fix(rtable): Potential memory leak in rte replace

If a route table entry was overlaid during the loading of
a new table there was a potential for leaking. Added unit
tests to better verify results of symtab cloning.

Change-Id: I6afecf52e9a48b36da3a06fa01867956a1a52261
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 51639d2..6b73dd9 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 set( major_version "1" )		# should be automatically populated from git tag later, but until CI process sets a tag we use this
 set( minor_version "0" )
-set( patch_level "22" )
+set( patch_level "23" )
 set( install_root "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" )
 set( install_lib "lib" )
diff --git a/src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h b/src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h
index 06da060..4b772e3 100644
--- a/src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h
+++ b/src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@
 	round robin messags across the list.
 typedef struct {
+	uint64_t key;			// key used to reinsert this entry into a new symtab
+	int	refs;				// number of symtabs which reference the entry
 	int mtype;				// the message type for this list
 	int	nrrgroups;			// number of rr groups to send to
 	rrgroup_t**	rrgroups;	// one or more set of endpoints to round robin messages to
diff --git a/src/common/src/rt_generic_static.c b/src/common/src/rt_generic_static.c
index 5bbacbd..ef38b8a 100644
--- a/src/common/src/rt_generic_static.c
+++ b/src/common/src/rt_generic_static.c
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
 static rtable_ent_t* uta_add_rte( route_table_t* rt, uint64_t key, int nrrgroups ) {
 	rtable_ent_t* rte;
+	rtable_ent_t* old_rte;		// entry which was already in the table for the key
 	if( rt == NULL ) {
 		return NULL;
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@
 		return NULL;
 	memset( rte, 0, sizeof( *rte ) );
+	rte->refs = 1;
 	if( nrrgroups <= 0 ) {
 		nrrgroups = 10;
@@ -118,6 +120,10 @@
 	memset( rte->rrgroups, 0, sizeof( rrgroup_t *) * nrrgroups );
 	rte->nrrgroups = nrrgroups;
+	if( (old_rte = rmr_sym_pull( rt->hash, key )) != NULL ) {
+		del_rte( NULL, NULL, NULL, old_rte, NULL );				// dec the ref counter and trash if unreferenced
+	}
 	rmr_sym_map( rt->hash, key, rte );							// add to hash using numeric mtype as key
 	if( DEBUG ) fprintf( stderr, "[DBUG] route table entry created: k=%lu groups=%d\n", key, nrrgroups );
@@ -341,6 +347,18 @@
 	Called to delete a route table entry struct. We delete the array of endpoint
 	pointers, but NOT the endpoints referenced as those are referenced from
 	multiple entries.
+	Route table entries can be concurrently referenced by multiple symtabs, so 
+	the actual delete happens only if decrementing the rte's ref count takes it
+	to 0. Thus, it is safe to call this function across a symtab when cleaning up
+	the symtab, or overlaying an entry.
+	This function uses ONLY the pointer to the rte (thing) and ignores the other
+	information that symtab foreach function passes (st, entry, and data) which 
+	means that it _can_ safetly be used outside of the foreach setting. If
+	the function is changed to depend on any of these three, then a stand-alone
+	rte_cleanup() function should be added and referenced by this, and refererences
+	to this outside of the foreach world should be changed.
 static void del_rte( void* st, void* entry, char const* name, void* thing, void* data ) {
 	rtable_ent_t*	rte;
@@ -350,6 +368,11 @@
+	rte->refs--;
+	if( rte->refs > 0 ) {			// something still referencing, so it lives
+		return;
+	}
 	if( rte->rrgroups ) {									// clean up the round robin groups
 		for( i = 0; i < rte->nrrgroups; i++ ) {
 			if( rte->rrgroups[i] ) {
@@ -452,7 +475,7 @@
 static route_table_t* uta_rt_clone( route_table_t* srt ) {
 	endpoint_t*		ep;		// an endpoint
 	route_table_t*	nrt;	// new route table
-	route_table_t*	art;	// active route table
+	//route_table_t*	art;	// active route table
 	void*	sst;			// source symtab
 	void*	nst;			// new symtab
 	thing_list_t things;
@@ -495,6 +518,75 @@
+	Clones _all_ of the given route table (references both endpoints AND the route table
+	entries. Needed to support a partial update where some route table entries will not 
+	be deleted if not explicitly in the update.
