m
service/resource-server                                 ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP   3h34m

NAME                                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/deployment-manager-server       1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/metadata-server                 1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/oran-o2ims-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/postgres-server                 1/1     1            1           3h34m
deployment.apps/resource-server                 1/1     1            1           3h34m

NAME                                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/deployment-manager-server-658bc7cbdf      1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/metadata-server-6ffb478f87                1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-bf459859f   1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/postgres-server-6f658dbfb9                1         1         1       3h34m
replicaset.apps/resource-server-77ccdfdf6d                1         1         1       3h34m

NAME                                 HOST/PORT                                         PATH                                                   SERVICES                    PORT   TERMINATION          WILDCARD   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes        resource-server             api    reencrypt/Redirect   None   /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring                        alarms-server               api    reencrypt/Redirect   None   /                                                      metadata-server             api    reencrypt/Redirect   None   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers   deployment-manager-server   api    reencrypt/Redirect   None   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools        resource-server             api    reencrypt/Redirect   None   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions        resource-server             api    reencrypt/Redirect   None

Additionally, a service account can be created and a token generated for testing the O2 API endpoints:

$ oc apply -f
serviceaccount/test-client created created created

$ TOKEN=`oc create token -n oran-o2ims test-client`

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k
  "oCloudId": "c064e7b9-ee17-44eb-b689-90bb4d26274d",
  "globalCloudId": "3ff52a9a-e4f3-52cc-8823-044b9af8558b",
  "name": "OpenShift O-Cloud",
  "description": "OpenShift O-Cloud",
  "serviceUri": "",
  "extensions": {



Refer to Troubleshooting installation issues for information on diagnosing OKD deployment failures.



To cleanup a VM-based deployment due to failure, or to prepare to redeploy, execute the following as root on the libvirt/KVM host:

  1. Shut down and remove the virtual machine (note that the VM name may differ if the default is overridden):

    virsh destroy master-0
    virsh undefine master-0
  2. Disable and remove the virtual network (note that the network name may differ if the default is overridden):

    virsh net-destroy ocloud
    virsh net-undefine ocloud
  3. Remove virtual disk and boot media:

    rm /var/lib/libvirt/images/master-0*.{qcow2,iso}