Add FM documentation

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diff --git a/docs/user-guide.rst b/docs/user-guide.rst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b33a62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user-guide.rst
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+..  Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+..  Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.
+..  Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+..  Public License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+..  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+..  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+..  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+..  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+..  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+..  limitations under the License.
+.. contents::
+   :depth: 3
+   :local:
+RIC Alarm System
+RIC alarm system consists of three components: Alarm Manager, Application Library and Command Line Interface
+The Alarm Manager is responsible for managing alarm situations in RIC cluster and interfacing with Northbound applications
+such as Prometheus Alert Manager to post the alarms as alerts. Alert Manager takes care of de-duplicating, silencing and
+inhibition (suppressing) of alerts, and routing them to the VES-Agent, which, in turn, takes care of converting alerts to
+faults and sending them to ONAP as VES events.
+The Alarm Library provides a simple interface for RIC applications (both platform application and xApps) to raise and clear
+alarms. The Alarm Library interacts with the Alarm Manager via RMR interface.
+    .. image:: images/RIC_Alarm_System.png
+      :width: 600
+      :alt: Place in RIC's software architecture picture
+Alarm Manager
+The Alarm Manager listens alarms coming via RMR and REST interfaces. An application can raise or clear alarms via either
+of interfaces. Alarm Manager listens also commands coming from CLI (Command Line Interface). In addition Alarm Manager supports few
+other commands that can be given through the interfaces. Such as list active alarms, list alarm history, add new alarms
+definition, delete existing alarm definition, re-raise alarms and clear all alarms. Those are not typically used by applications while
+running. Alarm Manager itself re-raises alarms periodically to keep alarms in active state. The other commands are can be used through
+CLI interface by operator or are used when applications is starting up or restarting.
+Maximum amount of active alarms and size of alarm history are configurable. By default, the values are Maximum number of active
+alarms = 5000, Maximum number of alarm history = 20,000.
+Alarm definitions can be updated dynamically via REST interface. Default definitions are read from JSON configuration file when FM
+service is deployed.
+Alarm Library
+The Alarm Library provides simple interface for RIC applications (both platform application and xApps) to raise and clear
+alarms. A new alarm instance is created with InitAlarm()-function. ManagedObject (mo) and Application (ap) identities are
+given as parameters for Alarm Context/Object
+The Alarm object contains following parameters:
+    \* SpecificProblem: problem that is the cause of the alarm
+    PerceivedSeverity: The severity of the alarm, see below for possible values
+    \* ManagedObjectId: The name of the managed object that is the cause of the fault
+    \* ApplicationId: The name of the process raised the alarm
+    AdditionalInfo: Additional information given by the application
+    \* IdentifyingInfo: Identifying additional information, which is part of alarm identity
+Items marked with \*, i.e., ManagedObjectId (mo), SpecificProblem (sp), ApplicationId (ap) and IdentifyingInfo (IdentifyingInfo) make
+up the identity of the alarm. All parameters must be according to the alarm definition, i.e. all mandatory parameters should be present,
+and parameters should have correct value type or be from some predefined range. Addressing the same alarm instance in a clear() or reraise()
+call is done by making sure that all four values are the same is in the original raise() / reraise() call.
+Alarm Manager does not allow raising "same alarm" more than once without that the alarm is cleared first. Alarm Manager compares
+ManagedObjectId (mo), SpecificProblem (sp), ApplicationId (ap) and IdentifyingInfo (IdentifyingInfo) parameters to check possible 
+duplicate. If the values are the same then alarm is suppressed. If application raises the "same alarm" but PerceivedSeverity of the alarm
+is changed then Alarm Manager deletes the old alarm and makes new alarm according to new information.
+Alarm APIs
+    Raise: Raises the alarm instance given as a parameter
+    Clear: Clears the alarm instance given as a parameter, if it the alarm active
+    Reraise: Attempts to re-raise the alarm instance given as a parameter
+    ClearAll: Clears all alarms matching moId and appId given as parameters (not supported yet)
+Command line interface
+Through CLI operator can do the following operations:
+ - Check active alarms
+ - Check alarm history
+ - Raise an alarm
+ - Clear an alarm
+ - Configure maximum active alarms and maximum alarms in alarm history
+ - Add new alarm definitions that can be raised
+ - Delete existing alarm definition that can be raised
+CLI commands need to be given inside Alarm Manger pod. To get there first print name of the Alarm Manger pod.
