Threading pt 2 (of 3, likely)

* Move database cleanup (e.g., deleting instances based on statuses) into the polling loop
* Rework how unit testing works with the polling loop; prior, exceptions were being thrown silently from the thread but not printed. The polling thread has now been paramaterized with override functions for the purposes of testing
* Make type cleanup more efficient since we know exactly what instances were touched, and it's inefficient to iterate over all instances if they were not
* Bump rmr-python version, and bump rmr version
* Still an item left to do in this work; refactor the thread slightly to tie in a healthcheck with a1s healthcheck. We need k8s to restart a1 if that thread dies too.

Change-Id: Ia7c4f29c9fd4de4287f17ec0d88c6129a06a5a87
Signed-off-by: Tommy Carpenter <>
13 files changed
tree: fcc1cc53a7592ac3e2155c53683343e324bae3e0
  1. a1/
  2. docs/
  3. integration_tests/
  4. tests/
  5. .dockerignore
  6. .gitattributes
  7. .gitignore
  8. .gitreview
  9. container-tag.yaml
  10. Dockerfile
  11. Dockerfile-Unit-Test
  13. LICENSE.txt
  14. pom.xml
  16. rmr-version.yaml
  18. tox-integration.ini
  19. tox.ini

RIC A1 Mediator

The xApp A1 mediator exposes a generic REST API by which xApps can receive and send northbound messages. The A1 mediator will take the payload from such generic REST messages, validate the payload, and then communicate the payload to the xApp via RMR messaging.

Please see documentation in the docs/ subdirectory.