split steps

Issue-ID: INF-284

Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang <>
Change-Id: Icf78669fa0ab39333a62bbffe1a1c604296aa2dd
diff --git a/scripts/build_inf_centos/ b/scripts/build_inf_centos/
index 399157b..8a44fc6 100755
--- a/scripts/build_inf_centos/
+++ b/scripts/build_inf_centos/
@@ -227,6 +227,9 @@
     msg_step="Init the repo and sync"
+    # Avoid the colorization prompt
+    git config --global color.ui false
     cd ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}
     if [ "$LAYER" != "" ]; then
@@ -246,15 +249,19 @@
     msg_step="Get src mirror from dockerhub image"
-    docker pull ${MIRROR_SRC_STX}
-    docker create -ti --name inf-src-stx ${MIRROR_SRC_STX} sh
-    docker cp inf-src-stx:/stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2 ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}
-    docker rm inf-src-stx
+    if [ -d ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}/.repo ]; then
+        echo_info "The src repos already exists, skipping"
+    else
+        docker pull ${MIRROR_SRC_STX}
+        docker create -ti --name inf-src-stx ${MIRROR_SRC_STX} sh
+        docker cp inf-src-stx:/stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2 ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}
+        docker rm inf-src-stx
-    cd ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}
-    tar xf stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2
-    mv stx-${STX_VER}/* stx-${STX_VER}/.repo .
-    rm -rf stx-${STX_VER} stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2
+        cd ${MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR}
+        tar xf stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2
+        mv stx-${STX_VER}/* stx-${STX_VER}/.repo .
+        rm -rf stx-${STX_VER} stx-${STX_VER}.tar.bz2
+    fi
@@ -265,7 +272,7 @@
     docker pull ${MIRROR_CONTAINER_IMG}
     docker create -ti --name inf-centos-mirror ${MIRROR_CONTAINER_IMG} sh
-    docker cp inf-centos-mirror:/mirror_stx-${STX_VER} ${STX_MIRROR_DIR}
+    docker cp inf-centos-mirror:/mirror_stx-${STX_VER}/. ${STX_MIRROR_DIR}
     docker rm inf-centos-mirror
diff --git a/scripts/build_inf_centos/ b/scripts/build_inf_centos/
index a9b7b91..d3f97e6 100755
--- a/scripts/build_inf_centos/
+++ b/scripts/build_inf_centos/
@@ -22,11 +22,16 @@
 # Variables
+SCRIPTS_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
 SCRIPTS_NAME=$(basename $0)
+WGET_OPENDEV="wget --no-check-certificate"
 # Common Functions
@@ -75,246 +80,289 @@
-get_mirror () {
-    msg_step="Get rpm mirror from dockerhub image"
+# Functions
+prepare_env () {
+    msg_step="Prepare build directories"
-    docker pull ${MIRROR_CONTAINER_IMG}
-    docker create -ti --name inf-centos-mirror ${MIRROR_CONTAINER_IMG} sh
-    docker cp inf-centos-mirror:/mirror_${MIRROR_VER} ${MIRROR_DIR}
-    docker rm inf-centos-mirror
+    mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
+    mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
+    mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/designer
+    mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild
+    mkdir -p ${STEP_STATUS_DIR}
+    sudo chmod 775 ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
+    sudo chown root:mock ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
+    sudo chmod 775 ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
+    sudo chown root:mock ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
+    mkdir -p ${TMP_OPT_DIR}
+install_pkgs () {
+    msg_step="Install/downlaod/config required dependencies by mirror/build processes."
+    echo_step_start
+    echo_info "Install required packages"
+    sudo yum install -y \
+        anaconda \
+        anaconda-runtime \
+        autoconf-archive \
+        autogen \
+        automake \
+        bc \
+        bind \
+        bind-utils \
+        bison \
+        cpanminus \
+        createrepo \
+        createrepo_c \
+        deltarpm \
+        expat-devel \
+        flex \
+        isomd5sum \
+        gcc \
+        gettext \
+        libguestfs-tools \
+        libtool \
+        libxml2 \
+        lighttpd \
+        lighttpd-fastcgi \
+        lighttpd-mod_geoip \
+        net-tools \
+        mkisofs \
+        mongodb \
+        mongodb-server \
+        pax \
+        perl-CPAN \
+        python-deltarpm \
+        python-pep8 \
+        python-pip \
+        python-psutil \
+        python2-psutil \
+        python36-psutil \
+        python36-requests \
+        python3-devel \
+        python-sphinx \
+        python-subunit \
+        python-virtualenv \
+        python-yaml \
+        python2-ruamel-yaml \
+        postgresql \
+        qemu-kvm \
+        quilt \
+        rpm-build \
+        rpm-sign \
+        rpm-python \
+        squashfs-tools \
+        sudo \
+        systemd \
+        syslinux \
+        udisks2 \
+        vim-enhanced \
+        wget
+    echo_info "Install required cpan modules"
+    # cpan modules, installing with cpanminus to avoid stupid questions since cpan is whack
+    sudo cpanm --notest Fatal
+    sudo cpanm --notest XML::SAX
+    sudo cpanm --notest XML::SAX::Expat
+    sudo cpanm --notest XML::Parser
+    sudo cpanm --notest XML::Simple
+    echo_info "Install repo tool"
+    sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/repo
+    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo
+    echo_info "Install go and setting paths"
+    export GOPATH="/usr/local/go"
+    export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}"
+    sudo yum install -y golang
+    sudo mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
+    curl | sudo -E sh
+    echo_info "Install pip packages"
+    # Install required python modules globally; versions are in the constraints file.
