blob: 822afcf739c5440ebd50b2b679b0dca32ce50a99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Nokia.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
# platform project (RICP).
"""The module provides implementation of Shared Data Layer (SDL) database backend interface."""
import contextlib
import threading
from typing import (Callable, Dict, Set, List, Optional, Tuple, Union)
import zlib
import redis
from redis import Redis
from redis.sentinel import Sentinel
from redis.lock import Lock
from redis.utils import str_if_bytes
from redis import exceptions as redis_exceptions
from ricsdl.configuration import _Configuration
from ricsdl.exceptions import (
from .dbbackend_abc import DbBackendAbc
from .dbbackend_abc import DbBackendLockAbc
def _map_to_sdl_exception():
"""Translates known redis exceptions into SDL exceptions."""
except(redis_exceptions.ResponseError) as exc:
raise RejectedByBackend("SDL backend rejected the request: {}".
format(str(exc))) from exc
except(redis_exceptions.ConnectionError, redis_exceptions.TimeoutError) as exc:
raise NotConnected("SDL not connected to backend: {}".
format(str(exc))) from exc
except(redis_exceptions.RedisError) as exc:
raise BackendError("SDL backend failed to process the request: {}".
format(str(exc))) from exc
class PubSub(redis.client.PubSub):
def __init__(self, event_separator, connection_pool, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
super().__init__(connection_pool, shard_hint=None, ignore_subscribe_messages=ignore_subscribe_messages)
self.event_separator = event_separator
def handle_message(self, response, ignore_subscribe_messages=False):
Parses a pub/sub message. If the channel or pattern was subscribed to
with a message handler, the handler is invoked instead of a parsed
message being returned.
Adapted from:
message_type = str_if_bytes(response[0])
if message_type == 'pmessage':
message = {
'type': message_type,
'pattern': response[1],
'channel': response[2],
'data': response[3]
elif message_type == 'pong':
message = {
'type': message_type,
'pattern': None,
'channel': None,
'data': response[1]
message = {
'type': message_type,
'pattern': None,
'channel': response[1],
'data': response[2]
# if this is an unsubscribe message, remove it from memory
if message_type in self.UNSUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_TYPES:
if message_type == 'punsubscribe':
pattern = response[1]
if pattern in self.pending_unsubscribe_patterns:
self.patterns.pop(pattern, None)
channel = response[1]
if channel in self.pending_unsubscribe_channels:
self.channels.pop(channel, None)
if message_type in self.PUBLISH_MESSAGE_TYPES:
# if there's a message handler, invoke it
if message_type == 'pmessage':
handler = self.patterns.get(message['pattern'], None)
handler = self.channels.get(message['channel'], None)
if handler:
# Need to send only channel and notification instead of raw
# message
message_channel = self._strip_ns_from_bin_key('', message['channel'])
message_data = message['data'].decode('utf-8')
messages = message_data.split(self.event_separator)
handler(message_channel, messages)
return message_channel, messages
elif message_type != 'pong':
# this is a subscribe/unsubscribe message. ignore if we don't
# want them
if ignore_subscribe_messages or self.ignore_subscribe_messages:
return None
return message
def _strip_ns_from_bin_key(cls, ns: str, nskey: bytes) -> str:
redis_key = nskey.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
msg = u'Namespace %s key conversion to string failed: %s' % (ns, str(exc))
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
nskey = redis_key.split(',', 1)
if len(nskey) != 2:
msg = u'Namespace %s key:%s has no namespace prefix' % (ns, redis_key)
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
return nskey[1]
class RedisBackend(DbBackendAbc):
A class providing an implementation of database backend of Shared Data Layer (SDL), when
backend database solution is Redis.
configuration (_Configuration): SDL configuration, containing credentials to connect to
Redis database backend.
