Initial commit of RMR Library
Change-Id: Ic4c998b056e8759f4a47a9a8c50c77e88df0f325
Signed-off-by: Ashwin Sridharan <>
diff --git a/test/.gitignore b/test/.gitignore
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diff --git a/test/.targets b/test/.targets
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+# Coverage target values for modules which are not expected to meet the
+# default standard. Lines are <module-name> <target-pct> with module name
+# starting in column 0; e.g. ../src/common/src/foo.c 65
+# there are no alternate coverage targets at the moment
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
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+CC = gcc
+coverage_opts = -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
+libs = ../build/librmr_nng.a -L ../build/lib -lnng -lpthread -lm
+%.o:: %.c
+ $(CC) -g $< -c
+%:: %.c
+ $(CC) $(coverage_opts) -fPIC -g $< -o $@ $(libs)
+# catch all
+ echo "run unit_test.ksh to make and run things here"
+# remove intermediates
+ rm -f *.gcov *.gcda *.dcov *.gcno
+# remove anything that can be builts
+nuke: clean
+ rm -f ring_test symtab_test
diff --git a/test/README b/test/README
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+Unit test
+The means to unit testing the RMr library is contained in
+this directory. It is somewhat difficult to accurately generate
+coverage information for parts of the library because the library
+is a fair amount of static functions (to keep them from being
+visible to the user programme).
+To run the tests:
+ ksh [specific-test]
+If a specific test (e.g. ring_test.c) is not given on the command line,
+all *_test.c files are sussed out and an attempt to build and run them
+is made by the script.
+Output is an interpretation of the resulting gcov output (in more useful
+and/or easier to read format). For example:
+unit_test.ksh ring_test.c
+ring_test.c --------------------------------------
+[OK] 100% uta_ring_insert
+[OK] 100% uta_ring_extract
+[OK] 100% uta_ring_free
+[LOW] 76% uta_mk_ring
+[PASS] 91% ../src/common/src/ring_static.c
+The output shows, for each function, the coverage (column 2) and an
+interpretation (ok or low) wthin an overall pass or fail.
+File Names
+The unit test script will find all files named *_test.c and assume that
+they can be compiled and executed using the local Makefile. Files
+which are needed by these programmes (e.g. common functions) are expected
+to reside in this directory as test_*.c and test_*.h files and should
+be directly included by the test programmes (not built and linked). This
+allows the unit test script to isngore the functions, and files, when
+generating coverage reports.
+The unit test script makes a discount pass on low coverage files in
+attempt to discount the coverage rate by ignoring what are considered
+to be difficult to reach blocks in the code. Currently, these blocks
+are limited to what appear to be tests for memory allocation, failure
+and/or nil pointer handling. If code blocks of this sort are found,
+they are not counted against the coverage for the module. If the -v
+option is given, an augmented coverage listing is saved in .dcov which
+shows the discounted lines with a string of equal signs (====) rather
+than the gcov hash string (###).
+The discount check is applied only if an entire module has a lower
+than accepted coverage rate, and can be forced for all modules with
+the -f option.
+To illustrate, the following code checks the return from the system
+library strdup() call which is very unlikely to fail under test without
+going to extremes and substituting for the system lib. Thus, the
+block which checks for a nil pointer has been discounted:
+ -: 354:
+ 1: 355: dbuf = strdup( buf );
+ 1: 356: if( dbuf == NULL ) {
+ =====: 357: errno = ENOMEM;
+ =====: 358: return 0;
+ -: 359: }
+Target Coverage
+By default, a target coverage of 80% is used. For some modules this may
+be impossible to achieve, so to prevent always failing these modules
+may be listed in the .targets file with their expected minimum coverage.
+Module names need to be qualified (e.g. ../src/common/src/foo.c.
