enhance(test): Add route generation simulator

The simulator provids the means to generate one or more
route tables which are delivered through the RMr route table
collector thread.

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <daniels@research.att.com>
Change-Id: I95d73ad5a0dc28c380bed2b9cb314a8b646429d8
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <daniels@research.att.com>
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/BUILD b/test/rtg_sim/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2feee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#       Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+#       Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+To build the rtm_sim application, the expected CMake "process" is followed
+and described below:
+	mkdir .build
+	cd .build
+	cmake ..
+	make package
+This will generate at least a .deb, and if the underlying system can support
+it an RPM package as well.
+Once installed, the rtm_sim application can be started from the command line:
+	rtm_sim config-file-name
+The config file defines the table(s) which are to be constructed and distributed
+to applications.
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/CMakeLists.txt b/test/rtg_sim/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6753dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+#	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+# simulate the route table manager
+project( rtm_sim LANGUAGES C )
+cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
+set( major_version "1" )
+set( minor_version "0" )
+set( patch_level "1" )
+set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -Wall -I /usr/local/include" )
+find_library( nanomsg libnanomsg.a )
+find_program( rpm NAMES rpmbuild )					# rpm package gen requires this to be installed
+if( "${rpm}" MATCHES "rpm-NOTFOUND" ) 				# cannot build rpm
+	set( pkg_list "DEB" )
+	message( "+++ `make package` will generate only deb package; cannot find support to generate rpm packages" )
+	set( pkg_list "DEB;RPM" )
+	message( "+++ `make package` will generate both deb and rpm packages" )
+add_executable( rtm_sim rtm_sim.c )
+target_link_libraries( rtm_sim nanomsg )
+	TARGETS rtm_sim
+	DESTINATION /usr/local/bin
+IF( EXISTS "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CPack.cmake" )
+	include( InstallRequiredSystemLibraries )
+	set( CPACK_set_DESTDIR "on" )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX "${install_root}" )
+	set( CPACK_GENERATOR ${pkg_list} )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION "Simplistic route table manager simulator." )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "RT manager simulation" )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "${major_version}" )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "${minor_version}" )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "${patch_level}" )
+	set( CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "rtm_sim-${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" )
+	# we build and ship the libraries, so there is NO dependency
+	set( CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "libnanomsg0 (>=0.4)" )
+	INCLUDE( CPack )
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/README b/test/rtg_sim/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ab2b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/README
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#       Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+#       Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+The rtm_sim is an extremely simple application which reads a configuration
+file, builds one or more route tables, and sends the table(s) to the
+indicated applications.  The applications are assumed to be RMr based
+applications which are listening either on a well known port (4561) for
+table updates, or on a port which is indicated in the config file.
+The sim is _not_ intended to be a complete replacement for any route
+table mangager, but simply allows the ability to:
+	1) ensure that the RMr based application can receive real-time
+	   table updates (thus is configured correctly with the needed
+	   port properly exposed via the container environment if
+	   applicable).
+	2) allow the generation of one or more route tables from a central
+	   point during testing without having to run a more complicated
+	   route manager for basic testing.
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.c b/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d58472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+// :vi ts=4 sw=4 noet:
+	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+	Mnemonic: 	req_rep.c
+	Abstract:	A "library" module which allows a programme to easily be a requestor
+				or replier.  Some functions are compatable with publishing (mbuf
+				allocation and management).  Underlying we use the NN_PAIR and NOT
+				the req/rep model as that model is an inflexible, lock step, exchange
+				which does not lend well for a request that results in more than one
+				response messages, or no response.
+				The user must be aware that once a session is established on the
+				host:port listener, another session will not be accepted until the
+				first is terminated; nano makes no provision for multiple concurrent
+				sesssions with either the PAIR or REQ/RESP models.
+				We also support starting the publisher socket as the buffer and
+				send functions can be used for the publisher too.
+				CAUTION:  this is based on nanomsg, not NNG. The underlying protocols
+					are compatable, and because NNG has an emulation mode it is possible
+					to link successsfully with the nng library, BUT that will not
+					work here.   Link only with nanomsg.
