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Mnemonic: alarm.hpp
Abstract: Headers for the alarm class.
This class provides for an alarm API.
Date: 15 July 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "msg_component.hpp"
namespace xapp {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Alarm {
std::shared_ptr<Message> msg; // message to send
std::shared_ptr<char> psp; // shared pointer to the payload to give out
std::string endpoint = ""; // the ip:port addr:port of the alarm collector
int whid = -1;
// data for the payload
std::string me_id = ""; // managed element ID
std::string app_id = ""; // application ID
int problem_id = -1; // problem ID (specific problem)
std::string severity = ""; // set_sev() xlates from SEV_* consts to collector's string values
std::string info = ""; // info string supplied by user
std::string add_info = ""; // additional information supplied by user
int build_alarm( int action_id, xapp::Msg_component payload, int payload_len );
static const int SEV_CRIT = 1; // allow translation to string on send/gen
static const int SEV_MAJOR = 2;
static const int SEV_MINOR = 3;
static const int SEV_WARN = 4;
static const int SEV_CLEAR = 5;
static const int SEV_DEFAULT = 6;
static const int ACT_RAISE = 1; // action const map to alarm manager strings
static const int ACT_CLEAR = 2;
static const int ACT_CLEAR_ALL = 3;
explicit Alarm( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg ); // builders
Alarm( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg, const std::string& meid );
Alarm( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg, int prob_id, const std::string& meid );
Alarm( const Alarm& soi ); // copy to newly created instance
Alarm& operator=( const Alarm& soi ); // copy operator
Alarm( Alarm&& soi ); // mover
Alarm& operator=( Alarm&& soi ) noexcept; // move operator
~Alarm(); // destroyer
std::string Get_endpoint( ) const;
void Set_additional( const std::string& new_info );
void Set_appid( const std::string& new_id );
void Set_info( const std::string& new_info );
void Set_meid( const std::string& new_meid );
void Set_problem( int new_id );
void Set_severity( int new_sev );
void Set_whid( int whid );
bool Raise( );
bool Raise( int severity, int problem, const std::string& info );
bool Raise( int severity, int problem, const std::string& info, const std::string& additional_info );
bool Raise_again( );
bool Clear( );
bool Clear( int severity, int problem, const std::string& info );
bool Clear( int severity, int problem, const std::string& info, const std::string& additional_info );
bool Clear_all( );
void Dump() const;
} // namespace