+A note about ksh (A.K.A Korn shell, or kshell)
+Ksh is preferred for more complex scripts such as the unit test
+script as it does not have some of the limitations that bash
+(and other knock-offs) have.
diff --git a/test/ring_test.c b/test/ring_test.c
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+// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
+ Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+ Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Mmemonic: ring_test.c
+ Abstract: Test the ring funcitons.
+ Author: E. Scott Daniels
+ Date: 31 July 2017
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "../src/common/include/rmr.h"
+#include "../src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h"
+#include "../src/common/src/ring_static.c"
+ Conduct a series of interleaved tests inserting i-factor
+ values before beginning to pull values (i-factor must be
+ size - 2 smaller than the ring.
+ Returns 0 on success, 1 on insert failure and 2 on pull failure.
+static int ie_test( void* r, int i_factor, long inserts ) {
+ int i;
+ int* dp;
+ int data[29];
+ for( i = 0; i < inserts; i++ ) {
+ data[i%29] = i;
+ if( ! uta_ring_insert( r, &data[i%29] ) ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] interleaved insert failed on ifactor=%d i=%d\n", i_factor, i );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if( i > i_factor-1 ) {
+ dp = uta_ring_extract( r );
+ if( *dp != data[(i-i_factor)%29] ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] interleaved exctract failed on ifactor=%d i=%d expected=%d got=%d\n", i_factor, i, data[(i-i_factor)%29], *dp );
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //fprintf( stderr, "[OK] interleaved insert/extract test passed for insert factor %d\n", i_factor );
+ return 0;
+int main( void ) {
+ void* r;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int data[20];
+ int* dp;
+ int size = 18;
+ r = uta_mk_ring( 0 ); // should return nil
+ if( r != NULL ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] attempt to make a ring with size 0 returned a pointer\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ r = uta_mk_ring( -1 ); // should also return nil
+ if( r != NULL ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] attempt to make a ring with size <0 returned a pointer\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ r = uta_mk_ring( 18 );
+ if( r == NULL ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] unable to make ring with 17 entries\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { // test to ensure it reports full when head/tail start at 0
+ data[i] = i;
+ if( ! uta_ring_insert( r, &data[i] ) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( i > size ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] didn not report table full: i=%d\n", i );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "[OK] reported table full at i=%d as expected\n", i );
+ for( i = 0; i < size + 3; i++ ) { // ensure they all come back in order, and we don't get 'extras'
+ if( (dp = uta_ring_extract( r )) == NULL ) {
+ if( i < size-1 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] nil pointer at i=%d\n", i );
+ exit( 1 );
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( *dp != i ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] data at i=% isnt right; expected %d got %d\n", i, i, *dp );
+ }
+ }
+ if( i > size ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] got too many values on extract: %d\n", i );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "[OK] extracted values were sane, got: %d\n", i-1 );
+ uta_ring_free( NULL ); // ensure this doesn't blow up
+ uta_ring_free( r );
+ for( i = 2; i < 15; i++ ) {
+ r = uta_mk_ring( 16 );
+ if( ie_test( r, i, 101 ) != 0 ) { // modest number of inserts
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ uta_ring_free( r );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "[OK] all modest insert/exctract tests pass\n" );
+ size = 5;
+ for( j = 0; j < 20; j++ ) {
+ for( i = 2; i < size - 2; i++ ) {
+ r = uta_mk_ring( size );
+ if( ie_test( r, i, 66000 ) != 0 ) { // should force the 16bit head/tail indexes to roll over
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ uta_ring_free( r );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "[OK] all large insert/exctract tests pass ring size=%d\n", size );
+ size++;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/symtab_test.c b/test/symtab_test.c
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+++ b/test/symtab_test.c
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+ Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+ Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Mnemonic: symtab_test.c
+ Abstract: This is the unit test module that will drive tests against
+ the symbol table portion of RMr. Run with:
+ ksh unit_test.ksh symtab_test.c
+ Date: 1 April 2019
+ Author: E. Scott Daniels
+#include "../src/common/include/rmr_symtab.h"
+#include "../src/common/src/symtab.c"
+#include "test_support.c"
+int state = GOOD; // overall pass/fail state 0==fail
+int counter; // global counter for for-each tests
+static void fetch( void* st, char* key, int class, int expected ) {
+ char* val;
+ val = rmr_sym_get( st, key, class );
+ if( val ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] get returns key=%s val=%s\n", !expected ? "FAIL" : "OK", key, val );
+ if( !expected ) {
+ state = BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] string key fetch return nil\n", expected ? "FAIL" : "OK" );
+ if( expected ) {
+ state = BAD;
+ }
+ }
+static void nfetch( void* st, int key, int expected ) {
+ char* val;
+ val = rmr_sym_pull( st, key );
+ if( val ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] get returns key=%d val=%s\n", !expected ? "FAIL" : "OK", key, val );
+ if( !expected ) {
+ state = BAD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%s] get return nil for key=%d\n", expected ? "FAIL" : "OK", key );
+ if( expected ) {
+ state = BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ Driven by foreach class -- just incr the counter.