+ kubectl get pods -A | grep alarmmanager
+Output should be look someting like this: 
+ ricplt  deployment-ricplt-alarmmanager-6cc8764749-gnwjh 1/1 running 0  15d
+Then give this command to enter inside the pod. Replace the pod name with the actual name from the printout.
+ kubectl exec -it deployment-ricplt-alarmmanager-6cc8764749-gnwjh bash
+CLI commands can have some of the following parameters
+ - \--moid        ManagedObjectId, example string: RIC 
+ - \--apid        ApplicationId string, example string: UEEC  
+ - \--sp          SpecificProblem, example value: 8007
+ - \--severity    Severity of the alarm, possible values: UNSPECIFIED, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, WARNING, CLEARED or DEFAULT
+ - \--iinfo       Identifying info, a user specified string, example string: INFO-1
+ - \--mal         Maximum number of active alarms, example value 1000
+ - \--mah         Maximum number of alarms in alarm history, example value: 2000
+ - \--aid         Alarm id, example value: 8007
+ - \--atx         Alarm text string, example string: E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB
+ - \--ety         Event type string, example string: Communication error
+ - \--oin         Operation instructions string, example string: Not defined
+ - \--prf         Performance profile id, possible values: 1 = peak performance test or 2 = endurance test
+ - \--nal         Number of alarms, example value: 50
+ - \--aps         Alarms per second, example value: 1
+ - \--tim         Total time of test in minutes, example value: 1 
+ - \--host        Alarm Manager REST address: default value = localhost
+ - \--port        Alarm Manager REST port: default value = 8080
+ - \--if          Used Alarm Manager command interface, http or rmr: default value = http
+ ``Note that there are two minus signs before parameter name!``
+ If parameter contains any white spaces then it must be enclosed in quotation marks like: "INFO 1"
+CLI command examples:
+ Following command are given at top level directory!
+ Check active alarms:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli active [--host] [--port]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli active
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli active --host localhost --port 8080
+ Check alarm history:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli active  [--host] [--port]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli history
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli history --host localhost --port 8080
+ Raise alarm:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli raise --moid --apid --sp --severity --iinfo [--host] [--port] [--if]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli raise --moid RIC --apid UEEC --sp 8007 --severity CRITICAL --iinfo INFO-1
+  Following is meant only for testing and verification purpose!
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli raise --moid RIC --apid UEEC --sp 8007 --severity CRITICAL --iinfo INFO-1 --host localhost --port 8080 --if rmr
+ Clear alarm:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli clear --moid --apid --sp --severity --iinfo [--host] [--port] [--if]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli clear --moid RIC --apid UEEC --sp 8007 --iinfo INFO-1
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli clear --moid RIC --apid UEEC --sp 8007 --iinfo INFO-1 --host localhost --port 8080 --if rmr
+ Configure maximum active alarms and maximum alarms in alarm history:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli configure --mal --mah [--host] [--port]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli configure --mal 1000 --mah 5000
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli configure --mal 1000 --mah 5000 --host localhost --port 8080
+ Add new alarm definition:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli define --aid 8007 --atx "E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB" --ety "Communication error" --oin "Not defined" [--host] [--port]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli define --aid 8007 --atx "E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB" --ety "Communication error" --oin "Not defined"
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli define --aid 8007 --atx "E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB" --ety "Communication error" --oin "Not defined" --host localhost --port 8080
+ Delete existing alarm definition:
+ .. code-block:: none
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli undefine --aid [--host] [--port]
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli undefine --aid 8007
+  Example: cli/alarm-cli undefine --aid 8007 --host localhost --port 8080
+ Conduct performance test:
+ Note that this is meant only for testing and verification purpose!
+ Before any performance test command can be issued, an environment variable needs to be set. The variable holds information where
+ test alarm object file is stored.
+ .. code-block:: none
+  PERF_OBJ_FILE=cli/perf-alarm-object.json
+  Syntax: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf --nal --aps --tim [--host] [--port] [--if]
+  Peak performance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 1 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --if rmr
+  Peak performance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 1 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --if http
+  Peak performance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 1 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --host localhost --port 8080 --if rmr
+  Endurance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 2 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --if rmr
+  Endurance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 2 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --if http
+  Endurance test example: cli/alarm-cli perf --prf 2 --nal 50 --aps 1 --tim 1 --host localhost --port 8080 --if rmr
+REST interface usage guide
+REST interface offers all the same services plus some more that are available via CLI. The CLI also uses the REST interface to implement the services it offers.
+Below are examples for REST interface. Curl tool is used to send REST commands.
