Initial commit of source directory

Issue-ID: RICAPP-63

Signed-off-by: sjana <>
Change-Id: I6a13d89aa00887369187928acd5b14d31c1d6368
diff --git a/src/xapp-asn/e2ap/subscription_helper.hpp b/src/xapp-asn/e2ap/subscription_helper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e0417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xapp-asn/e2ap/subscription_helper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+        Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SUB_HELPER_
+#define SUB_HELPER_
+   Simple structure to store action related information based on E2 v0.22
+   Used for subscription request, response etc
+   ricActionID					RICactionID,
+   ricActionType		  		RICactionType,
+   ricActionDefinition			RICactionDefinition 	OPTIONAL,
+   ricSubsequentAction			RICsubsequentAction 	OPTIONAL,
+   ricCause
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include "generic_helpers.hpp"
+// Note : if no action definition specified, octet length of action definition  is NULL
+// If no subsequent action specified, default is subsequent_action = 0, time to wait is 0
+struct Action {
+  Action(int id, int type): _is_def(false), _is_subs_act(false), _id(id), _type(type), _next_action(0), _wait(0){};
+  Action(int id, int type, const void *def, size_t def_size, int next, int wait): _is_def(false), _is_subs_act(false), _id(id), _type(type){
+    if (def_size > 0){
+      _is_def = true;
+      _action_definition.set_ref(def);
+      _action_definition.set_size(def_size);
+    }
+    if(next >= 0 && wait >= 0){
+      _is_subs_act = true;
+      _next_action = next;
+      _wait = wait;
+    }
+  };
+  int get_id() const{
+    return _id;
+  }
+  int get_type() const {
+    return _type;
+  }
+  const void * get_definition(void )  {
+    return _action_definition.get_ref();
+  }
+  int get_definition_size(void) const {
+    return _action_definition.get_size();
+  };
+  int get_subsequent_action() const {
+    return _next_action;
+  };
+  int get_wait() const {
+    return _wait;
+  }
+  bool is_definition() const{
+    return _is_def;
+  }
+  bool is_subsequent_action() const{
+    return _is_subs_act;
+  }
+  bool _is_def;
+  bool _is_subs_act;
+  int _id, _type, _next_action, _wait, _cause, _sub_cause;
+  bool _is_admit;
+  octet_helper _action_definition;
+ Helper class that stores subscription data 
+struct subscription_helper {
+  using action_t = std::vector<Action>;
+  subscription_helper(){
+    _action_ref = std::make_unique<action_t>();
+    curr_index = 0;    
+  };
+  action_t * get_list() const {return _action_ref.get();};
+  void clear(void){
+    _action_ref.get()->clear();
+  }
+  void set_request(int id, int seq_no){
+    _req_id = id;
+    _req_seq_no = seq_no;
+  };
+  void set_function_id(int id){
+    _func_id = id;
+  };
+  void set_event_def(const void *ref, size_t size){
+    _event_def.set_ref(ref);
+    _event_def.set_size(size);
+   };
+  void add_action(int id, int type){
+    Action a(id, type) ;
+    _action_ref.get()->push_back(a);
+  };
+  void add_action(int id, int type, std::string action_def, int next_action, int wait_time){
+    Action a (id, type, action_def.c_str(), action_def.length(), next_action, wait_time);
+    _action_ref.get()->push_back(a);
+  };
+  int  get_request_id(void) const{
+    return _req_id;
+  }
+  int  get_req_seq(void) const {
+    return _req_seq_no;
+  }
+  int  get_function_id(void) const{
+    return _func_id;
+  }
+  const void * get_event_def(void)  {
+    return _event_def.get_ref();
+  }
+  int get_event_def_size(void) const {
+    return _event_def.get_size();
+  }
+  void print_sub_info(void){
+    std::cout <<"Request ID = " << _req_id << std::endl;
+    std::cout <<"Request Sequence Number = " << _req_seq_no << std::endl;
+    std::cout <<"RAN Function ID = " << _func_id << std::endl;
+    for(auto const & e: *(_action_ref.get())){
+      std::cout <<"Action ID = " << e.get_id() << " Action Type = " << e.get_type() << std::endl;
+    }
+  };
+  std::unique_ptr<action_t> _action_ref;
+  int curr_index;
+  int _req_id, _req_seq_no, _func_id;
+  octet_helper _event_def;