+	Date:		18 January 2018
+	Author: 	E. Scott Daniels
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <nanomsg/nn.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pair.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pipeline.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pubsub.h>
+#include "req_resp.h"
+#define NULL_SOCKET 0		// fluff that is treated like a nil pointer check by coverage checker
+	Connect to the host as a requestor. returns context if
+	successful.
+extern void* rr_connect( char* host, char* port ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx = NULL;
+	char	wbuf[1024];
+	int		state;
+	if( host == NULL || port == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof *ctx );
+	if( ctx == NULL ) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	//ctx->nn_sock = nn_socket( AF_SP, NN_PAIR );
+	ctx->nn_sock = nn_socket( AF_SP, NN_PUSH );
+	if( ctx->nn_sock < NULL_SOCKET ) {
+		free( ctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	snprintf( wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ), "tcp://%s:%s", host, port );
+	state = nn_connect( ctx->nn_sock, wbuf );
+	if( state < 0 ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "rr_conn: connect failed: %s: %d %s\n", wbuf, errno, strerror( errno ) );
+		nn_close( ctx->nn_sock );
+		free( ctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	//fprintf( stderr, "rr_conn: connect successful: %s\n", wbuf );
+	return (void *) ctx;
+	Set up as a listener on any interface with the given port.
+extern void* rr_start_listening( char* port ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	char	wbuf[1024];
+	int		state;
+	if( port == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof *ctx );
+	if( ctx == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	//ctx->nn_sock = nn_socket( AF_SP, NN_PAIR );
+	ctx->nn_sock = nn_socket( AF_SP, NN_PULL );
+	if( ctx->nn_sock < NULL_SOCKET ) {
+		free( ctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	snprintf( wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ), "tcp://", port );
+	state = nn_bind( ctx->nn_sock, wbuf );
+	if( state < 0 ) {
+		nn_close( ctx->nn_sock );
+		free( ctx );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return (void *) ctx;
+	Configure and bind the publisher. Port is a string as it's probably read from
+	the command line, so no need to atoi() it for us.  We can use the rr_* functions
+	for message buffers and sending, so we reuse their context rather than define our
+	own.
+extern void*  open_publisher( char*  port ) {
+	rr_ctx_t*	pctx;
+	char		conn_info[1024];
+	if( (pctx = (rr_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof( *pctx )) ) == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+    pctx->nn_sock = nn_socket( AF_SP, NN_PUB );		// publishing socket
+    if( pctx->nn_sock < 0 ) {
+        fprintf( stderr, "[CRI] unable to open publish socket: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
+		free( pctx );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+	snprintf( conn_info, sizeof( conn_info ), "tcp://", port );			// listen on any interface
+    if( nn_bind( pctx->nn_sock, conn_info ) < 0) {									// bind and automatically accept client sessions
+        fprintf (stderr, "[CRI] unable to bind publising port: %s: %s\n", port, strerror( errno ) );
+        nn_close ( pctx->nn_sock );
+		free( pctx );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+	return (void *) pctx;
+extern rr_mbuf_t* rr_new_buffer( rr_mbuf_t* mb, int len ) {
+	if( ! mb ) {
+		mb = (rr_mbuf_t *) malloc( sizeof( *mb ) );
+		mb->size = len;
+		mb->payload = NULL;
+	} else {
+		if( mb->size < len ) {					// if requested len is larger than current payload
+			nn_freemsg( mb->payload );
+			mb->payload = NULL;
+		} else {
+			len = mb->size;
+		}
+	}
+	mb->used = 0;
+	if( len > 0 && !mb->payload ) {								// allow a payloadless buffer to be allocated
+		mb->payload = nn_allocmsg( len, 0 );
+	}
+	return mb;
+	Closes the currently open session.
