Add implementation of SDL in python
Added implementation for the SDL API functions:
* Functions to set, get and remove synchronously key-values from
SDL storage.
* Functions to set, get and remove synchronously group members from
SDL storage.
* Functions to acquire, manipulate and release a lock.
Added also simple examples how to use SDL API functions.
Added configuration file for the tox tool to run unittests.
Added configuration file for the tox tool to generate documents.
Added sonar pom and tox hooks to verify code coverage.
Change-Id: I1f12879f725d903397ee8f9e788edf7890db381d
Signed-off-by: Timo Tietavainen <>
diff --git a/ricsdl-package/ricsdl/backend/ b/ricsdl-package/ricsdl/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa7450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ricsdl-package/ricsdl/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Nokia.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
+# platform project (RICP).
+"""The module provides implementation of Shared Data Layer (SDL) database backend interface."""
+import contextlib
+from typing import (Dict, Set, List, Union)
+from redis import Redis
+from redis.sentinel import Sentinel
+from redis.lock import Lock
+from redis._compat import nativestr
+from redis import exceptions as redis_exceptions
+from ricsdl.configuration import _Configuration
+from ricsdl.exceptions import (
+ RejectedByBackend,
+ NotConnected,
+ BackendError
+from .dbbackend_abc import DbBackendAbc
+from .dbbackend_abc import DbBackendLockAbc
+def _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ """Translates known redis exceptions into SDL exceptions."""
+ try:
+ yield
+ except(redis_exceptions.ResponseError) as exc:
+ raise RejectedByBackend("SDL backend rejected the request: {}".
+ format(str(exc))) from exc
+ except(redis_exceptions.ConnectionError, redis_exceptions.TimeoutError) as exc:
+ raise NotConnected("SDL not connected to backend: {}".
+ format(str(exc))) from exc
+ except(redis_exceptions.RedisError) as exc:
+ raise BackendError("SDL backend failed to process the request: {}".
+ format(str(exc))) from exc
+class RedisBackend(DbBackendAbc):
+ """
+ A class providing an implementation of database backend of Shared Data Layer (SDL), when
+ backend database solution is Redis.
+ Args:
+ configuration (_Configuration): SDL configuration, containing credentials to connect to
+ Redis database backend.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, configuration: _Configuration) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ if configuration.get_params().db_sentinel_port:
+ sentinel_node = (configuration.get_params().db_host,
+ configuration.get_params().db_sentinel_port)
+ master_name = configuration.get_params().db_sentinel_master_name
+ self.__sentinel = Sentinel([sentinel_node])
+ self.__redis = self.__sentinel.master_for(master_name)
+ else:
+ self.__redis = Redis(host=configuration.get_params().db_host,
+ port=configuration.get_params().db_port,
+ db=0,
+ max_connections=20)
+ self.__redis.set_response_callback('SETIE', lambda r: r and nativestr(r) == 'OK' or False)
+ self.__redis.set_response_callback('DELIE', lambda r: r and int(r) == 1 or False)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(
+ {
+ "Redis connection": repr(self.__redis)
+ }
+ )
+ def close(self):
+ self.__redis.close()
+ def set(self, ns: str, data_map: Dict[str, bytes]) -> None:
+ db_data_map = self._add_data_map_ns_prefix(ns, data_map)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis.mset(db_data_map)
+ def set_if(self, ns: str, key: str, old_data: bytes, new_data: bytes) -> bool:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.execute_command('SETIE', db_key, new_data, old_data)
+ def set_if_not_exists(self, ns: str, key: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.setnx(db_key, data)
+ def get(self, ns: str, keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
+ ret = dict()
+ db_keys = self._add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, keys)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ values = self.__redis.mget(db_keys)
+ for idx, val in enumerate(values):
+ # return only key values, which has a value
+ if val:
+ ret[keys[idx]] = val
+ return ret
+ def find_keys(self, ns: str, key_prefix: str) -> List[str]:
+ escaped_key_prefix = self._escape_characters(key_prefix)
+ db_escaped_key_prefix = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, escaped_key_prefix + '*')
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ ret = self.__redis.keys(db_escaped_key_prefix)
+ return self._strip_ns_from_bin_keys(ns, ret)
+ def find_and_get(self, ns: str, key_prefix: str, atomic: bool) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
+ # todo: replace below implementation with redis 'NGET' module
+ ret = dict() # type: Dict[str, bytes]
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ matched_keys = self.find_keys(ns, key_prefix)
+ if matched_keys:
+ ret = self.get(ns, matched_keys)
+ return ret
+ def remove(self, ns: str, keys: List[str]) -> None:
+ db_keys = self._add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, keys)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis.delete(*db_keys)
+ def remove_if(self, ns: str, key: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.execute_command('DELIE', db_key, data)