+static void each_counter( void* a, void* b, const char* c, void* d, void* e ) {
+ counter++;
+int main( ) {
+ void* st;
+ char* foo = "foo";
+ char* bar = "bar";
+ char* goo = "goo"; // name not in symtab
+ int i;
+ int class = 1;
+ int s;
+ void* p;
+ st = rmr_sym_alloc( 10 ); // alloc with small value to force adjustment inside
+ fail_if_nil( st, "symtab pointer" );
+ s = rmr_sym_put( st, foo, class, bar ); // add entry with string key; returns 1 if it was inserted
+ fail_if_false( s, "insert foo existed" );
+ s = rmr_sym_put( st, foo, class+1, bar ); // add to table with a different class
+ fail_if_false( s, "insert foo existed" );
+ s = rmr_sym_put( st, foo, class, bar ); // inserted above, should return not inserted (0)
+ fail_if_true( s, "insert foo existed" );
+ fetch( st, foo, class, 1 );
+ fetch( st, goo, class, 0 ); // fetch non existant
+ rmr_sym_stats( st, 4 ); // early stats at verbose level 4 so chatter is minimised
+ rmr_sym_dump( st );
+ for( i = 2000; i < 3000; i++ ) { // bunch of dummy things to force chains in the table
+ rmr_sym_map( st, i, foo ); // add entry with unsigned integer key
+ }
+ rmr_sym_stats( st, 0 ); // just the small facts to verify the 1000 we stuffed in
+ rmr_sym_ndel( st, 2001 ); // force a numeric key delete
+ rmr_sym_ndel( st, 12001 ); // delete numeric key not there
+ s = rmr_sym_map( st, 1234, foo ); // add known entries with unsigned integer key
+ fail_if_false( s, "numeric add of key 1234 should not have existed" );
+ s = rmr_sym_map( st, 2345, bar );
+ fail_if_true( s, "numeric add of key 2345 should have existed" );
+ counter = 0;
+ rmr_sym_foreach_class( st, 0, each_counter, NULL );
+ fail_if_false( counter, "expected counter after foreach to be non-zero" );
+ nfetch( st, 1234, 1 );
+ nfetch( st, 2345, 1 );
+ rmr_sym_del( st, foo, 0 );
+ rmr_sym_stats( st, 0 );
+ rmr_sym_free( NULL ); // ensure it doesn't barf when given a nil pointer
+ rmr_sym_free( st );
+ return state;
diff --git a/test/test_support.c b/test/test_support.c
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+// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
+ Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+ Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Mnemonic: test_tools.c
+ Abstract: Functions for test applications to make their life a bit easier.
+ This file is probably compiled to a .o, and then included on
+ the cc command for the test.
+ Author: E. Scott Daniels
+ Date: 6 January 2019
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef BAD
+#define BAD 1 // these are exit codes unless user overrides
+#define GOOD 0
+ Snag the optional positional parameter at pp, return defval if not there.