+    # Be careful not to replace modules provided by RPMs as it may break
+    # other system packages. Look for warnings similar to "Uninstalling a
+    # distutils installed project has been deprecated" from pip.
+    sudo pip install -c ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/builder-constraints.txt \
+        testrepository \
+        fixtures \
+        pbr \
+        git-review \
+        python-subunit \
+        junitxml \
+        testtools
+    # This image requires a set of scripts and helpers
+    # for working correctly, in this section they are
+    # copied inside the image.
+    sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
+    sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
+    sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
+    sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
+    sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
+    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/*
+    echo_step_end
+get_tools_repo () {
+    msg_step="Clone the tools repo"
+    echo_step_start
+    cd ${SCRIPTS_DIR}
+    if [ -d tools/.git ]; then
+        echo_info "The 'tools' repo already exists, skipping"
+    else
+        git clone
+    fi
+    echo_step_end
+config_mock () {
+    msg_step="mock custumizations"
+    echo_step_start
+    # forcing chroots since a couple of packages naughtily insist on network access and
+    # we dont have nspawn and networks happy together.
+    sudo groupadd -f -g 9001 mockbuild
+    sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin -u 9001 -g 9001 mockbuild || echo "User mockbuild already exists."
+    [ -L /var/lib/mock ] || {
+        sudo rmdir /var/lib/mock
+        sudo ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock /var/lib/mock
+    }
+    [ -L /var/cache/mock ] || {
+        sudo mv /var/cache/mock/* ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache/
+        sudo rmdir /var/cache/mock
+        sudo ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache /var/cache/mock
+    }
+    echo "config_opts['use_nspawn'] = False" | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
+    echo "config_opts['rpmbuild_networking'] = True" | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
+    echo | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
+    echo_step_end
+install_mock_overlay () {
+    msg_step="Inherited tools for mock stuff"
+    echo_step_start
+    # we at least need the mock_cache_unlock tool
+    # they install into /usr/bin
+    cp -rf ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/mock_overlay ${TMP_OPT_DIR}/mock_overlay
+    cd ${TMP_OPT_DIR}/mock_overlay
+    make
+    sudo make install
+    echo_step_end
+config_yum () {
+    msg_step="configs for yum and rpm"
+    echo_step_start
+    # Customizations for mirror creation
+    sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/*
+    sudo cp -f ${TOOLS_DIR}/centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/* /etc/yum.repos.d/
+    sudo cp -f ${TOOLS_DIR}/centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/* /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
+    # Import GPG keys
+    sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*
+    # Try to continue a yum command even if a StarlingX repo is unavailable.