+ def add_member(self, ns: str, group: str, members: Set[bytes]) -> None:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis.sadd(db_key, *members)
+ def remove_member(self, ns: str, group: str, members: Set[bytes]) -> None:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis.srem(db_key, *members)
+ def remove_group(self, ns: str, group: str) -> None:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis.delete(db_key)
+ def get_members(self, ns: str, group: str) -> Set[bytes]:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.smembers(db_key)
+ def is_member(self, ns: str, group: str, member: bytes) -> bool:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.sismember(db_key, member)
+ def group_size(self, ns: str, group: str) -> int:
+ db_key = self._add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ return self.__redis.scard(db_key)
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_key_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, key: str):
+ return '{' + ns + '},' + key
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_keys_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, keylist: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ ret_nskeys = []
+ for k in keylist:
+ ret_nskeys.append('{' + ns + '},' + k)
+ return ret_nskeys
+ @classmethod
+ def _add_data_map_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, data_dict: Dict[str, bytes]) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
+ ret_nsdict = {}
+ for key, val in data_dict.items():
+ ret_nsdict['{' + ns + '},' + key] = val
+ return ret_nsdict
+ @classmethod
+ def _strip_ns_from_bin_keys(cls, ns: str, nskeylist: List[bytes]) -> List[str]:
+ ret_keys = []
+ for k in nskeylist:
+ nskey = k.decode("utf-8").split(',', 1)
+ if len(nskey) != 2:
+ msg = u'Illegal namespace %s key:%s' % (ns, nskey)
+ raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
+ ret_keys.append(nskey[1])
+ return ret_keys
+ @classmethod
+ def _escape_characters(cls, pattern: str) -> str:
+ return pattern.translate(str.maketrans(
+ {"(": r"\(",
+ ")": r"\)",
+ "[": r"\[",
+ "]": r"\]",
+ "*": r"\*",
+ "?": r"\?",
+ "\\": r"\\"}))
+ def get_redis_connection(self):
+ """Return existing Redis database connection."""
+ return self.__redis
+class RedisBackendLock(DbBackendLockAbc):
+ """
+ A class providing an implementation of database backend lock of Shared Data Layer (SDL), when
+ backend database solution is Redis.
+ Args:
+ ns (str): Namespace under which this lock is targeted.
+ name (str): Lock name, identifies the lock key in a Redis database backend.
+ expiration (int, float): Lock expiration time after which the lock is removed if it hasn't
+ been released earlier by a 'release' method.
+ redis_backend (RedisBackend): Database backend object containing connection to Redis
+ database.
+ """
+ lua_get_validity_time = None
+ # KEYS[1] - lock name
+ # ARGS[1] - token
+ # return < 0 in case of failure, otherwise return lock validity time in milliseconds.
+ local token ='get', KEYS[1])
+ if not token then
+ return -10
+ end
+ if token ~= ARGV[1] then
+ return -11
+ end
+ return'pttl', KEYS[1])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ns: str, name: str, expiration: Union[int, float],
+ redis_backend: RedisBackend) -> None:
+ super().__init__(ns, name)
+ self.__redis = redis_backend.get_redis_connection()
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ redis_lockname = '{' + ns + '},' + self._lock_name
+ self.__redis_lock = Lock(redis=self.__redis, name=redis_lockname, timeout=expiration)
+ self._register_scripts()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(
+ {
+ "lock namespace": self._ns,
+ "lock name": self._lock_name,
+ "lock status": self._lock_status_to_string()
+ }
+ )
+ def acquire(self, retry_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.1,
+ retry_timeout: Union[int, float] = 10) -> bool:
+ succeeded = False
+ self.__redis_lock.sleep = retry_interval
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ succeeded = self.__redis_lock.acquire(blocking_timeout=retry_timeout)
+ return succeeded
+ def release(self) -> None:
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis_lock.release()
+ def refresh(self) -> None:
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ self.__redis_lock.reacquire()
+ def get_validity_time(self) -> Union[int, float]:
+ validity = 0
+ if self.__redis_lock.local.token is None:
+ msg = u'Cannot get validity time of an unlocked lock %s' % self._lock_name
+ raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
+ with _map_to_sdl_exception():
+ validity = self.lua_get_validity_time(keys=[],
+ args=[self.__redis_lock.local.token],
+ client=self.__redis)
+ if validity < 0:
+ msg = (u'Getting validity time of a lock %s failed with error code: %d'
+ % (self._lock_name, validity))
+ raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
+ ftime = validity / 1000.0
+ if ftime.is_integer():
+ return int(ftime)
+ return ftime
+ def _register_scripts(self):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ client = self.__redis
+ if cls.lua_get_validity_time is None:
+ cls.lua_get_validity_time = client.register_script(cls.LUA_GET_VALIDITY_TIME_SCRIPT)
+ def _lock_status_to_string(self) -> str:
+ try:
+ if self.__redis_lock.locked():
+ if self.__redis_lock.owned():
+ return 'locked'
+ return 'locked by someone else'
+ return 'unlocked'
+ except(redis_exceptions.RedisError) as exc:
+ return f'Error: {str(exc)}'