+static char* snag_pp( int pp, int argc, char** argv, char* defval ) {
+ if( pp < argc ) {
+ return argv[pp];
+ }
+ return defval;
+ Signal handler -- inside of the tests we will exit cleanly for hup/temp/intr
+ signals so that the coverage stuff will generate the needed data files. If
+ we inter/term the process they don't drive.
+void sig_clean_exit( int sign ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "signal trapped for clean exit: %d\n", sign );
+ exit( 0 );
+ Setup all of the signal handling for signals that we want to force a clean exit:
+ term, intr, hup, quit, usr1/2 alarm, etc. All others we'll let default.
+static void set_signals( void ) {
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ int i;
+ int nele; // number of elements in the list
+ nele = (int) ( sizeof( sig_list )/sizeof( int ) ); // convert raw size to the number of elements
+ for( i = 0; i < nele; i ++ ) {
+ memset( &sa, 0, sizeof( sa ) );
+ sa.sa_handler = sig_clean_exit;
+ sigaction( sig_list[i], &sa, NULL );
+ }
+static int fail_if_nil( void* p, char* what ) {
+ if( !p ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] pointer to '%s' was nil\n", what );
+ }
+ return p ? GOOD : BAD;
+static int fail_not_nil( void* p, char* what ) {
+ if( p ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] pointer to '%s' was not nil\n", what );
+ }
+ return !p ? GOOD : BAD;
+static int fail_if_false( int bv, char* what ) {
+ if( !bv ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] boolean was false (%d) %s\n", bv, what );
+ }
+ return bv ? GOOD : BAD;
+static int fail_if_true( int bv, char* what ) {
+ if( bv ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] boolean was true (%d) %s\n", bv, what );
+ }
+ return bv ? BAD : GOOD;
+ Same as fail_if_true(), but reads easier in the test code.
+static int fail_if( int bv, char* what ) {
+ if( bv ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] boolean was true (%d) %s\n", bv, what );
+ }
+ return bv ? BAD : GOOD;
+static int fail_not_equal( int a, int b, char* what ) {
+ if( a != b ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] %s values were not equal a=%d b=%d\n", what, a, b );
+ }
+ return a == b ? GOOD : BAD; // user may override good/bad so do NOT return a==b directly!
+static int fail_if_equal( int a, int b, char* what ) {
+ if( a == b ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[FAIL] %s values were equal a=%d b=%d\n", what, a, b );
+ }
+ return a != b ? GOOD : BAD; // user may override good/bad so do NOT return a==b directly!
diff --git a/test/tools_test.c b/test/tools_test.c
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+// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
+ Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+ Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Mnemonic: tools_testh.c
+ Abstract: Unit tests for the RMr tools module.
+ Author: E. Scott Daniels
+ Date: 21 January 2019
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <nanomsg/nn.h>
+#include <nanomsg/tcp.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pair.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pipeline.h>
+#include <nanomsg/pubsub.h>
+#include "../src/common/include/rmr.h"
+#include "../src/common/include/rmr_agnostic.h"
+#include "test_support.c" // our private library of test tools
+// ===== dummy context for tools testing so we don't have to pull in all of the nano/nng specific stuff =====
+struct uta_ctx {
+ char* my_name; // dns name of this host to set in sender field of a message
+ int shutdown; // thread notification if we need to tell them to stop
+ int max_mlen; // max message length payload+header
+ int max_plen; // max payload length
+ int flags; // CTXFL_ constants
+ int nrtele; // number of elements in the routing table
+ int send_retries; // number of retries send_msg() should attempt if eagain/timeout indicated by nng
+ //nng_socket nn_sock; // our general listen socket
+ route_table_t* rtable; // the active route table
+ route_table_t* old_rtable; // the previously used rt, sits here to allow for draining
+ route_table_t* new_rtable; // route table under construction
+ if_addrs_t* ip_list; // list manager of the IP addresses that are on our known interfaces
+ void* mring; // ring where msgs are queued while waiting for a call response msg
+ char* rtg_addr; // addr/port of the route table generation publisher
+ int rtg_port; // the port that the rtg listens on
+ wh_mgt_t* wormholes; // management of user opened wormholes
+ //epoll_stuff_t* eps; // epoll information needed for the rcv with timeout call
+ //pthread_t rtc_th; // thread info for the rtc listener
+#include "../src/common/src/tools_static.c"
+int main( ) {
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int errors = 0;
+ char* tokens[127];
+ char* buf = "2,Fred,Wilma,Barney,Betty,Dino,Pebbles,Bambam,Mr. Slate,Gazoo";
+ char* dbuf; // duplicated buf since C marks a const string is unumtable
+ char* hname;
+ uta_ctx_t ctx; // context for uta_lookup test
+ void* if_list;
+ // ------------------ tokenise tests -----------------------------------------------------------
+ dbuf = strdup( buf );
+ i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, 127, ',' );
+ errors += fail_not_equal( i, 10, "unexpected number of tokens returned (comma sep)" );
+ for( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
