fix(rtable): Prevent direct send hairpins

If the current node is listed as an endpoint for a message type
that this process would add to the route table a hair-pin loop
back to the node can happen. This isn't desireable and this
change will prevent the current node from being added as a
recipient endpoint to any route table entry.

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I5a1b2bdaad2eab499ae5a1c7430238c1da2f3256

Add latency call/receive test support

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I70be670d063adfdf6505431a4a2ce72e846df0a4

Actual mods to implement hairpin loop avodiance

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: Ieead4fbf69ade58db1f37d1949cf0f03683c64de
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
diff --git a/test/app_test/lreceiver.c b/test/app_test/lreceiver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161abc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/app_test/lreceiver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// :vim ts=4 sw=4 noet:
+	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+	Mnemonic:	rmr_rcvr.c
+	Abstract:	This is a very simple receiver that listens for messages and
+				returns each to the sender after adding a timestamp to the 
+				payload.  The payload is expected to be lc_msg_t (see lcaller.c)
+				and this will update the 'turn' timestamp on receipt.
+				Define these environment variables to have some control:
+					RMR_SEED_RT -- path to the static routing table
+					RMR_RTG_SVC -- port to listen for RTG connections
+	Date:		18 April 2019
+	Author:		E. Scott Daniels
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rmr/rmr.h>
+	The message type placed into the payload.
+typedef struct lc_msg {
+	struct timespec out_ts;			// time just before call executed
+	struct timespec turn_ts;		// time at the receiver,  on receipt
+	struct timespec in_ts;			// time received back by the caller
+	int		out_retries;			// number of retries required to send
+	int		turn_retries;			// number of retries required to send
+} lc_msg_t;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static int sum( char* str ) {
+	int sum = 0;
+	int	i = 0;
+	while( *str ) {
+		sum += *(str++) + i++;
+	}
+	return sum % 255;
+	Split the message at the first sep and return a pointer to the first
+	character after.
+static char* split( char* str, char sep ) {
+	char*	s;
+	s = strchr( str, sep );
+	if( s ) {
+		return s+1;
+	}
+	fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> no pipe in message: (%s)\n", str );
+	return NULL;
+int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
+	void* mrc;      					// msg router context
+	lc_msg_t*	lmc;					// latency message type from caller
+	rmr_mbuf_t* msg = NULL;				// message received
+	int		i;
+	int		errors = 0;
+	char*	listen_port = "4560";
+	long	count = 0;						// total received
+	long	timeout = 0;
+	char*	data;
+	int		nmsgs = 10;					// number of messages to stop after (argv[1] overrides)
+	int		rt_count = 0;				// retry count
+	time_t	now;
+	int		active;
+	data = getenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC" );
+	if( data == NULL ) {
+		setenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC", "19289", 1 );		// set one that won't collide with the sender if on same host
+	}
+	if( argc > 1 ) {
+		nmsgs = atoi( argv[1] );
+	}
+	if( argc > 2 ) {
+		listen_port = argv[2];
+	}
+	fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> listening on port: %s for a max of %d messages\n", listen_port, nmsgs );
+	mrc = rmr_init( listen_port, RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES, RMRFL_MTCALL );	// start your engines!
+	//mrc = rmr_init( listen_port, RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES, 0 );	// start your engines!
+	if( mrc == NULL ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> ABORT:  unable to initialise RMr\n" );
+		exit( 1 );
+	}
+	timeout = time( NULL ) + 20;
+	while( ! rmr_ready( mrc ) ) {								// wait for RMr to load a route table
+		fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> waiting for RMr to show ready\n" );
+		sleep( 1 );
+		if( time( NULL ) > timeout ) {
+			fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> giving up\n" );
+			exit( 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> rmr now shows ready, listening begins\n" );
+	timeout = time( NULL ) + 2;			// once we start, we assume if we go 2s w/o a message that we're done
+	//while( count < nmsgs ) {
+	while( 1 ) {
+		active = 0;
+		msg = rmr_torcv_msg( mrc, msg, 1000 );				// pop every second or so to timeout if needed
+		if( msg ) {
+			active = 1;
+			if( msg->state == RMR_OK ) {
+				lmc = (lc_msg_t *) msg->payload;
+				clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &lmc->turn_ts );		// mark time that we received it.
+				count++;
+				msg = rmr_rts_msg( mrc, msg );
+				rt_count = 1000;
+				while( rt_count > 0 && msg != NULL && msg->state == RMR_ERR_RETRY ) {		// to work right in nano we need this :(
+					lmc->turn_retries++;
+					if( count < 1 ) {										// 1st msg, so we need to connect, and we'll wait for that
+						sleep( 1 );
+					}
+					rt_count--;
+					msg = rmr_rts_msg( mrc, msg );							// we don't try to resend if this returns retry
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		now = time( NULL );
+		if( now > timeout ) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if( active ) {
+			timeout = now + 2;
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf( stderr, "<RCVR> %ld is finished got %ld messages\n", (long) getpid(), count );
+	sleep( 3 );
+	rmr_close( mrc );
+	return 0;