+extern void rr_close( void* vctx ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if( ctx->nn_sock < NULL_SOCKET ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	nn_close( ctx->nn_sock );
+	ctx->nn_sock = -1;
+extern void rr_free( void* vctx ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	rr_close( ctx );
+	nn_term();
+	free( ctx );
+extern void rr_free_mbuf( rr_mbuf_t* mbuf ) {
+	if( mbuf->payload ) {
+		nn_freemsg( mbuf->payload );
+		mbuf->payload = NULL;
+		mbuf->used = -2;				// just in case they held a pointer and try to use it
+	}
+	free( mbuf );
+extern rr_mbuf_t*  rr_receive( void* vctx, rr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int len ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( ctx->nn_sock < 0 ) {
+		errno = ESTALE;					// stale/bad socket fd
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	mbuf = rr_new_buffer( mbuf, len );
+	if( mbuf == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	*mbuf->payload = 0;
+	if( (mbuf->used = nn_recv( ctx->nn_sock, mbuf->payload, mbuf->size, 0 )) > 0 ) {
+		errno = 0;						// nano doesn't seem to clear errno here
+	}
+	return mbuf;
+extern rr_mbuf_t* rr_send( void* vctx, rr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int alloc_buf ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	int len;
+	int state;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( ctx->nn_sock < 0 ) {
+		errno = ESTALE;					// stale/bad socket fd
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( ! mbuf ) {
+		errno = ENOBUFS;			// not quite right, but close enough
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( ! mbuf->payload ) {			// no payload????
+		errno = EFAULT;				// nil is a bad address after all :)
+		return mbuf;
+	}
+	errno = 0;
+	//fprintf( stderr, "rrsend is sending %d bytes....\n", mbuf->used );
+	if( (state = nn_send( ctx->nn_sock, &mbuf->payload, NN_MSG, 0 )) > 0 ) {
+		//fprintf( stderr, "send ok to %d:  %d %s\n", ctx->nn_sock, state, strerror( errno ) );
+		mbuf->used = 0;
+		if( alloc_buf ) {
+			mbuf->payload = nn_allocmsg( mbuf->size, 0 );					// allocate the next send buffer
+		} else {
+			mbuf->payload = NULL;
+			mbuf->used = -1;
+		}
+		errno = 0;
+	} else {
+		fprintf( stderr, "send failed %d %s\n", state, strerror( errno ) );
+	}
+	return mbuf;
+	Set the receive timeout to time. If time >100 we assume the time is milliseconds,
+	else we assume seconds. Setting -1 is always block.
+	Returns the nn value (0 on success <0 on error).
+extern int rr_rcv_to( void* vctx, int time ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( time > 0 ) {
+		if( time < 100 ) {
+			time = time * 1000;			// assume seconds, nn wants ms
+		}
+	}
+	return nn_setsockopt( ctx->nn_sock, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_RCVTIMEO, &time, sizeof( time ) );
+	Set the send timeout to time. If time >100 we assume the time is milliseconds,
+	else we assume seconds. Setting -1 is always block.
+	Returns the nn value (0 on success <0 on error).
+extern int rr_send_to( void* vctx, int time ) {
+	rr_ctx_t* ctx;
+	if( (ctx = (rr_ctx_t *) vctx) == NULL ) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( time > 0 ) {
+		if( time < 100 ) {
+			time = time * 1000;			// assume seconds, nn wants ms
+		}
+	}
+	return nn_setsockopt( ctx->nn_sock, NN_SOL_SOCKET, NN_SNDTIMEO, &time, sizeof( time ) );
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.h b/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0473c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/req_resp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// :vi ts=4 sw=4 noet:
+	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+#ifndef _req_resp_h
+#define _req_resp_h
+	A message buffer that can be used for either req/resp context setup
+	or for publishing in a pub/sub setup.
+typedef struct rr_mbuf {
+	int	used;			// bytes actually used
+	int size;			// allocated size of payload
+	char*	payload;
+} rr_mbuf_t;
+	A 'context' to interface with nano; so far very simple, but could
+	expand, so we use the struct.
+typedef struct rr_ctx {
+	int	nn_sock;
+} rr_ctx_t;
+// ---- prototypes for the rr library ----------------------
+// vctx is the pointer returned by the connect or start listening functions
+// and is passed to nearly all other functions.
