Base docker image on ubuntu
The use of alpine as a base for images has been strongly discouraged
and thus this change drprecates the original Dockerfile (moving it to
Dockerfile_alpine) and creates a new, Ubuntu 18.04 based, Dockerfile
in its place.
The change also bumps the RMR version to the latest (4.7.4)
Issue-ID: RIC-787
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I8208eeb3720c90311b3e474554f9f0dfd10e9b8b
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 9d4b789..e160d30 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -15,54 +15,116 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ==================================================================================
-# This container uses a 2 stage build!
-# Tips and tricks were learned from:
-FROM python:3.8-alpine AS compile-image
+# This builds an image for A1 based on ubuntu. The build takes between three and four
+# minutes depending on what was previously cached, and results in an image that is
+# roughly 260 MiB in size (as of May 2021)
+FROM python:3.8 as build
# upgrade pip as root
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
-# Gevent needs gcc, make, file, ffi
-RUN apk update && apk add gcc musl-dev make file libffi-dev g++
-# create a non-root user. Only really needed in stage 2,
+# pick up things for gevent build
+RUN apt-get update
+RUN apt-get install -y gcc musl-dev make file libffi-dev g++
+# --- all root operations must be above this line ------------------------------------
+# create a simple user. This is only really needed in stage 2,
# however this makes the copying easier and straighttforward;
-# pip option --user doesn't do the same thing if run as root
-RUN addgroup -S a1user && adduser -S -G a1user a1user
-# switch to the non-root user for installing site packages
+# the 'pip option --user' command doesn't do the same thing when
+# run as root.
+RUN addgroup a1user && adduser --ingroup a1user a1user
+# switch to the non-root user for installing python things
USER a1user
-# Speed hack; we install gevent before a1 because when building repeatedly (eg during dev)
+# Speed hack; we install gevent before anything because when building repeatedly (eg during dev)
# and only changing a1 code, we do not need to keep compiling gevent which takes forever
RUN pip install --user gevent
COPY /home/a1user/
COPY a1/ /home/a1user/a1
RUN pip install --user /home/a1user
-# 2nd stage
-FROM python:3.8-alpine
-# copy rmr libraries from builder image in lieu of an Alpine package (10002 is the release portion of the repo)
-COPY /usr/local/lib64/librmr* /usr/local/lib64/
+# ----- stage 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# It might be tempting to use python:3.8, but that image is more than
+# 800 GiB to start, and the final image size if it is used is over
+# 1 GiB!! Using the plain ubuntu image, then installing py3, and taking
+# things built in the first stage, the final image size isn't tiny, but should
+# be well under the 800GiB start for the python image.
+FROM ubuntu:18.04
+# pick up reference to python so that we can get 3.8 and not the really old default
+RUN apt-get update \
+ && apt install -y software-properties-common \
+ && add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa \
+ && apt-get install -y python3.8 python3-pip wget \
+ && apt-get clean
+# fetch and install RMR and any other needed libraries
+ARG RMR_VER=4.7.4
+RUN wget -nv --content-disposition ${RMR_PKG_URL}/rmr_${RMR_VER}_amd64.deb/download.deb
+RUN wget -nv --content-disposition ${RMR_PKG_URL}/rmr-dev_${RMR_VER}_amd64.deb/download.deb
+RUN dpkg -i rmr_${RMR_VER}_amd64.deb \
+ && dpkg -i rmr-dev_${RMR_VER}_amd64.deb \
+ && ldconfig
# copy python modules; this makes the 2 stage python build work
-COPY --from=compile-image /home/a1user/.local /home/a1user/.local
+COPY --from=build /home/a1user/.local /home/a1user/.local
# create mount point for dir with rmr routing file as named below
RUN mkdir -p /opt/route/
-# create a non-root user
-RUN addgroup -S a1user && adduser -S -G a1user a1user
-# ensure the non-root user can read python files
-RUN chown -R a1user:a1user /home/a1user/.local
-# switch to the non-root user for security reasons
+# create a non-root user, ensure it can access what it needs, and switch to it
+RUN addgroup a1user \
+ && adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "image-user" --no-create-home --ingroup a1user a1user \
+ && chown -R a1user:a1user /home/a1user/.local \
+ && chown a1user:a1user /home/a1user
+# ------------------ no root commands after this point -------------------------------------
USER a1user
-# misc setups
+# the maddening onsey-twosey install of pything crud...
+RUN pip3 install --user connexion
+# misc
EXPOSE 10000
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib/:/usr/local/lib64
ENV RMR_SEED_RT /opt/route/local.rt
-# Set to True to run standalone
+# Set "fake" to True to run standalone
-# pip installs console script to ~/.local/bin so PATH is critical
+# pip installs executable script to $HOME/.local/bin so PATH vars are critical
ENV PATH /home/a1user/.local/bin:$PATH
+ENV PYTHONPATH /home/a1user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
# prometheus client gathers data here
ENV prometheus_multiproc_dir /tmp
-# Run!
-CMD run-a1
+# by defalt start the application
+CMD [ "/usr/bin/python3.8", "/home/a1user/.local/bin/run-a1" ]