Add alarm generation when application is slow

This change enhances RMR such that it will send alarms to the alarm
manager when the application is not removing messages quickly enough
and causing RMR to drop inbound messages.

Issue-ID: RIC-204

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I23abb439ff4dcde021b517f8edd758767c30d319
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
diff --git a/docs/user-guide.rst b/docs/user-guide.rst
index 63e6fdb..e26313d 100644
--- a/docs/user-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/user-guide.rst
@@ -750,72 +750,228 @@
       :header-rows: 0
       :class: borderless
+      * - **RMR_ASYNC_CONN**
+        -
+          Allows the async connection mode to be turned off (by setting
+          the value to 0). When set to 1, or missing from the
+          environment, RMR will invoke the connection interface in the
+          transport mechanism using the non-blocking (async) mode. This
+          will likely result in many "soft failures" (retry) until the
+          connection is established, but allows the application to
+          continue unimpeded should the connection be slow to set up.
       * - **RMR_BIND_IF**
-          The interface to bind to listen ports to. If not defined
- (all interfaces) is assumed.
-      * - **RMR_RTG_SVC**
-        -
-          This variabe supplies the host:port (or address:port) of the
-          Route Manager (route table generator) process. RMR will
-          attempt to connect to this address port combination and
-          request a route table. If it is desired to prevent RMR from
-          attempting to request a dynamic route table, the value of
-          this variable should be set to "-1." If not set
-          ``routemgr`` is assumed.
+          This provides the interface that RMR will bind listen ports
+          to, allowing for a single interface to be used rather than
+          listening across all interfaces. This should be the IP
+          address assigned to the interface that RMR should listen on,
+          and if not defined RMR will listen on all interfaces.
       * - **RMR_CTL_PORT**
-          This is the port which RMR's route table collector thread
-          will use to listen for RMR messages from the route manager
-          (route table generator). By default this is 4561, and must be
-          unique for each RMR process running on the host/container.
+          This variable defines the port that RMR should open for
+          communications with Route Manager, and other RMR control
+          applications. If not defined, the port 4561 is assumed.
+          Previously, the ``RMR_RTG_SVC`` (route table generator
+          service port) was used to define this port. However, a future
+          version of Route Manager will require RMR to connect and
+          request tables, thus that variable is now used to supply the
+          Route Manager's well-known address and port.
+          To maintain backwards compatibility with the older Route
+          Manager versions, the presence of this variable in the
+          environment will shift RMR's behaviour with respect to the
+          default value used when ``RMR_RTG_SVC`` is **not** defined.
+          When ``RMR_CTL_PORT`` is **defined:** RMR assumes that Route
+          Manager requires RMR to connect and request table updates is
+          made, and the default well-known address for Route manager is
+          used (routemgr:4561).
+          When ``RMR_CTL_PORT`` is **undefined:** RMR assumes that
+          Route Manager will connect and push table updates, thus the
+          default listen port (4561) is used.
+          To avoid any possible misinterpretation and/or incorrect
+          assumptions on the part of RMR, it is recommended that both
+          the ``RMR_CTL_PORT`` and ``RMR_RTG_SVC`` be defined. In the
+          case where both variables are defined, RMR will behave
+          exactly as is communicated with the variable's values.
       * - **RMR_RTREQ_FREQ**
-          When a new route table is needed, the frequency that RMR
-          sends a route table request to the Route Manager defaults to
-          5 seconds. This variable can be used to set the frequency to
-          a value between 1 and 300 seconds inclusive.
+          When RMR needs a new route table it will send a request once
+          every ``n`` seconds. The default value for ``n`` is 5, but
+          can be changed if this variable is set prior to invoking the
+          process. Accepted values are between 1 and 300 inclusive.
-      * - **RMR_SEED_RT**
+      * - **RMR_RTG_SVC**
-          Where RMR expects to find the name of the seed (static) route
-          table. If not defined no static table is read.
+          The value of this variable depends on the Route Manager in
+          use.
+          When the Route Manager is expecting to connect to an xAPP and
+          push route tables, this variable must indicate the
+          ``port`` which RMR should use to listen for these
+          connections.
+          When the Route Manager is expecting RMR to connect and
+          request a table update during initialisation, the variable
+          should be the ``host`` of the Route Manager process.
+          The ``RMR_CTL_PORT`` variable (added with the support of
+          sending table update requests to Route manager), controls the
+          behaviour if this variable is not set. See the description of
+          that variable for details.
+      * - **RMR_HR_LOG**
+        -
+          By default RMR writes messages to standard error (incorrectly
+          referred to as log messages) in human readable format. If
+          this environment variable is set to 0, the format of standard
+          error messages might be written in some format not easily
+          read by humans. If missing, a value of 1 is assumed.
+      * - **RMR_LOG_VLEVEL**
+        -
+          This is a numeric value which corresponds to the verbosity
+          level used to limit messages written to standard error. The
+          lower the number the less chatty RMR functions are during
+          execution. The following is the current relationship between
+          the value set on this variable and the messages written:
+              .. list-table::
+                :widths: auto
+                :header-rows: 0
+                :class: borderless
+                * - **0**
+                  -
+                    Off; no messages of any sort are written.
+                * - **1**
+                  -
+                    Only critical messages are written (default if this variable
+                    does not exist)
+                * - **2**
+                  -
+                    Errors and all messages written with a lower value.
+                * - **3**
+                  -
+                    Warnings and all messages written with a lower value.