+ Check active alarms:
+   Example: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/active" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+ Check alarm history:
+   Example: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/history" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+ Raise alarm:
+   Example: curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"managedObjectId\": \"RIC\", \"applicationId\": \"UEEC\", \"specificProblem\": 8007, \"perceivedSeverity\": \"CRITICAL\", \"additionalInfo\": \"-\", \"identifyingInfo\": \"INFO-1\", \"AlarmAction\": \"RAISE\", \"AlarmTime\": 0}"
+ Clear alarm:
+   Example: curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"managedObjectId\": \"RIC\", \"applicationId\": \"UEEC\", \"specificProblem\": 8007, \"perceivedSeverity\": \"\", \"additionalInfo\": \"-\", \"identifyingInfo\": \"INFO-1\", \"AlarmAction\": \"CLEAR\", \"AlarmTime\": 0}"
+ Get configuration of maximum active alarms and maximum alarms in alarm history:
+   Example: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/config" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+ Configure maximum active alarms and maximum alarms in alarm history:
+   Example: curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/config" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"maxactivealarms\": 1000, \"maxalarmhistory\": 5000}"
+ Get all alarm definitions:
+   Example: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+ Get an alarm definition:
+   Syntax: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define/{alarmId}" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+   Example: curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define/8007" -H  "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+ Add one new alarm definition:
+   Example: curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"alarmdefinitions\": [{\"alarmId\": 8007, \"alarmText\": \"E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB\", \"eventtype\": \"Communication error\", \"operationinstructions\": \"Not defined\"}]}"
+ Add two new alarm definitions:
+   Example: curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"alarmdefinitions\": [{\"alarmId\": 8007, \"alarmText\": \"E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO E-NODEB\", \"eventtype\": \"Communication error\", \"operationinstructions\": \"Not defined\"},{\"alarmId\": 8008, \"alarmText\": \"ACTIVE ALARM EXCEED MAX THRESHOLD\", \"eventtype\": \"storage warning\", \"operationinstructions\": \"Clear alarms or raise threshold\"}]}"
+ Delete one existing alarm definition:
+   Syntax: curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define/{alarmId}" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+   Example: curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/ric/v1/alarms/define/8007" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
+RMR interface usage guide
+Through RMR interface application can only raise and clear alarms. RMR message payload is similar JSON message as in above REST interface use cases.
+ Supported events via RMR interface
+  - Raise alarm
+  - Clear alarm
+  - Reraise alarm
+  - ClearAll alarms (not supported yet)
+Example on how to use the API from Golang code
+Alarm library functions can be used directly from Golang code. Rising and clearing alarms goes via RMR interface from alarm library to Alarm Manager.
+.. code-block:: none
+ package main
+ import (
+    alarm ""
+ )
+ func main() {
+    // Initialize the alarm component
+    alarmer, err := alarm.InitAlarm("my-pod", "my-app")
+    // Create a new Alarm object (SP=8004, etc)
+    alarm := alarmer.NewAlarm(8004, alarm.SeverityMajor, "NetworkDown", "eth0")
+    // Raise an alarm (SP=8004, etc)
+    err := alarmer.Raise(alarm)
+    // Clear an alarm (SP=8004)
+    err := alarmer.Clear(alarm)
+    // Re-raise an alarm (SP=8004)
+    err := alarmer.Reraise(alarm)
+    // Clear all alarms raised by the application - (not supported yet)
+    err := alarmer.ClearAll()
+ }
+Example VES event
+.. code-block:: none
+ INFO[2020-06-08T07:50:10Z]
+ {
+   "event": {
+     "commonEventHeader": {
+       "domain": "fault",
+       "eventId": "fault0000000001",
+       "eventName": "Fault_ricp_E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO G-NODEB",
+       "lastEpochMicrosec": 1591602610944553,
+       "nfNamingCode": "ricp",
+       "priority": "Medium",
+       "reportingEntityId": "035EEB88-7BA2-4C23-A349-3B6696F0E2C4",
+       "reportingEntityName": "Vespa",
+       "sequence": 1,
+       "sourceName": "RIC",
+       "startEpochMicrosec": 1591602610944553,
+       "version": 3
+     },
+     "faultFields": {
+       "alarmCondition": "E2 CONNECTIVITY LOST TO G-NODEB",
+       "eventSeverity": "MAJOR",
+       "eventSourceType": "virtualMachine",
+       "faultFieldsVersion": 2,
+       "specificProblem": "eth12",
+       "vfStatus": "Active"
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ INFO[2020-06-08T07:50:10Z] Schema validation succeeded