+extern void* rr_connect( char* host, char* port );
+extern void* rr_start_listening( char* port );
+extern rr_mbuf_t* rr_new_buffer(  rr_mbuf_t* mb, int len );
+extern void rr_close( void* vctx );
+extern void rr_free( void* vctx );
+extern void rr_free_mbuf( rr_mbuf_t* mbuf );
+extern void*  open_publisher( char*  port );
+extern int rr_rcv_to( void* vctx, int time );
+extern int rr_send_to( void* vctx, int time );
+extern rr_mbuf_t*  rr_receive( void* vctx, rr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int len );
+extern rr_mbuf_t* rr_send( void* vctx, rr_mbuf_t* mbuf, int alloc_buf );
diff --git a/test/rtg_sim/rtm_sim.c b/test/rtg_sim/rtm_sim.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rtg_sim/rtm_sim.c
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+// :vim ts=4 sw=4 noet:
+	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+	Mnemonic:	rtm_sim.c
+	Abstract:	This is a simple route manager simulation which provides the ability
+				to push a route table into one or more xAPPs. Designed just to
+				drive the internal RMr route table collector outside of the static
+				file allowing for testing of port definition in some containerised
+				environments.
+				This application does not persist; it generates a set of tables based
+				on the config file, connects to all applications listed, distributes
+				the table, and exits.  If periodic delivery of one or more different
+				configurations needs to be executed, use a shell script to wrap this
+				application in a loop.
+	Date:		14 June 2019
+	Author:		E. Scott Daniels
+config file format:
+	# 	comment and blank lines allowed
+	#	trailing comments allowed
+	# port is used for any app listed in send2 which does not have a trailing :port
+	# it may be supplied as a different value before each table, and if not
+	# redefined applies to all subsequent tables.
+	#
+	# A table consists of a send2 list (app[:port]) which are the applications that will
+	# receive the table. Each table may contain one or more entries.  Entries define
+	# the message type and subscription ID, along with one or more round robin groups.
+	# A rrgroup is one or more app:port "endpoints" which RMr will use when sending
+	# messages of the indicated type/subid.  Port on a rrgroup is rquired and is the
+	# port that the application uses for app to app communications.
+	#
+	port:	xapp-rtg-listen-port	# 4561 default
+	table:
+		send2: app1:port app2:port ... appn:port
+		entry:
+			mtype:	n
+			subid:	n
+			rrgroup:	app:port... app:port
+		entry:
+			mtype: n
+			subid: n
+			rrgroup: app:port ... app:port
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+#include  <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "req_resp.c"		// simple nano interface for request/response connections
+#define CONNECTED	1		// we've established a shunt connection to the app
+#define TRUE		1
+#define FALSE		0
+#define ALLOC_NEW	1		// rrsend should allocate a new buffer
+#define MAX_TABLES	16		// total tables we support
+#define MAX_SEND2	64		// max number of apps that a table can be sent to
+#define MAX_APPS	1024	// max total apps defined (tables * send2)
+#define MAX_GROUPS	64		// max num of round robin groups per entry
+#define MAX_RRG_SIZE 64		// max number of apps in a group
+#define MAX_ENTRIES	256		// max entries in a table
+#define MAX_TOKENS	512		// max tokens we'll break a buffer into
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	Things we need to track for an application.
+typedef struct app {
+	void*	shunt;			// the rr context to shunt directly to an app
+	int		state;			// connected or not
+	char*	name;			// IP address or DNS name and port for connecting
+	char*	port;			// rr wants two strings as it builds it's own NN string
+} app_t;
+// ----- table stuff (very staticly sized, but this isn't for prod) ----------------------
+	A round robin group in a table entry
+typedef struct rrgroup {
+	int napps;						// number of apps
+	char*	apps[MAX_RRG_SIZE];
+} rrgroup_t;
+	A single table entry.
+typedef struct entry {
+	int		mtype;					// entry message type
+	int		subid;					// entry sub id
+	int		ngroups;
+	rrgroup_t	groups[MAX_GROUPS];	// the entry's groups
+} entry_t;
+	Defines a table which we will distribute.
+typedef struct table {
+	int		napps;						// number of apps this table is sent to
+	int		first_app;					// first app in minfo that we send to
+	int		nentries;					// number of entries
+	entry_t	entries[MAX_ENTRIES];
+} table_t;
+	Master set of contextual information.
+typedef struct master {
+	int		napps;				// number in use (next insert point)
+	int		ntables;
+	int		port;				// the port applications open by default for our connections
+	app_t	apps[MAX_APPS];
+	table_t	tables[MAX_TABLES];
+} master_t;
+	Record buffer; file in memory which can be iterated over a record at a time.
+typedef struct rbuffer {
+	char*	buffer;				// stuff read from file
+	char*	rec;				// next record
+	int		at_end;				// true if end was reached
+} rbuffer_t;
+	Set of tokens.
