blob: 1875cb50ddc4579baf03310f962373b7113d6757 [file] [log] [blame]
This repo houses various platform utility projects. Each project
is managed in a separate subdirectory under the repo root. The
organisation of the proejct is not mandated; what ever makes
sense for the project should be used. Please refer to the
README at the project's root directory for project details.
Projects are likely to maintain the following files in their
top level directory:
While these files aren't required, they are stronly encouraged.
Unfortunately, due to the CI organisation it is not possible to
completely segregated the projects. The overlapping directories
are described below.
The CI jobs which move documentation to a remote repository
do not generate the documentation during the execution of the
job, but expect that the repo contains already formatted
documentation in a known directory: docs/. This means that
all project documents being made available for the CI automation
to move will have to reside in the same location. To avoid
conflicting document names, the project directory is expected
to be used as a prefix to all of the files in docs/. For
example, mgxapp_ will be used for the Metrics Generator xAPP's
Release Triggers
The CI job(s) which build and push packages and images are triggered
by file changes in the releases directory. The CI automation
permits multiple files to reside in this directory and keys
on a single file change. All files in the releases directory
are also epected to have the project name used as the prefix.
Unless it is impossible, there should be only one release file
per project (not one for each version).
Non-Project Files
The CI jobs also require a smattering of files at the root of
the repo which are not for the use of the project. These include:
INFO.yaml -- describes the repo, commiters, and owners
tox.ini -- required for CI document scraping
.readthedocs.yaml -- required for CI document scraping