push code back with legal issues fix

Change-Id: I0fb323d1dedea5c1c219949684031430e7f7455e
Signed-off-by: ss412g <shuky.har-noy@intl.att.com>
diff --git a/Automation/Scripts/k8s_ms.py b/Automation/Scripts/k8s_ms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9384d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Automation/Scripts/k8s_ms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os, traceback
+import docker
+# Getting the Arguments. if argument are missing exit the script with exit 1
+    ms = sys.argv[1].lower()
+    action = sys.argv[2].lower()
+    script = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+    print("Usage: %s <microservice> <action> for now only stop action is allowd" % \
+            (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
+    sys.exit(1)
+docker_host_ip=os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST_IP', False)
+if not docker_host_ip:
+    print('The DOCKER_HOST_IP env varibale is not defined, exiting!')
+    sys.exit(1)
+def get_ms():
+    try: 
+        client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='tcp://%s:2376' % docker_host_ip)
+        for ms in client.containers.list():
+            if ms.name == sys.argv[1]:
+                cms.append(ms)
+                return cms[0]
+    except:
+        print('Can\'t  connect to docker API, Exiting!')
+        print(traceback.format_exc()) 
+        sys.exit(1)
+if action == 'stop':
+    print('Stop the %s pod'  % ms )
+    get_ms().stop()
+    sys.exit(0)
+    print ('Only stop commnad is allowed!, exiting!')
+    sys.exit(1)