+    sudo yum-config-manager --setopt=StarlingX\*.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save
+    echo_step_end
+create_py27_venv () {
+    msg_step="Create a sane py27 virtualenv"
+    echo_step_start
+    virtualenv ${TMP_OPT_DIR}/py27
+    source ${TMP_OPT_DIR}/py27/bin/activate
+    pip install -c ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/builder-opt-py27-constraints.txt tox
+    sudo ln -s ${TMP_OPT_DIR}/py27/bin/tox /usr/bin
+    echo_step_end
+setup_lighttpd () {
+    msg_step="Setup for lighttpd"
+    echo_step_start
+    sudo mkdir -p /www
+    sudo chown ${USER}:${BUILD_GROUP} /www
+    mkdir -p /www/run
+    mkdir -p /www/logs
+    mkdir -p /www/home
+    mkdir -p /www/root/htdocs/localdisk
+    mkdir -p /www/root/htdocs/$(dirname ${WORKSPACE})
+    ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild /www/root/htdocs/localdisk/loadbuild
+    ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/designer /www/root/htdocs/localdisk/designer
+    ln -s ${MIRROR_DIR}/CentOS /www/root/htdocs/CentOS
+    ln -s ${WORKSPACE} /www/root/htdocs/${WORKSPACE}
+    # lighthttpd setup
+    # chmod for /var/log/lighttpd fixes a centos issue
+    # in place sed for server root since it's expanded soon thereafter
+    #     echo "server.bind = \"localhost\"" >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf && \
+    sudo mkdir -p  /var/log/lighttpd
+    sudo chmod a+rwx /var/log/lighttpd/
+    sudo sed -i -e 's%^var\.log_root.*$%var.log_root = "/www/logs"%g' \
+        -e 's%^var\.server_root.*$%var.server_root = "/www/root"%g' \
+        -e 's%^var\.home_dir.*$%var.home_dir = "/www/home"%g' \
+        -e 's%^var\.state_dir.*$%var.state_dir = "/www/run"%g' \
+        -e "s/server.port/#server.port/g" \
+        -e "s/server.use-ipv6/#server.use-ipv6/g" \
+        -e "s/server.username/#server.username/g" \
+        -e "s/server.groupname/#server.groupname/g" \
+        -e "s/server.bind/#server.bind/g" \
+        -e "s/server.document-root/#server.document-root/g" \
+        -e "s/server.dirlisting/#server.dirlisting/g" \
+        /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.port = 8088" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.use-ipv6 = \"disable\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.username = \"$USER\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.groupname = \"$BUILD_GROUP\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.bind = \"localhost\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo "server.document-root   = \"/www/root/htdocs\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    sudo sed -i "s/dir-listing.activate/#dir-listing.activate/g" \
+        /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/dirlisting.conf
+    echo "dir-listing.activate = \"enable\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/dirlisting.conf
+    sudo /usr/sbin/lighttpd  -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+    echo_step_end
 # Main process
-msg_step="Prepare build directories"
-export BUILD_GROUP="jenkins"
-export WGET_OPENDEV="wget --no-check-certificate"
-export LOCALDISK="${WORKSPACE}/localdisk"
-export MIRROR_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/mirror"
-export TOOLS_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/tools"
-mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
-mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
-mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/designer
-mkdir -p ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild
-sudo chmod 775 ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
-sudo chown root:mock ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock
-sudo chmod 775 ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
-sudo chown root:mock ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache
-msg_step="Install/downlaod/config required dependencies by mirror/build processes."
-echo_info "Install required packages"
-sudo yum install -y \
-    anaconda \
-    anaconda-runtime \
-    autoconf-archive \
-    autogen \
-    automake \
-    bc \
-    bind \
-    bind-utils \
-    bison \
-    cpanminus \
-    createrepo \
-    createrepo_c \
-    deltarpm \
-    expat-devel \
-    flex \
-    isomd5sum \
-    gcc \
-    gettext \
-    libguestfs-tools \
-    libtool \
-    libxml2 \
-    lighttpd \
-    lighttpd-fastcgi \
-    lighttpd-mod_geoip \
-    net-tools \
-    mkisofs \
-    mongodb \
-    mongodb-server \
-    pax \
-    perl-CPAN \
-    python-deltarpm \
-    python-pep8 \
-    python-pip \
-    python-psutil \
-    python2-psutil \
-    python36-psutil \
-    python36-requests \
-    python3-devel \
-    python-sphinx \
-    python-subunit \
-    python-virtualenv \
-    python-yaml \
-    python2-ruamel-yaml \
-    postgresql \
-    qemu-kvm \
-    quilt \
-    rpm-build \
-    rpm-sign \
-    rpm-python \
-    squashfs-tools \
-    sudo \
-    systemd \
-    syslinux \
-    udisks2 \
-    vim-enhanced \
-    wget
-echo_info "Clone the tools repo"
-git clone
-echo_info "mock custumizations"
-# forcing chroots since a couple of packages naughtily insist on network access and
-# we dont have nspawn and networks happy together.
-set -x
-sudo groupadd -g 9001 mockbuild
-sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin -u 9001 -g 9001 mockbuild
-sudo rmdir /var/lib/mock
-sudo ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock /var/lib/mock
-sudo mv /var/cache/mock/* ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache/
-sudo rmdir /var/cache/mock
-sudo ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild/mock-cache /var/cache/mock
-echo "config_opts['use_nspawn'] = False" | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
-echo "config_opts['rpmbuild_networking'] = True" | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
-echo | sudo tee -a /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg
-set +x
-echo_info "Install required cpan modules"
-# cpan modules, installing with cpanminus to avoid stupid questions since cpan is whack
-sudo cpanm --notest Fatal
-sudo cpanm --notest XML::SAX
-sudo cpanm --notest XML::SAX::Expat
-sudo cpanm --notest XML::Parser
-sudo cpanm --notest XML::Simple
-echo_info "Install repo tool"
-sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/repo
-sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo
-echo_info "Install go and setting paths"
-export GOPATH="/usr/local/go"
-export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}"
-sudo yum install -y golang
-sudo mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
-curl | sudo -E sh
-echo_info "Install pip packages"
-# Install required python modules globally; versions are in the constraints file.