+ //fprintf( stderr, ">>>> [%d] (%s)\n", j, tokens[j] );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( tokens[j], "token from buffer" );
+ }
+ errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( tokens[4], "Betty" ), 0, "4th token wasn't 'Betty'" );
+ free( dbuf );
+ dbuf = strdup( buf );
+ i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, 127, '|' );
+ errors += fail_not_equal( i, 1, "unexpected number of tokens returned (bar sep)" );
+ free( dbuf );
+ // ------------ has str tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 1 ); // should fail (-1) because user should use strcmp in this situation
+ errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "test to ensure has str rejects small max" );
+ j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 27 );
+ errors += fail_if_true( j < 0, "has string did not find Mr. Slate" );
+ j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mrs. Slate", ',', 27 );
+ errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "has string not found Mrs. Slate" );
+ // ------------ host name 2 ip tests ---------------------------------------------------------
+ hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
+ errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( hname, "" ), 0, "h2ip did not return IP address when given address" );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
+ hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
+ hname = uta_h2ip( "" ); // should ignore the port
+ errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
+ // ------------ rtg lookup test -------------------------------------------------------------
+ ctx.rtg_port = 0;
+ ctx.rtg_addr = NULL;
+ i = uta_lookup_rtg( NULL ); // ensure it handles a nil context
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "rtg lookup returned that it found something when not expected to (nil context)" );
+ setenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC", "localhost:1234", 1);
+ i = uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
+ errors += fail_if_false( i, "rtg lookup returned that it did not find something when expected to" );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( ctx.rtg_addr, "rtg lookup did not return a pointer (with port)" );
+ errors += fail_not_equal( ctx.rtg_port, 1234, "rtg lookup did not capture the port" );
+ setenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC", "localhost", 1); // test ability to generate default port
+ uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( ctx.rtg_addr, "rtg lookup did not return a pointer (no port)" );
+ errors += fail_not_equal( ctx.rtg_port, 5656, "rtg lookup did not return default port" );
+ unsetenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC" ); // this should fail as the default name (rtg) will be unknown during testing
+ i = uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "rtg lookup returned that it found something when not expected to" );
+//==== moved out of generic tools ==========
+ // -------------- test link2 stuff ----------------------------------------------------------
+ i = uta_link2( "bad" ); // should fail
+ errors += fail_if_true( i >= 0, "uta_link2 didn't fail when given bad address" );
+ i = uta_link2( "nohost:-1234" );
+ errors += fail_if_true( i >= 0, "uta_link2 did not failed when given a bad (negative) port " );
+ i = uta_link2( "nohost:1234" ); // nn should go off and set things up, but it will never successd, but uta_ call should
+ errors += fail_if_true( i < 0, "uta_link2 failed when not expected to" );
+ // ------------ my ip stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list returned nil pointer" );
+ i = has_myip( NULL, NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil buffer" );
+ i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil list" );
+ i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 1 ); // should be false if max < 2
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given small max value" );
+ i = has_myip( "buffer.contents.not.valid", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should be false as there is nothing valid in the list
+ errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given a buffer with no valid info" );
+ setenv( "RMR_BIND_IF", "", 1 ); // drive the case where we have a hard set interface; and set known interface in list
+ if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
+ errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list with env set returned nil pointer" );
+ i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip in middle
+ errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP in middle of list" );
+ i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at head
+ errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at head of list" );
+ i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at end
+ errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at tail of list" );
+ i = has_myip( "", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip when only in list
+ errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP when only one in list" );
+ return errors > 0; // overall exit code bad if errors
diff --git a/test/unit_test.ksh b/test/unit_test.ksh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb5fa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit_test.ksh
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ksh
+# this will fail if run with bash!
