Deployment guide as docs
Deployent guide as docs.
Signed-off-by: subhash kumar singh <>
Change-Id: I03f0ac3537c0399e79e7743f5ae534ec47a1e897
diff --git a/docs/installation-guide.rst b/docs/installation-guide.rst
index ccbdbb2..ce5f0cb 100644
--- a/docs/installation-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/installation-guide.rst
@@ -59,9 +59,10 @@
-**Invoking HW-go xAPP docker container directly** (not in RIC Kubernetes env.):
- One can include the pod.yaml for including it in k8s build. Replace the image name with one built.
- TBD: Adding HW-go xAPP to nexus repo
+End to end deployment of `hw-go` can be referred at :
+ :ref: `Deployment Guide`.
diff --git a/docs/onboard-and-deploy.rst b/docs/onboard-and-deploy.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf12412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/onboard-and-deploy.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+.. Copyright (c) 2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Copyright (C) 2021
+.. _Deployment Guide:
+Onboarding and Deployment of Hw-go xApp
+Onboarding of hw-go using dms_cli tool
+`dms_cli` offers rich set of command line utility to onboard *hw-go* xapp
+to `chartmuseme`.
+First checkout the [hw-go] ( repository from gerrit.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ git clone ""
+`hw-go` has following folder structure
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ├── Dockerfile
+ ├── INFO.yaml
+ ├── LICENSES.txt
+ ├──
+ ├── config
+ │ ├── config-file.json // descriptor for hw-go
+ │ ├── schema.json // schema for controls section of descriptor
+ │ └── uta_rtg.rt // local route file
+ ├── docs
+ ├── go.mod
+ ├── go.sum
+ └── hwApp.go
+For onboarding `hw-go` make sure that `dms_cli` and helm3 is installed. One can follow [documentation]( to
+configure `dms_cli`.
+Once `dms_cli` is availabe we can proceed to onboarding procedure.
+configure the `export CHART_REPO_URL` to point `chartmuseme`.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $export CHART_REPO_URL=http://<service-ricplt-xapp-onboarder-http.ricplt>:8080
+check if `dms_cli` working fine.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ dms_cli health
+ True
+Now move to `config` folder to initiate onboarding.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd config
+ $ dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=config-file.json --shcema_file_path=schema.json
+ httpGet:
+ path: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "httpGet" "path" | toJson }}'
+ port: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "httpGet" "port" | toJson }}'
+ initialDelaySeconds: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "initialDelaySeconds" | toJson }}'
+ periodSeconds: '{{ index .Values "readinessProbe" "periodSeconds" | toJson }}'
+ httpGet:
+ path: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "httpGet" "path" | toJson }}'
+ port: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "httpGet" "port" | toJson }}'
+ initialDelaySeconds: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "initialDelaySeconds" | toJson }}'
+ periodSeconds: '{{ index .Values "livenessProbe" "periodSeconds" | toJson }}'
+ {
+ "status": "Created"
+ }
+Check if `hw-go` is onborded
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ curl --location --request GET "http://<appmgr>:32080/onboard/api/v1/charts" --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
+ {
+ "hw-go": [
+ {
+ "name": "hw-go",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "description": "Standard xApp Helm Chart",
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "appVersion": "1.0",
+ "urls": [
+ "charts/hw-go-1.0.0.tgz"
+ ],
+ "created": "2021-06-24T18:57:41.98056196Z",
+ "digest": "14a484d9a394ed34eab66e5241ec33e73be8fa70a2107579d19d037f2adf57a0"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+If we would wish to download the charts then we can perform following curl operation :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ curl --location --request GET "http://<appmgr>:32080/onboard/api/v1/charts/xapp/hw-go/ver/1.0.0" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --output hw-go.tgz
+Now the onboarding is done.
+Deployment of hw-go
+Once charts are available we can deploy the the `hw-go` using following curl command :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ curl --location --request POST "http://<appmgr>:32080/appmgr/ric/v1/xapps" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"xappName": "hw-go", "helmVersion": "1.0.0"}'
+ {"instances":null,"name":"hw-go","status":"deployed","version":"1.0"}
+Deployment will be done in `ricxapp` ns :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # kubectl get po -n ricxapp
+ ricxapp-hw-go-55ff7549df-kpj6k 1/1 Running 0 2m
+ # kubectl get svc -n ricxapp
+ aux-entry ClusterIP IP1 <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP 73d
+ service-ricxapp-hw-go-http ClusterIP IP2 <none> 8080/TCP 103m
+ service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr ClusterIP IP3 <none> 4560/TCP,4561/TCP 103m
+Now we can query to appmgr to get list of all the deployed xapps :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # curl http://service-ricplt-appmgr-http.ricplt:8080/ric/v1/xapps | jq .
+ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
+ Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
+ 100 347 100 347 0 0 578 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 579
+ [
+ {
+ "instances": [
+ {
+ "ip": "service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxapp",
+ "name": "hw-go-55ff7549df-kpj6k",
+ "policies": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "port": 4560,
+ "rxMessages": [
+ ],
+ "status": "running",
+ "txMessages": [
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "hw-go",
+ "status": "deployed",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ }
+ ]
+Logs from `hw-go` :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # kubectl logs ricxapp-hw-go-55ff7549df-kpj6k -n ricxapp
+ {"ts":1624562552123,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Using config file: config/config-file.json"}
+ {"ts":1624562552124,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Serving metrics on: url=/ric/v1/metrics namespace=ricxapp"}
+ {"ts":1624562552133,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp SDL Stored The total number of stored SDL transactions map[]}"}
+ {"ts":1624562552133,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp SDL StoreError The total number of SDL store errors map[]}"}
+ 1624562552 6/RMR [INFO] ric message routing library on SI95 p=0 mv=3 flg=00 (fd4477a 4.5.2 built: Jan 21 2021)
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"new rmrClient with parameters: ProtPort=0 MaxSize=0 ThreadType=0 StatDesc=RMR LowLatency=false FastAck=false Policies=[]"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp RMR Transmitted The total number of transmited RMR messages map[]}"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp RMR Received The total number of received RMR messages map[]}"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp RMR TransmitError The total number of RMR transmission errors map[]}"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Register new counter with opts: {ricxapp RMR ReceiveError The total number of RMR receive errors map[]}"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"Xapp started, listening on: :8080"}
+ {"ts":1624562552140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:32"},"msg":"rmrClient: Waiting for RMR to be ready ..."}
+ {"ts":1624562553140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:33"},"msg":"rmrClient: RMR is ready after 1 seconds waiting..."}
+ {"ts":1624562553141,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:33"},"msg":"xApp ready call back received"}
+ 1624562553 6/RMR [INFO] sends: ts=1624562553 src=service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxapp:0 target=localhost:4591 open=0 succ=0 fail=0 (hard=0 soft=0)
+ 1624562553 6/RMR [INFO] sends: ts=1624562553 src=service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxapp:0 target=localhost:4560 open=0 succ=0 fail=0 (hard=0 soft=0)
+ 1624562553 6/RMR [INFO] sends: ts=1624562553 src=service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxapp:0 target=service-ricplt-a1mediator-rmr.ricplt:4562 open=0 succ=0 fail=0 (hard=0 soft=0)
+ RMR is ready now ...
+ {"ts":1624562557140,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:37"},"msg":"Application='hw-go' is not ready yet, waiting ..."}
+ {"ts":1624562562141,"crit":"INFO","id":"hw-app","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","HWApp":"0.0.1","PID":"6","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2021-06-24T19:22:42"},"msg":"Application='hw-go' is not ready yet, waiting ..."}
+Here we are done with the onboaring and deployment of `hw-go`.