Mostly integration test work:

    * Switches A1's three test receivers (integration tests) over to golang; this was mostly done to learn the go xapp framework and they are identical in functionality.
    * Upgrades the version of rmr in A1 and all integration receivers to 1.13.*
    * Uses a much fancier Docker build to reduce the size of a1's image. The python:3.7-alpine image itself is 98MB and A1 is now only ~116MB, so we're done optimizing A1's container size.

Issue-ID: RICAPP-61
Change-Id: Ic2004a5b457c55c730575aa8326e61b01e8546da
Signed-off-by: Tommy Carpenter <>
25 files changed
tree: d6ad51714a627400c6da71e128da68ed91d1a1a5
  1. a1/
  2. docs/
  3. integration_tests/
  4. releases/
  5. tests/
  6. .dockerignore
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. .readthedocs.yaml
  11. container-tag.yaml
  12. Dockerfile
  13. Dockerfile-Unit-Test
  14. INFO.yaml
  15. LICENSE.txt
  16. pom.xml
  18. rmr-version.yaml
  20. tox-integration.ini
  21. tox.ini

RIC A1 Mediator

The xApp A1 mediator exposes a generic REST API by which xApps can receive and send northbound messages. The A1 mediator will take the payload from such generic REST messages, validate the payload, and then communicate the payload to the xApp via RMR messaging.

Please see documentation in the docs/ subdirectory.