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Tracing helper library

The library creates a configured tracer instance.


Create a tracer instance and set it as a global tracer:

import (

tracer, closer := tracelibgo.CreateTracer("my-service-name")
defer closer.Close()

Serialize span context to a byte array that can be sent to another component via some messaging. For example, using the RMR library. The serialization uses JSON format.

	carrier := make(map[string]string)
	b, err := json.Marshal(carrier) // b is a []byte and contains serilized span context

Extract a span context from byte array and create a new child span from it. The serialized span context is got, for example, from the RMR library.

	var carrier map[string]string
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &carrier) // data is []byte containing serialized span context
	if err != nil {
	context, err := opentracing.GlobalTracer().Extract(opentracing.TextMap, opentracing.TextMapCarrier(carrier))
	if err != nil {
	span := opentracing.GlobalTracer().StartSpan("go test span", opentracing.ChildOf(context))


The trace library currently supports only Jaeger golang client tracer implementation. The configuration is done using environment variables:

environment variablevaluesdefault
TRACING_ENABLED1, true, 0, falsefalse
TRACING_JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPEconst, propabilistic, ratelimitingconst
TRACING_JAEGER_LOG_LEVELall, error, nonenone

Meaning of the configuration variables is described in Jaeger web pages. By default a no-op tracer is created.

Unit testing

GO111MODULE=on go mod download go test ./pkg/tracelibgo


See LICENSES.txt file.