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Mnemonic: unit_test.ksh
+# Abstract: Execute unit test(s) in the directory and produce a more
+# meaningful summary than gcov gives by default (exclude
+# coverage on the unit test functions).
+# Test files must be named *_test.c, or must explicitly be
+# supplied on the command line. Functions in the test
+# files will not be reported on provided that they have
+# their prototype (all on the SAME line) as:
+# static type name() {
+# Functions with coverage less than 80% will be reported as
+# [LOW] in the output. A file is considered to pass if the
+# overall execution percentage for the file is >= 80% regardless
+# of the number of functions that reported low.
+# Test programmes are built prior to execution. Plan-9 mk is
+# the preferred builder, but as it's not widly adopted (sigh)
+# make is assumed and -M will shift to Plan-9. Use -C xxx to
+# invoke a customised builder.
+# For a module which does not pass, we will attempt to boost
+# the coverage by discounting the unexecuted lines which are
+# inside of if() statements that are checking return from
+# (m)alloc() calls or are checking for nil pointers as these
+# cases are likely impossible to drive. When discount testing
+# is done both the failure message from the original analysis
+# and a pass/fail message from the discount test are listed,
+# but only the result of the discount test is taken into
+# consideration with regard to overall success.
+# Date: 16 January 2018
+# Author: E. Scott Daniels
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function usage {
+ echo "usage: $0 [-G|-M|-C custom-command-string] [-c cov-target] [-f] [-v] [files]"
+ echo " if -C is used to provide a custom build command then it must "
+ echo " contain a %s which will be replaced with the unit test file name."
+ echo ' e.g.: -C "mk -a %s"'
+ echo " -c allows user to set the target coverage for a module to pass; default is 80"
+ echo " -f forces a discount check (normally done only if coverage < target)"
+ echo " -v will write additional information to the tty and save the disccounted file if discount run or -f given"
+# read through the given file and add any functions that are static to the
+# ignored list. Only test and test tools files should be parsed.
+function add_ignored_func {
+ if [[ ! -r $1 ]]
+ then
+ return
+ fi
+ typeset f=""
+ grep "^static.*(.*).*{" $1 | awk ' # get list of test functions to ignore
+ {
+ gsub( "[(].*", "" )
+ print $3
+ }
+ ' | while read f
+ do
+ iflist+="$f "
+ done
+# Parse the .gcov file and discount any unexecuted lines which are in if()
+# blocks that are testing the result of alloc/malloc calls, or testing for
+# nil pointers. The feeling is that these might not be possible to drive
+# and shoudn't contribute to coverage deficencies.
+# In verbose mode, the .gcov file is written to stdout and any unexecuted
+# line which is discounted is marked with ===== replacing the ##### marking
+# that gcov wrote.
+# The return value is 0 for pass; non-zero for fail.