+typedef struct tokens {
+	char*	buffer;					// buffer that tokens points into
+	int		ntoks;					// number of tokens in tokens
+	char*	tokens[MAX_TOKENS];		// pointers into buffer at the start of each token 0..ntokens-1
+} tokens_t;
+// ----- token utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
+	Frees a token manager.
+static void free_tokens( tokens_t* t ) {
+	if( t == NULL ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	free( t );
+	Simple tokeniser.  If sep is whitespace, then leading whitespace (all, not just
+	sep) is ignored; if sep is not whitespace, then leadign whitespace is included
+	in the first token.  If sep is whitespace, consecutive instances of whitespace
+	are treated as a single seperator:
+		if sep given as space, then
+		"bug boo" and "bug     boo"  both generate two tokens: (bug) (boo)
+		if sep given as pipe (|), then
+		"bug||boo"   generates three tokens:  (bug), (), (boo)
+	Each token is a zero terminated string.
+static tokens_t* tokenise( char* buf, char sep ) {
+	tokens_t*	t;
+	int			i;
+	char		end_sep;		// if quoted endsep will be the quote mark
+	if( !buf || !(*buf) ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	t = (tokens_t *) malloc( sizeof( *t ) );
+	memset( t, 0, sizeof( *t ) );
+	t->buffer = strdup( buf );
+	buf = t->buffer;					// convenience
+	if( isspace( sep ) ) {										// if sep is in whitespace class
+		while( buf != NULL && *buf && isspace( *buf ) ) {		// pass over any leading whitespace
+			buf++;
+		}
+		for( i = 0; i < strlen( buf ); i++ ) {
+			if( buf[i] == '\t' ) {
+				buf[i] = ' ';
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	while( buf != NULL && t->ntoks < MAX_TOKENS && *buf  ) {
+		if( *buf == '"' ) {
+			end_sep = '"';
+			buf++;
+		} else {
+			end_sep = sep;
+		}
+		t->tokens[t->ntoks++] = buf;						// capture token start
+		if( (buf = strchr( buf, end_sep )) != NULL ) {			// find token end
+			*(buf++) = 0;
+			if( end_sep != sep ) {
+				buf++;
+			}
+			if( isspace( sep ) ) {				// treat consec seperators as one if sep is whitespace
+				while( *buf == sep ) {
+					buf++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return t;
+// ----- file/record management utilities ------------------------------------------------------------
+	Read an entire file into a single buffer.
+static char* f2b( char* fname ) {
+	struct stat	stats;
+	off_t		fsize = 8192;	// size of the file
+	off_t		nread;			// number of bytes read
+	int			fd;
+	char*		buf;			// input buffer
+	if( (fd = open( fname, O_RDONLY )) >= 0 ) {
+		if( fstat( fd, &stats ) >= 0 ) {
+			if( stats.st_size <= 0 ) {					// empty file
+				close( fd );
+				fd = -1;
+			} else {
+				fsize = stats.st_size;						// stat ok, save the file size
+			}
+		} else {
+			fsize = 8192; 								// stat failed, we'll leave the file open and try to read a default max of 8k
+		}
+	}
+	if( fd < 0 ) {											// didn't open or empty
+		if( (buf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * 1 )) == NULL ) {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		*buf = 0;
+		return buf;
+	}
+	if( (buf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * fsize + 2 )) == NULL ) {		// enough to add nil char to make string
+		close( fd );
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	nread = read( fd, buf, fsize );
+	if( nread < 0 || nread > fsize ) {							// failure of some kind
+		free( buf );
+		errno = EFBIG;											// likely too much to handle
+		close( fd );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	buf[nread] = 0;
+	close( fd );
+	return buf;
+	Read a file into a buffer, and set a record buffer to manage it.
+static rbuffer_t* f2r( char* fname ) {
+	char*		raw; 			// raw buffer
+	rbuffer_t*	r;
+	if( (raw = f2b( fname )) == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	r = (rbuffer_t *) malloc( sizeof( *r ) );
+	memset( r, 0, sizeof( *r ) );
+	r->buffer = raw;
+	r->rec = raw;							// point at first (only) record
+	Return a pointer to the next record in the buffer, or nil if at
+	end of buffer.