def __init__(self, configuration: _Configuration) -> None:
self.next_client_event = 0
self.event_separator = configuration.get_event_separator()
self.clients = list()
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
self.clients = self.__create_redis_clients(configuration)
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
out = {"DB type": "Redis"}
for i, r in enumerate(self.clients):
out["Redis client[" + str(i) + "]"] = str(r)
return str(out)
def is_connected(self):
is_connected = True
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
for c in self.clients:
if not
is_connected = False
return is_connected
def close(self):
for c in self.clients:
def set(self, ns: str, data_map: Dict[str, bytes]) -> None:
db_data_map = self.__add_data_map_ns_prefix(ns, data_map)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def set_if(self, ns: str, key: str, old_data: bytes, new_data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).execute_command('SETIE', db_key, new_data, old_data)
def set_if_not_exists(self, ns: str, key: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).setnx(db_key, data)
def get(self, ns: str, keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
ret = dict()
db_keys = self.__add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, keys)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
values = self.__getClient(ns).mget(db_keys)
for idx, val in enumerate(values):
# return only key values, which has a value
if val is not None:
ret[keys[idx]] = val
return ret
def find_keys(self, ns: str, key_pattern: str) -> List[str]:
db_key_pattern = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key_pattern)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
ret = self.__getClient(ns).keys(db_key_pattern)
return self.__strip_ns_from_bin_keys(ns, ret)
def find_and_get(self, ns: str, key_pattern: str) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
# todo: replace below implementation with redis 'NGET' module
ret = dict() # type: Dict[str, bytes]
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
matched_keys = self.find_keys(ns, key_pattern)
if matched_keys:
ret = self.get(ns, matched_keys)
return ret
def remove(self, ns: str, keys: List[str]) -> None:
db_keys = self.__add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, keys)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def remove_if(self, ns: str, key: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).execute_command('DELIE', db_key, data)
def add_member(self, ns: str, group: str, members: Set[bytes]) -> None:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
self.__getClient(ns).sadd(db_key, *members)
def remove_member(self, ns: str, group: str, members: Set[bytes]) -> None:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
self.__getClient(ns).srem(db_key, *members)
def remove_group(self, ns: str, group: str) -> None:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def get_members(self, ns: str, group: str) -> Set[bytes]:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).smembers(db_key)
def is_member(self, ns: str, group: str, member: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).sismember(db_key, member)
def group_size(self, ns: str, group: str) -> int:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, group)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).scard(db_key)
def set_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]],
data_map: Dict[str, bytes]) -> None:
db_data_map = self.__add_data_map_ns_prefix(ns, data_map)
channels_and_events_prepared = []
total_events = 0
channels_and_events_prepared, total_events = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).execute_command(
*[val for data in db_data_map.items() for val in data],
def set_if_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]], key: str,
old_data: bytes, new_data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
channels_and_events_prepared = []
channels_and_events_prepared, _ = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
ret = self.__getClient(ns).execute_command("SETIEMPUB", db_key, new_data, old_data,
return ret == b"OK"
def set_if_not_exists_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]],
key: str, data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
channels_and_events_prepared, _ = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
ret = self.__getClient(ns).execute_command("SETNXMPUB", db_key, data,
return ret == b"OK"
def remove_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]],
keys: List[str]) -> None:
db_keys = self.__add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, keys)
channels_and_events_prepared, total_events = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).execute_command(
def remove_if_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]], key: str,
data: bytes) -> bool:
db_key = self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, key)
channels_and_events_prepared, _ = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
ret = self.__getClient(ns).execute_command("DELIEMPUB", db_key, data,
return bool(ret)
def remove_all_and_publish(self, ns: str, channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None:
keys = self.__getClient(ns).keys(self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, "*"))