+function discount_an_checks {
+ typeset f="$1"
+ mct=$( get_mct ${1%.gcov} ) # see if a special coverage target is defined for this
+ if [[ ! -f $1 ]]
+ then
+ if [[ -f ${1##*/} ]]
+ then
+ f=${1##*/}
+ else
+ echo "cant find: $f"
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ awk -v module_cov_target=$mct \
+ -v full_name="${1}" \
+ -v module="${f%.*}" \
+ -v chatty=$verbose \
+ '
+ function spit_line( ) {
+ if( chatty ) {
+ printf( "%s\n", $0 )
+ }
+ }
+ /-:/ { # skip unexecutable lines
+ spit_line()
+ seq++ # allow blank lines in a sequence group
+ next
+ }
+ {
+ nexec++ # number of executable lines
+ }
+ /#####:/ {
+ unexec++;
+ if( $2+0 != seq+1 ) {
+ prev_malloc = 0
+ prev_if = 0
+ seq = 0
+ spit_line()
+ next
+ }
+ if( prev_if && prev_malloc ) {
+ if( prev_malloc ) {
+ #printf( "allow discount: %s\n", $0 )
+ if( chatty ) {
+ gsub( "#####", "=====", $0 )
+ }
+ discount++;
+ }
+ }
+ seq++;;
+ spit_line()
+ next;
+ }
+ /if[(].*alloc.*{/ { # if( (x = malloc( ... )) != NULL ) or if( (p = sym_alloc(...)) != NULL )
+ seq = $2+0
+ prev_malloc = 1
+ prev_if = 1
+ spit_line()
+ next
+ }
+ /if[(].* == NULL/ { # a nil check likely not easily forced if it wasnt driven
+ prev_malloc = 1
+ prev_if = 1
+ spit_line()
+ seq = $2+0
+ next
+ }
+ /if[(]/ {
+ if( seq+1 == $2+0 && prev_malloc ) { // malloc on previous line
+ prev_if = 1
+ } else {
+ prev_malloc = 0
+ prev_if = 0
+ }
+ spit_line()
+ next
+ }
+ /alloc[(]/ {
+ seq = $2+0
+ prev_malloc = 1
+ spit_line()
+ next
+ }
+ {
+ spit_line()
+ }
+ END {
+ net = unexec - discount
+ orig_cov = ((nexec-unexec)/nexec)*100 # original coverage
+ adj_cov = ((nexec-net)/nexec)*100 # coverage after discount
+ pass_fail = adj_cov < module_cov_target ? "FAIL" : "PASS"
+ rc = adj_cov < module_cov_target ? 1 : 0
+ if( chatty ) {
+ printf( "[%s] %s executable=%d unexecuted=%d discounted=%d net_unex=%d cov=%d% ==> %d%%% target=%d%%\n",
+ pass_fail, full_name ? full_name : module, nexec, unexec, discount, net, orig_cov, adj_cov, module_cov_target )
+ } else {
+ printf( "[%s] %d%% (%d%%) %s\n", pass_fail, adj_cov, orig_cov, full_name ? full_name : module )
+ }
+ exit( rc )
+ }
+ ' $f
+# Given a file name ($1) see if it is in the ./.targets file. If it is
+# return the coverage listed, else return (echo) the default $module_cov_target
+function get_mct {
+ typeset v=$module_cov_target
+ if [[ -f ./.targets ]]
+ then
+ grep "^$1 " ./.targets | head -1 | read junk tv
+ fi
+ echo ${tv:-$v}
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export C_INCLUDE_PATH="../src/common/include"
+builder="make -B %s" # default to plain ole make
+while [[ $1 == "-"* ]]
+ case $1 in
+ -C) builder="$2"; shift;; # custom build command
+ -G) builder="gmake %s";;
+ -M) builder="mk -a %s";; # use plan-9 mk (better, but sadly not widly used)
+ -c) module_cov_target=$2; shift;;
+ -f) force_discounting=1;
+ trigger_discount_str="FAIL|PASS" # check all outcomes for each module
+ ;;
+ -v) (( verbose++ ));;
+ -h) usage; exit 0;;
+ --help) usage; exit 0;;
+ -\?) usage; exit 0;;
+ *) echo "unrecognised option: $1" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [[ -z $1 ]]