+static char* next_rec( rbuffer_t* r ) {
+	char*	rec;
+	if( !r || r->at_end ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	rec = r->rec;
+	r->rec = strchr( r->rec, '\n' );
+	if( r->rec ) {
+		*r->rec = 0;
+		r->rec++;
+		if( *r->rec == 0 ) {
+			r->at_end = TRUE;
+		}
+	} else {
+		r->at_end = TRUE;				// mark for next call
+	}
+	return rec;
+static void free_rbuf( rbuffer_t* r ) {
+	if( r != NULL ) {
+		if( r->buffer != NULL ) {
+			free( r->buffer );
+		}
+		free( r );
+	}
+// ----- table management ------------------------------------------------------------
+	Run the app list and attempt to open a shunt to any unconnected application.
+	Returns the number of applications that could not be connected to.
+static int connect2all( master_t* mi ) {
+	int	errors = 0;
+	int i;
+	if( mi == NULL ) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	for( i = 0; i < mi->napps; i++ ) {
+		if( mi->apps[i].state != CONNECTED ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "[INF] opening shunt to: %s:%s\n", mi->apps[i].name, mi->apps[i].port );
+			mi->apps[i].shunt = rr_connect( mi->apps[i].name, mi->apps[i].port );
+			if( mi->apps[i].shunt == NULL) {
+				errors++;
+			} else {
+				fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] shunt created to: %s:%s\n", mi->apps[i].name, mi->apps[i].port );
+				mi->apps[i].state = CONNECTED;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return errors;
+	Add an application to the current table.
+static void add_app( master_t* mi, char* app_name ) {
+	char	wbuf[256];
+	char*	app_port;
+	char*	ch;
+	if( mi == NULL || app_name == NULL ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if( mi->napps > MAX_APPS ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "[WARN] too many applications, ignoring: %s\n", app_name );
+	}
+	if( (ch = strchr( app_name, ':' )) == NULL ) {		// assume we are using the default rm listen port
+		snprintf( wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ), "%d", mi->port );
+		app_port = wbuf;
+	} else {
+		*(ch++) = 0;									// name port given, split and point at port
+		app_port = ch;
+	}
+	mi->apps[mi->napps].name = strdup( app_name );
+	mi->apps[mi->napps].port = strdup( app_port );
+	mi->apps[mi->napps].state = !CONNECTED;
+	mi->napps++;
+	Initialise things; returns a master info context.
+static master_t* init( char* cfname ) {
+	master_t*	mi;
+	char		wbuf[128];
+	rbuffer_t*	rb;							// record manager for reading config file
+	char*		rec;
+	tokens_t*	tokens;
+	int			i;
+	int			errors;
+	char*		tok;
+	table_t*	table = NULL;
+	rrgroup_t*	rrg = NULL;
+	entry_t*	entry = NULL;
+	int			rec_num = 0;
+	mi = (master_t *) malloc( sizeof( *mi ) );
+	if( mi == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	memset( mi, 0, sizeof( *mi ) );
+	mi->port = 4561;
+	rb = f2r( cfname );						// get a record buffer to parse the config file
+	if( rb == NULL ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] unable to open config file: %s: %s\n", cfname, strerror( errno ) );
+		free( mi );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	while( (rec = next_rec( rb )) != NULL ) {
+		if( *rec ) {
+			rec_num++;
+			tokens = tokenise( rec, ' ' );
+			fprintf( stderr, "parsing %d: %s\n", rec_num, rec );
+			for( i = 0; i < tokens->ntoks && *tokens->tokens[i] != '#'; i++ );			// simple comment strip
+			tokens->ntoks = i;
+			if( tokens->ntoks > 0 ) {
+				tok = tokens->tokens[0];
+				switch( *tok ) {					// faster jump table based on 1st ch; strcmp only if needed later
+					case '#':
+						break;
+					case 'e':
+						if( table != NULL  && table->nentries < MAX_ENTRIES ) {
+							entry = &table->entries[table->nentries++];
+							entry->subid = -1;			// no subscription id if user omits
+						} else {
+							fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d no table started, or table full\n", rec_num );
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'm':
+						if( entry != NULL ) {
+							entry->mtype = atoi( tokens->tokens[1] );
+						} else {
+							fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d no entry started\n", rec_num );