+static route_table_t* uta_rt_clone_all( route_table_t* srt ) {
+	endpoint_t*		ep;		// an endpoint
+	rtable_ent_t*	rte;	// a route table entry
+	route_table_t*	nrt;	// new route table
+	//route_table_t*	art;	// active route table
+	void*	sst;			// source symtab
+	void*	nst;			// new symtab
+	thing_list_t things0;	// things from space 0 (table entries)
+	thing_list_t things1;	// things from space 1 (end points)
+	int i;
+	if( srt == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( (nrt = (route_table_t *) malloc( sizeof( *nrt ) )) == NULL ) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if( (nrt->hash = rmr_sym_alloc( 509 )) == NULL ) {		// modest size, prime
+		free( nrt );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	things0.nalloc = 2048;
+	things0.nused = 0;
+	things0.things = (void **) malloc( sizeof( void * ) * things0.nalloc );
+	if( things0.things == NULL ) {
+		free( nrt->hash );
+		free( nrt );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	things1.nalloc = 2048;
+	things1.nused = 0;
+	things1.things = (void **) malloc( sizeof( void * ) * things1.nalloc );
+	if( things1.things == NULL ) {
+		free( nrt->hash );
+		free( nrt );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	sst = srt->hash;											// convenience pointers (src symtab)
+	nst = nrt->hash;
+	rmr_sym_foreach_class( sst, 0, collect_things, &things0 );		// collect the rtes
+	rmr_sym_foreach_class( sst, 1, collect_things, &things1 );		// collect the named endpoints in the active table
+	for( i = 0; i < things0.nused; i++ ) {
+		rte = (rtable_ent_t *) things0.things[i];
+		rte->refs++;												// rtes can be removed, so we track references
+		rmr_sym_map( nst, rte->key, rte );							// add to hash using numeric mtype/sub-id as key (default to space 0)
+	}
+	for( i = 0; i < things1.nused; i++ ) {
+		ep = (endpoint_t *) things1.things[i];
+		rmr_sym_put( nst, ep->name, 1, ep );						// slam this one into the new table
+	}
+	free( things0.things );
+	free( things1.things );
+	return nrt;
 	Given a name, find the endpoint struct in the provided route table.
 static endpoint_t* uta_get_ep( route_table_t* rt, char const* ep_name ) {
diff --git a/test/rt_static_test.c b/test/rt_static_test.c
index ce0eb25..972b767 100644
--- a/test/rt_static_test.c
+++ b/test/rt_static_test.c
@@ -45,6 +45,38 @@
+	Driven by symtab foreach element of one space.
+	We count using the data as a counter.
+static void count_things( void* st, void* entry, char const* name, void* thing, void* vdata ) {
+	int* counter;
+	if( thing ) {
+		if( (counter = (int *) vdata) != NULL ) {
+			*counter++;
+		}
+	}
+	Returns the number of entries in the table for the given class.
+static int count_entries( route_table_t* rt, int class ) {
+	int counter = 0;
+	if( ! rt ) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if( !rt->hash ) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	rmr_sym_foreach_class( rt->hash, class, count_things, &counter );	// run each and update counter
+	return counter;
 	This is the main route table test. It sets up a very specific table
 	for testing (not via the generic setup function for other test
@@ -59,6 +91,8 @@
 	int errors = 0;			// number errors found
 	int	i;
 	int k;
+	int	c1;					// general counters
+	int c2;
 	int mtype;
 	int value;
 	int alt_value;
@@ -142,8 +176,33 @@
-	crt = uta_rt_clone( rt );
+	crt = uta_rt_clone( rt );								// clone only the endpoint entries
 	errors += fail_if_nil( crt, "cloned route table" );
+	if( crt ) {
+		c1 = count_entries( rt, 1 );
+		c2 = count_entries( crt, 1 );
+		errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (endpoints) table entries space 1 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
+		c2 = count_entries( crt, 0 );
+		errors += fail_not_equal( c2, 0, "cloned (endpoints) table entries space 0 count (a) was not zero as expected" );
+		uta_rt_drop( crt );
+	}
+	crt = uta_rt_clone_all( rt );							// clone all entries
+	errors += fail_if_nil( crt, "cloned all route table" );
+	if( crt ) {
+		c1 = count_entries( rt, 0 );
+		c2 = count_entries( crt, 0 );
+		errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (all) table entries space 0 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
+		c1 = count_entries( rt, 1 );
+		c2 = count_entries( crt, 1 );
+		errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (all) table entries space 1 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
+		uta_rt_drop( crt );
+	}
 	ep = uta_get_ep( rt, "localhost:4561" );
 	errors += fail_if_nil( ep, "end point (fetch by name)" );
@@ -198,8 +257,6 @@
 	uta_rt_drop( rt );
-	uta_rt_drop( crt );
 	if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof( uta_ctx_t ) )) != NULL ) {
 		memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( *ctx ) );