+ flist=""
+ for tfile in *_test.c
+ do
+ flist+="$tfile "
+ done
+ flist="$@"
+for tfile in $flist
+ echo "$tfile --------------------------------------"
+ bcmd=$( printf "$builder" "${tfile%.c}" )
+ if ! $bcmd >/tmp/PID$$.log 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "[FAIL] cannot build $tfile"
+ cat /tmp/PID$$.log
+ rm -f /tmp/PID$$
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ iflist="main sig_clean_exit " # ignore external functions from our tools
+ add_ignored_func $tfile # ignore all static functions in our test driver
+ add_ignored_func test_support.c # ignore all static functions in our test tools
+ if ! ${tfile%.c} >/tmp/PID$$.log 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "[FAIL] unit test failed for: $tfile"
+ cat /tmp/PID$$.log
+ continue
+ fi
+ (
+ touch ./.targets
+ sed '/^#/ d; /^$/ d; s/^/TARGET: /' ./.targets
+ gcov -f ${tfile%.c} | sed "s/'//g"
+ ) | awk \
+ -v ignore_list="$iflist" \
+ -v module_cov_target=$module_cov_target \
+ -v chatty=$verbose \
+ '
+ nignore = split( ignore_list, ignore, " " )
+ for( i = 1; i <= nignore; i++ ) {
+ imap[ignore[i]] = 1
+ }
+ exit_code = 0 # assume good
+ }
+ /^TARGET:/ {
+ if( NF > 1 ) {
+ target[$2] = $NF
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ /File.*_test/ || /File.*test_/ { # dont report on test files
+ skip = 1
+ file = 1
+ fname = $2
+ next
+ }
+ /File/ {
+ skip = 0
+ file = 1
+ fname = $2
+ next
+ }
+ /Function/ {
+ fname = $2
+ file = 0
+ if( imap[fname] ) {
+ fname = "skipped: " fname # should never see and make it smell if we do
+ skip = 1
+ } else {
+ skip = 0
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ skip { next }
+ /Lines executed/ {
+ split( $0, a, ":" )
+ pct = a[2]+0
+ if( file ) {
+ if( target[fname] ) {
+ mct = target[fname]
+ } else {
+ mct = module_cov_target
+ }
+ if( chatty ) {
+ printf( "[INFO] target coverage for %s is %d%%\n", fname, mct )
+ }
+ if( pct < mct ) {
+ printf( "[FAIL] %3d%% %s\n\n", pct, fname ) # CAUTION: write only 3 things here
+ exit_code = 1
+ } else {
+ printf( "[PASS] %3d%% %s\n\n", pct, fname )
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( pct < 80 ) {
+ printf( "[LOW] %3d%% %s\n", pct, fname )
+ } else {
+ printf( "[OK] %3d%% %s\n", pct, fname )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ exit( exit_code )
+ }
+ ' >/tmp/PID$$.log # capture output to run discount on failures
+ rc=$?
+ cat /tmp/PID$$.log
+ if (( rc || force_discounting )) # didn't pass, or forcing, see if discounting helps
+ then
+ egrep "$trigger_discount_str" /tmp/PID$$.log | while read state junk name
+ do
+ echo "[INFO] checking to see if discounting improves coverage for $name"
+ if ! discount_an_checks $name.gcov >/tmp/PID$$.disc
+ then
+ (( errors++ ))
+ fi
+ tail -1 /tmp/PID$$.disc
+ if (( verbose )) # updated file was generated, keep here
+ then
+ echo "[INFO] discounted coverage info in: ${tfile##*/}.dcov"
+ mv /tmp/PID$$.disc ${tfile##*/}.dcov
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+rm -f /tmp/PID$$.*
+if (( errors ))
+ exit 1
+exit 0