Test and debug interface improvements

Added functionality:
- Get all E2Nodes in subscription manager
- Get all REST subscriptions of one E2Node in Subscription manager
- Get all xApps in subscription manager
- Get all subscriptions of a xApp in Subscription manager
- Get all E2 subscriptions of a REST subscription
- Delete all subscriptions of one E2Node
- Delete all subscriptions of a xApp

To be done:
- Document update not yet done
- Testing in real environment not yet done

Change-Id: I5e270c27efa4f8b2da6283540d5fa51aa6146387
Signed-off-by: Anssi Mannila <anssi.mannila@nokia.com>
diff --git a/pkg/control/ut_messaging_test.go b/pkg/control/ut_messaging_test.go
index b4edc3f..3e9a51b 100644
--- a/pkg/control/ut_messaging_test.go
+++ b/pkg/control/ut_messaging_test.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 package control
 import (
+	"encoding/json"
@@ -2632,27 +2633,315 @@
 //     |              |
 func TestGetSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
-	mainCtrl.sendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8088", "/ric/v1/subscriptions")
+	mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8088", "/ric/v1/subscriptions")
 func TestGetSymptomData(t *testing.T) {
-	mainCtrl.sendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/symptomdata")
+	mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/symptomdata")
 func TestPostdeleteSubId(t *testing.T) {
-	mainCtrl.sendPostRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/test/deletesubid=1")
+	mainCtrl.SendPostRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/test/deletesubid=1")
 func TestPostEmptyDb(t *testing.T) {
-	mainCtrl.sendPostRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/test/emptydb")
+	mainCtrl.SendPostRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/test/emptydb")
 func TestGetRestSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
-	mainCtrl.sendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/restsubscriptions")
+	mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/restsubscriptions")
+// TestDelAllE2nodeSubsViaDebugIf
+//   stub                             stub          stub
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+// | xapp  |        | submgr  |    | e2term  |   |  rtmgr  |
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | RESTSubReq      |              |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |     RESTSubResp |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteCreate  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+//     |                 | SubReq       |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |      SubResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |      RESTNotif1 |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | REST get_all_e2nodes           |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |    OK 200       |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     | REST delete_all_e2node_subscriptions         | ranName = RAN_NAME_1
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |    OK 200       |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | SubDelReq    |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |   SubDelResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteDelete  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+func TestDelAllE2nodeSubsViaDebugIf(t *testing.T) {
+	// Init counter check
+	mainCtrl.CounterValuesToBeVeriefied(t, CountersToBeAdded{
+		Counter{cRestSubReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubRespToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubNotifToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelRespToXapp, 1},
+	})
+	params := xappConn1.GetRESTSubsReqReportParams(subReqCount)
+	restSubId := xappConn1.SendRESTSubsReq(t, params)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("Send REST Policy subscriber request for subscriberId : %v", restSubId)
+	crereq1, cremsg1 := e2termConn1.RecvSubsReq(t)
+	xappConn1.ExpectRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsResp(t, crereq1, cremsg1)
+	e2SubsId := xappConn1.WaitRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("REST notification received e2SubsId=%v", e2SubsId)
+	e2nodesJson := mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/get_all_e2nodes")
+	var e2nodesList []string
+	err := json.Unmarshal(e2nodesJson, &e2nodesList)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unmarshal error: %s", err)
+	}
+	assert.Equal(t, true, mainCtrl.VerifyStringExistInSlice("RAN_NAME_1", e2nodesList))
+	e2RestSubsJson := mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/get_e2node_rest_subscriptions/RAN_NAME_1") // RAN_NAME_1 = ranName
+	var e2RestSubsMap map[string]RESTSubscription
+	err = json.Unmarshal(e2RestSubsJson, &e2RestSubsMap)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unmarshal error: %s", err)
+	}
+	if len(e2RestSubsMap) != 1 {
+		t.Errorf("Incorrect e2RestSubsMap length %v", len(e2RestSubsMap))
+	}
+	// Simulate deletion through REST test and debug interface
+	mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/delete_all_e2node_subscriptions/RAN_NAME_1") // RAN_NAME_1 = ranName
+	delreq, delmsg := e2termConn1.RecvSubsDelReq(t)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsDelResp(t, delreq, delmsg)
+	// Wait that subs is cleaned
+	waitSubsCleanup(t, e2SubsId, 10)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyCounterValues(t)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyAllClean(t)
+// TestDelAllxAppSubsViaDebugIf
+//   stub                             stub          stub
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+// | xapp  |        | submgr  |    | e2term  |   |  rtmgr  |
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | RESTSubReq      |              |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |     RESTSubResp |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteCreate  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+//     |                 | SubReq       |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |      SubResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |      RESTNotif1 |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | REST get_all_xapps             |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |    OK 200       |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     | REST delete_all_xapp_subscriptions           |  xappServiceName = localhost
