Add route table guide and formatting tweaks

The route table guide has been added to the repo so that it
can be published on the RTD site.  This change also includes
pulling full examples into the user guide from the repo
example directory (rather than maintaining snipits in the
doc), and generates RST definition lists in a more traditional
format that just look better in the rendered HTML.

Issue-ID: RIC-378

Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I2661dbb28daf3575640426a847f17fe45ea0ba43
diff --git a/examples/sender.c b/examples/sender.c
index dd8a1e0..42cc017 100644
--- a/examples/sender.c
+++ b/examples/sender.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // :vim ts=4 sw=4 noet:
-	Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
-	Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+	Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia
+	Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -28,13 +28,19 @@
 					[listen_port [delay [stats-freq] [msg-type]]]]
-						listen_port 43086 
+						listen_port 43086
 						delay (mu-sec) 1000000 (1 sec)
 						stats-freq 10
 						msg-type 0
 	Date:		1 April 2019
+	CAUTION:	This example is now being pulled directly into the user documentation.
+				Because of this some altered line lengths and/or parameter list breaks
+				which seem strage have been applied to ensure that it formats nicely.
+				All code following the 'start_example' tag below is included.
+// start_example
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <errno.h>
@@ -47,22 +53,22 @@
 #include <rmr/rmr.h>
 int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
-	void* mrc;      						//msg router context
-	struct epoll_event events[1];			// list of events to give to epoll
-	struct epoll_event epe;                 // event definition for event to listen to
-	int     ep_fd = -1;						// epoll's file des (given to epoll_wait)
-	int rcv_fd;     						// file des that NNG tickles -- give this to epoll to listen on
-	int nready;								// number of events ready for receive
-	rmr_mbuf_t*		sbuf;					// send buffer
-	rmr_mbuf_t*		rbuf;					// received buffer
+	void* mrc;							// msg router context
+	struct epoll_event events[1];		// list of events to give to epoll
+	struct epoll_event epe;                // event definition for event to listen to
+	int     ep_fd = -1;					// epoll's file des (given to epoll_wait)
+	int rcv_fd;							// file des for epoll checks
+	int nready;							// number of events ready for receive
+	rmr_mbuf_t*		sbuf;				// send buffer
+	rmr_mbuf_t*		rbuf;				// received buffer
 	int	count = 0;
 	int	rcvd_count = 0;
 	char*	listen_port = "43086";
-	int		delay = 1000000;						// mu-sec delay between messages
+	int		delay = 1000000;			// mu-sec delay between messages
 	int		mtype = 0;
 	int		stats_freq = 100;
-	if( argc > 1 ) {
+	if( argc > 1 ) {					// simplistic arg picking
 		listen_port = argv[1];
 	if( argc > 2 ) {
@@ -72,14 +78,15 @@
 		mtype = atoi( argv[3] );
-	fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> listen port: %s; mtype: %d; delay: %d\n", listen_port, mtype, delay );
+	fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> listen port: %s; mtype: %d; delay: %d\n",
+		listen_port, mtype, delay );
 	if( (mrc = rmr_init( listen_port, 1400, RMRFL_NONE )) == NULL ) {
-		fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> unable to initialise RMr\n" );
+		fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> unable to initialise RMR\n" );
 		exit( 1 );
-	rcv_fd = rmr_get_rcvfd( mrc );					// set up epoll things, start by getting the FD from MRr
+	rcv_fd = rmr_get_rcvfd( mrc );  // set up epoll things, start by getting the FD from RMR
 	if( rcv_fd < 0 ) {
 		fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> unable to set up polling fd\n" );
 		exit( 1 );
@@ -96,39 +103,41 @@
 		exit( 1 );
-	sbuf = rmr_alloc_msg( mrc, 256 );	// alloc first send buffer; subsequent buffers allcoated on send
+	sbuf = rmr_alloc_msg( mrc, 256 );	// alloc 1st send buf; subsequent bufs alloc on send
 	rbuf = NULL;						// don't need to alloc receive buffer
-	while( ! rmr_ready( mrc ) ) {		// must have a route table before we can send; wait til RMr say it has one
-		sleep( 1 );
+	while( ! rmr_ready( mrc ) ) {		// must have route table
+		sleep( 1 );						// wait til we get one
 	fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> rmr is ready\n" );
-	while( 1 ) {										// send messages until the cows come home
-		snprintf( sbuf->payload, 200, "count=%d received= %d ts=%lld %d stand up and cheer!", 	// create the payload
+	while( 1 ) {			// send messages until the cows come home
+		snprintf( sbuf->payload, 200,
+			"count=%d received= %d ts=%lld %d stand up and cheer!",	// create the payload
 			count, rcvd_count, (long long) time( NULL ), rand() );
 		sbuf->mtype = mtype;							// fill in the message bits
-		sbuf->len =  strlen( sbuf->payload ) + 1;		// our receiver likely wants a nice acsii-z string
+		sbuf->len =  strlen( sbuf->payload ) + 1;		// send full ascii-z string
 		sbuf->state = 0;
-		sbuf = rmr_send_msg( mrc, sbuf );				// send it (send returns an empty payload on success, or the original payload on fail/retry)
+		sbuf = rmr_send_msg( mrc, sbuf );				// send & get next buf to fill in
 		while( sbuf->state == RMR_ERR_RETRY ) {			// soft failure (device busy?) retry
-			sbuf = rmr_send_msg( mrc, sbuf );			// retry send until it's good (simple test; real programmes should do better)
+			sbuf = rmr_send_msg( mrc, sbuf );			// w/ simple spin that doesn't give up
-		while( (nready = epoll_wait( ep_fd, events, 1, 0 )) > 0 ) {	// if something ready to receive (non-blocking check)
-			if( events[0].data.fd == rcv_fd ) {             // we only are waiting on 1 thing, so [0] is ok
+		// check to see if anything was received and pull all messages in
+		while( (nready = epoll_wait( ep_fd, events, 1, 0 )) > 0 ) { // 0 is non-blocking
+			if( events[0].data.fd == rcv_fd ) {     // waiting on 1 thing, so [0] is ok
 				errno = 0;
-				rbuf = rmr_rcv_msg( mrc, rbuf );
+				rbuf = rmr_rcv_msg( mrc, rbuf );	// receive and ignore; just count
 				if( rbuf ) {
-		if( (count % stats_freq) == 0 ) {
+		if( (count % stats_freq) == 0 ) {			// occasional stats out to tty
 			fprintf( stderr, "<DEMO> sent %d   received %d\n", count, rcvd_count );