channels_and_events_prepared, total_events = self._prepare_channels(ns, channels_and_events)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
return self.__getClient(ns).execute_command(
def subscribe_channel(self, ns: str, cb: Callable[[str, List[str]], None],
channels: List[str]) -> None:
channels = self.__add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, channels)
for channel in channels:
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
redis_ctx = self.__getClientConn(ns)
redis_ctx.redis_pubsub.subscribe(**{channel: cb})
if not redis_ctx.pubsub_thread.is_alive() and redis_ctx.run_in_thread:
redis_ctx.pubsub_thread = redis_ctx.redis_pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=0.001,
def unsubscribe_channel(self, ns: str, channels: List[str]) -> None:
channels = self.__add_keys_ns_prefix(ns, channels)
for channel in channels:
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def start_event_listener(self) -> None:
redis_ctxs = self.__getClientConns()
for redis_ctx in redis_ctxs:
if redis_ctx.pubsub_thread.is_alive():
raise RejectedByBackend("Event loop already started")
if redis_ctx.redis_pubsub.subscribed and len(redis_ctx.redis_client.pubsub_channels()) > 0:
redis_ctx.pubsub_thread = redis_ctx.redis_pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=0.001, daemon=True)
redis_ctx.run_in_thread = True
def handle_events(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, List[str]]]:
if self.next_client_event >= len(self.clients):
self.next_client_event = 0
redis_ctx = self.clients[self.next_client_event]
self.next_client_event += 1
if redis_ctx.pubsub_thread.is_alive() or redis_ctx.run_in_thread:
raise RejectedByBackend("Event loop already started")
return redis_ctx.redis_pubsub.get_message(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
except RuntimeError:
return None
def __create_redis_clients(self, config):
clients = list()
cfg_params = config.get_params()
for i, addr in enumerate(cfg_params.db_cluster_addrs):
port = cfg_params.db_ports[i] if i < len(cfg_params.db_ports) else ""
sport = cfg_params.db_sentinel_ports[i] if i < len(cfg_params.db_sentinel_ports) else ""
name = cfg_params.db_sentinel_master_names[i] if i < len(cfg_params.db_sentinel_master_names) else ""
client = self.__create_redis_client(addr, port, sport, name)
return clients
def __create_redis_client(self, addr, port, sentinel_port, master_name):
new_sentinel = None
new_redis = None
if len(sentinel_port) == 0:
new_redis = Redis(host=addr, port=port, db=0, max_connections=20)
sentinel_node = (addr, sentinel_port)
new_sentinel = Sentinel([sentinel_node])
new_redis = new_sentinel.master_for(master_name)
new_redis.set_response_callback('SETIE', lambda r: r and str_if_bytes(r) == 'OK' or False)
new_redis.set_response_callback('DELIE', lambda r: r and int(r) == 1 or False)
redis_pubsub = PubSub(self.event_separator, new_redis.connection_pool, ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
pubsub_thread = threading.Thread(target=None)
run_in_thread = False
return _RedisConn(new_redis, redis_pubsub, pubsub_thread, run_in_thread)
def __getClientConns(self):
return self.clients
def __getClientConn(self, ns):
clients_cnt = len(self.clients)
client_id = self.__get_hash(ns) % clients_cnt
return self.clients[client_id]
def __getClient(self, ns):
clients_cnt = len(self.clients)
client_id = 0
if clients_cnt > 1:
client_id = self.__get_hash(ns) % clients_cnt
return self.clients[client_id].redis_client
def __get_hash(cls, str):
return zlib.crc32(str.encode())
def __add_key_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, key: str):
return '{' + ns + '},' + key
def __add_keys_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, keylist: List[str]) -> List[str]:
ret_nskeys = []
for k in keylist:
ret_nskeys.append('{' + ns + '},' + k)
return ret_nskeys
def __add_data_map_ns_prefix(cls, ns: str, data_dict: Dict[str, bytes]) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
ret_nsdict = {}
for key, val in data_dict.items():
ret_nsdict['{' + ns + '},' + key] = val
return ret_nsdict
def __strip_ns_from_bin_keys(cls, ns: str, nskeylist: List[bytes]) -> List[str]:
ret_keys = []
for k in nskeylist:
redis_key = k.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
msg = u'Namespace %s key conversion to string failed: %s' % (ns, str(exc))
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
nskey = redis_key.split(',', 1)
if len(nskey) != 2:
msg = u'Namespace %s key:%s has no namespace prefix' % (ns, redis_key)
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
return ret_keys
def _prepare_channels(self, ns: str,
channels_and_events: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[List, int]:
channels_and_events_prepared = []
for channel, events in channels_and_events.items():
one_channel_join_events = None
for event in events:
if one_channel_join_events is None:
channels_and_events_prepared.append(self.__add_key_ns_prefix(ns, channel))
one_channel_join_events = event
one_channel_join_events = one_channel_join_events + self.event_separator + event
pairs_cnt = int(len(channels_and_events_prepared) / 2)
return channels_and_events_prepared, pairs_cnt
def get_redis_connection(self, ns: str):
"""Return existing Redis database connection valid for the namespace."""