+                * - **4**
+                  -
+                    Informational and all messages written with a lower value.
+                * - **5**
+                  -
+                    Debugging mode -- all messages written, however this requires
+                    RMR to have been compiled with debugging support enabled.
       * - **RMR_RTG_ISRAW**
-          If the value set to 0, RMR expects the route table manager
-          messages to be messages with and RMR header. If this is not
-          defined messages are assumed to be "raw" (without an RMR
-          header.
+          **Deprecated.** Should be set to 1 if the route table
+          generator is sending "plain" messages (not using RMR to send
+          messages), 0 if the RTG is using RMR to send. The default is
+          1 as we don't expect the RTG to use RMR.
+          This variable is only recognised when using the NNG transport
+          library as it is not possible to support NNG "raw"
+          communications with other transport libraries. It is also
+          necessary to match the value of this variable with the
+          capabilities of the Route Manager; at some point in the
+          future RMR will assume that all Route Manager messages will
+          arrive via an RMR connection and will ignore this variable.
+      * - **RMR_SEED_RT**
+        -
+          This is used to supply a static route table which can be used
+          for debugging, testing, or if no route table generator
+          process is being used to supply the route table. If not
+          defined, no static table is used and RMR will not report
+          *ready* until a table is received. The static route table may
+          contain both the route table (between newrt start and end
+          records), and the MEID map (between meid_map start and end
+          records).
+      * - **RMR_SRC_ID**
+        -
+          This is either the name or IP address which is placed into
+          outbound messages as the message source. This will used when
+          an RMR based application uses the rmr_rts_msg() function to
+          return a response to the sender. If not supplied RMR will use
+          the hostname which in some container environments might not
+          be routable.
+          The value of this variable is also used for Route Manager
+          messages which are sent via an RMR connection.
       * - **RMR_VCTL_FILE**
-          Provides a file which is used to set the verbose level of the
-          route table collection thread. The first line of the file is
-          read and expected to contain an integer value to set the
-          verbose level. The value may be changed at any time and the
-          route table thread will adjust accordingly.
+          This supplies the name of a verbosity control file. The core
+          RMR functions do not produce messages unless there is a
+          critical failure. However, the route table collection thread,
+          not a part of the main message processing component, can
+          write additional messages to standard error. If this variable
+          is set, RMR will extract the verbosity level for these
+          messages (0 is silent) from the first line of the file.
+          Changes to the file are detected and thus the level can be
+          changed dynamically, however RMR will only suss out this
+          variable during initialisation, so it is impossible to enable
+          verbosity after startup.
-      * - **RMR_SRC_NAMEONLY**
+      * - **RMR_WARNINGS**
-          If the value of this variable is greater than 0, RMR will not
-          permit the IP address to be sent as the message source. Only
-          the host name will be sent as the source in the message
-          header.
+          If set to 1, RMR will write some warnings which are
+          non-performance impacting. If the variable is not defined, or
+          set to 0, RMR will not write these additional warnings.
+There are other, non-RMR, variables which may exist and are
+used by RMR. These variable names are not under the control
+of RMR, so they are subject to change without potentiallyb
+being reflected in either RMR's code, or this document. The
+following is a list of these environment variables.
+    .. list-table::
+      :widths: auto
+      :header-rows: 0
+      :class: borderless
+        -
+          This is the DNS name, or IP address, of the process which is
+          listening for RMR alarm messages. If this variable is
+          missing, ``service-ricplt-alarmmanager-rmr`` is assumed.
+        -
+          This is the port that the alarm manager is using to accept
+          RMR messages. If the environment variable is missing the
+          value ``4560`` is assumed.
+Logging and Alarms
-RMR does **not** use any logging libraries; any error or
-warning messages are written to standard error. RMR messages
-are written with one of three prefix strings:
+As with nearly all UNIX libraries, errors, warnings and
+informational messages are written in plain text to the
+standard error device (stderr). All RMR messages are prefixed
+with the current time (in milliseconds past the standard UNIX
+epoch), the process ID, and a severity indicator. RMR
+messages are written with one of three severity strings:
     .. list-table::
@@ -847,6 +1003,42 @@
+Log message supression
+For the most part, the *fast path* code in RMR does no
+logging; even when messages are squelched, there is a
+non-zero cosst to check for the setting each time a potential
+message is to be written. To that end, RMRM will log only
+severe errors once initialisation has completed. An exception
+to this policy exists in the route table collection thread.
+The thread of execution which collects route table updates
+does not need to be concerned with performance, and as such
+has the potential to log its actions in a very verbose
+manner. The environment variable `` RMR_VCTL_FILE `` can be
+used to define a file where the desired verbosity level (0 to
+4 where 0 is off) can be placed. If the environment variable
+is not set when the process starts, RMR will assume that the
+file ``/tmp/rmr.v`` will be used. Beginning with version
+4.6.0 this file does **not** need to exist when the process
+is started. To change the verbosity level, the desired value
+is written to the file on the first line.
+The route table colleciton thread is also responsible for
+watching for situations which need to be reported as alarms
+to the platform's alarm management service. When a state
+exists RMR will create and send an alarm (via RMR message) to
+the alarm service, and will send a *clear* message when the
+state no longer exists. Currently RMR will alarm only when
+the application is not removing messages from the receive
+ring quicklye enough causing RMR to drop messages as they are