-# Be careful not to replace modules provided by RPMs as it may break
-# other system packages. Look for warnings similar to "Uninstalling a
-# distutils installed project has been deprecated" from pip.
-sudo pip install -c ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/builder-constraints.txt \
-    testrepository \
-    fixtures \
-    pbr \
-    git-review \
-    python-subunit \
-    junitxml \
-    testtools
-echo_info "Inherited  tools for mock stuff"
-# we at least need the mock_cache_unlock tool
-# they install into /usr/bin
-set -x
-mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/opt
-cp -rf ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/mock_overlay ${WORKSPACE}/opt/mock_overlay
-cd ${WORKSPACE}/opt/mock_overlay
-sudo make install
-# This image requires a set of scripts and helpers
-# for working correctly, in this section they are
-# copied inside the image.
-sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
-sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
-sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
-sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
-sudo cp ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/ /usr/local/bin
 # centos locales are broken. this needs to be run after the last yum install/update
 sudo localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
-echo_info "Setup for lighttpd"
-sudo mkdir -p /www
-sudo chown ${USER}:${BUILD_GROUP} /www
-mkdir -p /www/run
-mkdir -p /www/logs
-mkdir -p /www/home
-mkdir -p /www/root/htdocs/localdisk
-mkdir -p /www/root/htdocs/$(dirname ${WORKSPACE})
-ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/loadbuild /www/root/htdocs/localdisk/loadbuild
-ln -s ${LOCALDISK}/designer /www/root/htdocs/localdisk/designer
-ln -s ${MIRROR_DIR}/CentOS /www/root/htdocs/CentOS
-ln -s ${WORKSPACE} /www/root/htdocs/${WORKSPACE}
-# lighthttpd setup
-# chmod for /var/log/lighttpd fixes a centos issue
-# in place sed for server root since it's expanded soon thereafter
-#     echo "server.bind = \"localhost\"" >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf && \
-sudo mkdir -p  /var/log/lighttpd
-sudo chmod a+rwx /var/log/lighttpd/
-sudo sed -i -e 's%^var\.log_root.*$%var.log_root = "/www/logs"%g' \
-    -e 's%^var\.server_root.*$%var.server_root = "/www/root"%g' \
-    -e 's%^var\.home_dir.*$%var.home_dir = "/www/home"%g' \
-    -e 's%^var\.state_dir.*$%var.state_dir = "/www/run"%g' \
-    -e "s/server.port/#server.port/g" \
-    -e "s/server.use-ipv6/#server.use-ipv6/g" \
-    -e "s/server.username/#server.username/g" \
-    -e "s/server.groupname/#server.groupname/g" \
-    -e "s/server.bind/#server.bind/g" \
-    -e "s/server.document-root/#server.document-root/g" \
-    -e "s/server.dirlisting/#server.dirlisting/g" \
-    /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
-echo "server.port = 8088" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-echo "server.use-ipv6 = \"disable\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-echo "server.username = \"$USER\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-echo "server.groupname = \"$BUILD_GROUP\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-echo "server.bind = \"localhost\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-echo "server.document-root   = \"/www/root/htdocs\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 
-sudo sed -i "s/dir-listing.activate/#dir-listing.activate/g" \
-    /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/dirlisting.conf
-echo "dir-listing.activate = \"enable\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/dirlisting.conf
-sudo /usr/sbin/lighttpd  -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
-sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/*
-# Customizations for mirror creation
-sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/*
-sudo cp -f ${TOOLS_DIR}/centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d/* /etc/yum.repos.d/
-sudo cp -f ${TOOLS_DIR}/centos-mirror-tools/rpm-gpg-keys/* /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
-# Import GPG keys
-sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*
-# Try to continue a yum command even if a StarlingX repo is unavailable.
-sudo yum-config-manager --setopt=StarlingX\*.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save
-# Create a sane py27 virtualenv
-virtualenv ${WORKSPACE}/opt/py27
-source ${WORKSPACE}/opt/py27/bin/activate
-pip install -c ${TOOLS_DIR}/toCOPY/builder-opt-py27-constraints.txt tox
-sudo ln -s ${WORKSPACE}/opt/py27/bin/tox /usr/bin