return self.__getClient(ns)
class _RedisConn:
Internal class container to hold redis client connection
def __init__(self, redis_client, pubsub, pubsub_thread, run_in_thread):
self.redis_client = redis_client
self.redis_pubsub = pubsub
self.pubsub_thread = pubsub_thread
self.run_in_thread = run_in_thread
def __str__(self):
return str(
"Client": repr(self.redis_client),
"Subscrions": self.redis_pubsub.subscribed,
"PubSub thread": repr(self.pubsub_thread),
"Run in thread": self.run_in_thread,
class RedisBackendLock(DbBackendLockAbc):
A class providing an implementation of database backend lock of Shared Data Layer (SDL), when
backend database solution is Redis.
ns (str): Namespace under which this lock is targeted.
name (str): Lock name, identifies the lock key in a Redis database backend.
expiration (int, float): Lock expiration time after which the lock is removed if it hasn't
been released earlier by a 'release' method.
redis_backend (RedisBackend): Database backend object containing connection to Redis
lua_get_validity_time = None
# KEYS[1] - lock name
# ARGS[1] - token
# return < 0 in case of failure, otherwise return lock validity time in milliseconds.
local token ='get', KEYS[1])
if not token then
return -10
if token ~= ARGV[1] then
return -11
return'pttl', KEYS[1])
def __init__(self, ns: str, name: str, expiration: Union[int, float],
redis_backend: RedisBackend) -> None:
super().__init__(ns, name)
self.__redis = redis_backend.get_redis_connection(ns)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
redis_lockname = '{' + ns + '},' + self._lock_name
self.__redis_lock = Lock(redis=self.__redis, name=redis_lockname, timeout=expiration)
def __str__(self):
return str(
"lock DB type": "Redis",
"lock namespace": self._ns,
"lock name": self._lock_name,
"lock status": self._lock_status_to_string()
def acquire(self, retry_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.1,
retry_timeout: Union[int, float] = 10) -> bool:
succeeded = False
self.__redis_lock.sleep = retry_interval
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
succeeded = self.__redis_lock.acquire(blocking_timeout=retry_timeout)
return succeeded
def release(self) -> None:
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def refresh(self) -> None:
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
def get_validity_time(self) -> Union[int, float]:
validity = 0
if self.__redis_lock.local.token is None:
msg = u'Cannot get validity time of an unlocked lock %s' % self._lock_name
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
with _map_to_sdl_exception():
validity = self.lua_get_validity_time(keys=[],
if validity < 0:
msg = (u'Getting validity time of a lock %s failed with error code: %d'
% (self._lock_name, validity))
raise RejectedByBackend(msg)
ftime = validity / 1000.0
if ftime.is_integer():
return int(ftime)
return ftime
def _register_scripts(self):
cls = self.__class__
client = self.__redis
if cls.lua_get_validity_time is None:
cls.lua_get_validity_time = client.register_script(cls.LUA_GET_VALIDITY_TIME_SCRIPT)
def _lock_status_to_string(self) -> str:
if self.__redis_lock.locked():
if self.__redis_lock.owned():
return 'locked'
return 'locked by someone else'
return 'unlocked'
except(redis_exceptions.RedisError) as exc:
return f'Error: {str(exc)}'