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'p':
+						if( tokens->ntoks > 1 ) {
+							mi->port = atoi( tokens->tokens[1] );
+							if( mi->port < 1000 ) {
+								fprintf( stderr, "[WRN] @%d assigned default xAPP port smells fishy: %s\n", rec_num, tokens->tokens[1] );
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'r':							// round robin group
+						if( entry != NULL && entry->ngroups < MAX_GROUPS ) {
+							if( tokens->ntoks < MAX_RRG_SIZE ) {
+								rrg = &entry->groups[entry->ngroups++];
+								for( i = 1; i < tokens->ntoks; i++ ) {
+									rrg->apps[rrg->napps++] = strdup( tokens->tokens[i] );
+								}
+							} else {
+								fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d round robin group too big.\n", rec_num );
+							}
+						} else {
+							fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d no previous entry, or entry is full\n", rec_num );
+						}
+						break;
+					case 's':
+						if( *(tok+1) == 'e' ) {			// send2
+							if( table != NULL && tokens->ntoks < MAX_SEND2  ) {
+								table->first_app = mi->napps;
+								for( i = 1; i < tokens->ntoks; i++ ) {
+									add_app( mi, tokens->tokens[i] );
+								}
+								table->napps = tokens->ntoks - 1;
+							}
+						} else {						// subid
+							if( entry != NULL ) {
+								entry->subid = atoi( tokens->tokens[1] );
+							} else {
+								fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d no entry started\n", rec_num );
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case 't':
+						entry = NULL;
+						if( mi->ntables < MAX_TABLES ) {
+							table = &mi->tables[mi->ntables++];
+						} else {
+							fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] @%d too many tables defined\n", rec_num );
+							table = NULL;
+						}
+						break;
+					default:
+						fprintf( stderr, "record from config was ignored: %s\n", rec );
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free_rbuf( rb );
+	return mi;
+	Build a buffer with the entry n from table t. Both entry and table
+	numbers are 0 based.
+	Caller must free returned buffer.
+static char* mk_entry( master_t* mi, int table, int entry ) {
+	char		wbuf[4096];
+	char		sbuf[256];
+	table_t*	tab;
+	entry_t*	ent;
+	int			i;
+	int			j;
+	int			len;
+	int			alen;
+	if( !mi || mi->ntables <= table ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	tab = &mi->tables[table];
+	if( tab->nentries <= entry ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ent = &tab->entries[entry];
+	snprintf( wbuf, sizeof( wbuf ), "mse | %d | %d | ", ent->mtype, ent->subid  );			// we only generate mse records
+	len = strlen( wbuf );
+	for( i = 0; i < ent->ngroups; i++ ) {
+		if( i ) {
+			strcat( wbuf, "; " );
+		}
+		for( j = 0; j < ent->groups[i].napps; j++ ) {
+			alen = strlen( ent->groups[i].apps[j] ) + 3;				// not percise, but close enough for testing
+			if( alen + len > sizeof( wbuf ) ) {
+				fprintf( stderr, "[ERR] entry %d for table %d is too large to format\n", entry, table );
+				return NULL;
+			}
+			if( j ) {
+				strcat( wbuf, "," );
+			}
+			strcat( wbuf, ent->groups[i].apps[j] );
+		}
+	}
+	strcat( wbuf, "\n" );
+	return strdup( wbuf );
+	Sends a buffer to all apps in the range.
+void send2range( master_t* mi, char* buf, int first, int n2send ) {
+	int			a;						// application offset in master array
+	int			last;					// stopping point (index)
+	rr_mbuf_t*	mbuf = NULL;
+	if( !mi  ) {											// safe to dance
+		return;
+	}
+	a = first;
+	last = first + n2send;
+	mbuf = rr_new_buffer( mbuf, strlen( buf ) + 5 );		// ensure buffer is large enough
+	while(  a < last ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "%s ", mi->apps[a].name );
+		memcpy( mbuf->payload, buf, strlen( buf ) );
+		mbuf->used = strlen( buf );
+		mbuf = rr_send( mi->apps[a].shunt, mbuf, ALLOC_NEW );
+		a++;
+		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+	}
+	rr_free_mbuf( mbuf );
+	Formats the entries for the table and sends to all applications that the
+	table should be sent to per the send2 directive in the config.