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |    OK 200       |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | SubDelReq    |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |   SubDelResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteDelete  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+func TestDelAllxAppSubsViaDebugIf(t *testing.T) {
+	// Init counter check
+	mainCtrl.CounterValuesToBeVeriefied(t, CountersToBeAdded{
+		Counter{cRestSubReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubRespToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubNotifToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelRespToXapp, 1},
+	})
+	params := xappConn1.GetRESTSubsReqReportParams(subReqCount)
+	restSubId := xappConn1.SendRESTSubsReq(t, params)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("Send REST Policy subscriber request for subscriberId : %v", restSubId)
+	crereq1, cremsg1 := e2termConn1.RecvSubsReq(t)
+	xappConn1.ExpectRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsResp(t, crereq1, cremsg1)
+	e2SubsId := xappConn1.WaitRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("REST notification received e2SubsId=%v", e2SubsId)
+	xappsJson := mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/get_all_xapps")
+	var xappList []string
+	err := json.Unmarshal(xappsJson, &xappList)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unmarshal error: %s", err)
+	}
+	assert.Equal(t, true, mainCtrl.VerifyStringExistInSlice("localhost", xappList))
+	// Simulate deletion through REST test and debug interface
+	mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/delete_all_xapp_subscriptions/localhost") // localhost = xappServiceName
+	delreq, delmsg := e2termConn1.RecvSubsDelReq(t)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsDelResp(t, delreq, delmsg)
+	// Wait that subs is cleaned
+	waitSubsCleanup(t, e2SubsId, 10)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyCounterValues(t)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyAllClean(t)
+// TestDelViaxAppSubsIf
+//   stub                             stub          stub
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+// | xapp  |        | submgr  |    | e2term  |   |  rtmgr  |
+// +-------+        +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | RESTSubReq      |              |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |     RESTSubResp |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteCreate  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+//     |                 | SubReq       |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |      SubResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |      RESTNotif1 |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     | REST get_xapp_rest_restsubscriptions         |
+//     |---------------->|              |             |
+//     |    OK 200       |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     | RESTSudDel      |              |             |
+//     |---------------->|              |             | Via user curl command (port 8088)
+//     |     RESTSudDel  |              |             |
+//     |<----------------|              |             |
+//     |                 | SubDelReq    |             |
+//     |                 |------------->|             |
+//     |                 |   SubDelResp |             |
+//     |                 |<-------------|             |
+//     |                 |              |             |
+//     |                 | RouteDelete  |             |
+//     |                 |--------------------------->|
+//     |                 | RouteResponse|             |
+//     |                 |<---------------------------|
+func TestDelViaxAppSubsIf(t *testing.T) {
+	// Init counter check
+	mainCtrl.CounterValuesToBeVeriefied(t, CountersToBeAdded{
+		Counter{cRestSubReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubRespToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubNotifToXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelReqFromXapp, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelReqToE2, 1},
+		Counter{cSubDelRespFromE2, 1},
+		Counter{cRestSubDelRespToXapp, 1},
+	})
+	params := xappConn1.GetRESTSubsReqReportParams(subReqCount)
+	restSubId := xappConn1.SendRESTSubsReq(t, params)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("Send REST Policy subscriber request for subscriberId : %v", restSubId)
+	crereq1, cremsg1 := e2termConn1.RecvSubsReq(t)
+	xappConn1.ExpectRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsResp(t, crereq1, cremsg1)
+	e2SubsId := xappConn1.WaitRESTNotification(t, restSubId)
+	xapp.Logger.Debug("REST notification received e2SubsId=%v", e2SubsId)
+	restSubsListJson := mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/get_xapp_rest_restsubscriptions/localhost") // localhost = xappServiceName
+	var restSubsMap map[string]RESTSubscription
+	err := json.Unmarshal(restSubsListJson, &restSubsMap)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unmarshal error: %s", err)
+	}
+	_, ok := restSubsMap[restSubId]
+	if !ok {
+		t.Errorf("REST subscription not found. restSubId=%s", restSubId)
+	}
+	var e2Subscriptions []Subscription
+	e2SubscriptionsJson := mainCtrl.SendGetRequest(t, "localhost:8080", "/ric/v1/get_e2subscriptions/"+restSubId)
+	err = json.Unmarshal(e2SubscriptionsJson, &e2Subscriptions)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unmarshal error: %s", err)
+	}
+	if len(e2Subscriptions) != 1 {
+		t.Errorf("Incorrect e2Subscriptions length %v", len(e2Subscriptions))
+	}
+	// Simulate deletion through xapp REST test interface
+	mainCtrl.SendDeleteRequest(t, "localhost:8088", "/ric/v1/subscriptions/"+restSubId)
+	delreq, delmsg := e2termConn1.RecvSubsDelReq(t)
+	e2termConn1.SendSubsDelResp(t, delreq, delmsg)
+	// Wait that subs is cleaned
+	waitSubsCleanup(t, e2SubsId, 10)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyCounterValues(t)
+	mainCtrl.VerifyAllClean(t)
@@ -3961,6 +4250,7 @@
 //     | RESTSubResp     |              |
 //     |<----------------|              |
 //     |                 | SubReq       |
+//     |                 |------------->|
 //     |                 |              |
 //     |                 |              |
 //     |                 | SubReq       |