+static void send_table( master_t* mi, int table ) {
+	table_t*	tab;
+	char*		ent;				// entry string to send
+	int			e = 0;				// entry number
+	int			a;
+	int			last;
+	rr_mbuf_t*	mbuf = NULL;
+	if( !mi || table > mi->ntables ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	tab = &mi->tables[table];
+	fprintf( stderr, "[INF] send table start message: " );
+	send2range( mi, "newrt | start\n", tab->first_app, tab->napps );		// send table start req to all
+	while( (ent = mk_entry( mi, table, e++ )) != NULL ) {					// build each entry once, send to all
+		fprintf( stderr, "[INF] sending table %d entry %d: ", table, e );
+		send2range( mi, ent, tab->first_app, tab->napps );
+	}
+	fprintf( stderr, "[INF] send table end message: " );
+	send2range( mi, "newrt | end\n", tab->first_app, tab->napps );		// send table end notice to all
+	Run the list of tables and send them all out.
+static void send_all_tables( master_t* mi ) {
+	int i;
+	if( ! mi ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	for( i = 0; i < mi->ntables; i++ ) {
+		send_table( mi, i );
+	}
+// ----------------- testing ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	Dump table entries in the form we'll send to apps to stderr.
+static void print_tables( master_t* mi ) {
+	char* 	ent;
+	int		t;
+	int		e;
+	if( ! mi ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	for( t = 0; t < mi->ntables; t++ ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "=== table %d ===\n", t );
+		e = 0;
+		while( (ent = mk_entry( mi, t, e++ )) != NULL ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "%s", ent );
+			free( ent );
+		}
+	}
+static void print_tokens( tokens_t* tokens ) {
+	int i;
+	fprintf( stderr, "there are %d tokens\n", tokens->ntoks );
+	for( i = 0; i < tokens->ntoks; i++ ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "[%02d] (%s)\n", i, tokens->tokens[i] );
+	}
+static void self_test( char* fname ) {
+	char*	s0 = "		  Now is   the time for     all    to stand up and cheer!";
+	char*	s1 = "		  Now is   \"the time for     all\"    to stand up and cheer!";
+	char*	s2 = " field1 | field2||field4|field5";
+	tokens_t*	tokens;
+	rbuffer_t 	*rb;
+	int i;
+	tokens = tokenise( s0, ' ' );
+	if( tokens->ntoks != 11 ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "didn't parse into 11 tokens (got %d): %s\n", tokens->ntoks, s1 );
+	}
+	print_tokens( tokens );
+	tokens = tokenise( s1, ' ' );
+	if( tokens->ntoks != 8 ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "didn't parse into 11 tokens (got %d): %s\n", tokens->ntoks, s1 );
+	}
+	print_tokens( tokens );
+	tokens = tokenise( s2, '|' );
+	if( tokens->ntoks != 5 ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "didn't parse into 5 tokens (got %d): %s\n", tokens->ntoks, s2 );
+	}
+	print_tokens( tokens );
+	free_tokens( tokens );
+	if( fname == NULL ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	rb = f2r( fname );
+	if( rb == NULL ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] couldn't read file into rbuffer: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
+	} else {
+		while( (s2 = next_rec( rb )) != NULL ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "record: (%s)\n", s2 );
+		}
+		free_rbuf( rb );
+	}
+	return;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
+	void*	mi;
+	int		not_ready;
+	if( argc > 1 ) {
+		if( strcmp( argv[1], "selftest" ) == 0 ) {
+			self_test( argc > 1 ? argv[2] : NULL );
+			exit( 0 );
+		}
+		mi = init( argv[1] );									// parse the config and generate table structs
+		if( ! mi ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "[CRI] initialisation failed\n" );
+			exit( 1 );
+		}
+		print_tables( mi );
+		while( (not_ready = connect2all( mi ) ) > 0 ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "[INF] still waiting to connect to %d applications\n", not_ready );
+			sleep( 2 );
+		}
+		fprintf( stderr, "[INF] connected to all applications, sending tables\n" );
+		send_all_tables( mi );
+	} else {
+		fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] usage: %s file-name\n", argv[0] );
+	}