Initial source commit
This change contains the initial source for the framework.
This is a work in progress, but should compile and produce
both .deb and .rpm packages (with proper system support).
Currently the support is for RMR based messaging only.
The examples are rough but provide a first cut demonstration
of the base framework.
Issue-ID: RIC-148
Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <>
Change-Id: I9c64aa7db20c2977a4422d7257077e2531cc67d5
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d702d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This CMake definition supports several -D command line options:
+# -DDEBUG=n Enable debugging level n
+# -DDEV_PKG=1 Development package configuration
+# -DBUILD_DOC=1 Man pages generated
+# -DPRESERVE_PTYPE=1 Do not change the processor type when naming deb packages
+# -DGPROF=1 Enable profiling compile time flags
+# -DMAN_PREFIX=<path> Supply a path where man pages are installed (default: /usr/share/man)
+project( ricxfcpp )
+cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
+set( major_version "0" ) # should be automatically populated from git tag later, but until CI process sets a tag we use this
+set( minor_version "1" )
+set( patch_level "0" )
+set( install_root "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" )
+set( install_inc "include/ricxfcpp" )
+ set( install_man ${MAN_PREFIX} ) # is there a cmake var for this -- can't find one
+ set( install_man "/usr/share/man" ) # this needs to be fixed so it's not hard coded
+# Must use GNUInstallDirs to install libraries into correct
+# locations on all platforms.
+include( GNUInstallDirs )
+# externals may install using LIBDIR as established by the gnu include; it varies from system
+# to system, and we don't trust that it is always set, so we default to lib if it is missing.
+set( install_lib "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" )
+message( "+++ ricxfcpp library install target directory: ${install_lib}" )
+# ---------------- extract some things from git ------------------------------
+# commit id for the version string
+ COMMAND bash -c "git rev-parse --short HEAD|awk '{printf\"%s\", $0}'"
+# version information for library names and version string
+ COMMAND bash -c "git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk -v tag=0.0.4095 ' { tag=$1 } END{ print tag suffix }'|sed 's/\\./;/g' "
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE mmp_version_str
+message( "+++ mmp version from tag: '${mmp_version_str}'" )
+# extra indicator to show that the build was based on modified file(s) and not the true commit
+# (no hope of reproducing the exact library for debugging). Used only for the internal version
+# string.
+ COMMAND bash -c "git diff --shortstat|awk -v fmt=%s -v r=-rotten '{ s=r } END { printf( fmt, s ) }'"
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE spoiled_str
+# uncomment these lines once CI starts adding a tag on merge
+#set( mmp_version ${mmp_version_str} )
+#list( GET mmp_version 0 major_version )
+#list( GET mmp_version 1 minor_version )
+#list( GET mmp_version 2 patch_level )
+if( DEBUG ) # if set, we'll set debugging on in the compile
+ set( debugging ${DEBUG} )
+ message( "+++ debugging is being set to ${DEBUG}" )
+ set( debugging 0 )
+ message( "+++ debugging is set to off" )
+unset( DEBUG CACHE ) # we don't want this to persist
+# define constants used in the version string, debugging, etc.
+ -DGIT_ID=${git_id}
+ -DMAJOR_VER=${major_version}
+ -DMINOR_VER=${minor_version}
+ -DPATCH_VER=${patch_level}
+ -DDEBUG=${debugging}
+# ---------------- suss out pkg gen tools so we don't fail generating packages that the system cannot support --------------
+# deb packages use underbars, and package manager(s) seem to flip the *_64 processor type
+# to the old (non-standard) amd64 string, so we do it here for consistency. Set -DPRESERVE_PTYPE=1
+# to prevent the flip. RPM packages will always be given the system generated processor type string.
+ set( deb_sys_name "amd64" )
+ else()
+ set( deb_sys_name ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} )
+ endif()
+ set( deb_sys_name ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} )
+unset( PRESERVE_PTYPE CACHE ) # we don't want this to persist
+set( rpm_sys_name ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} )
+if( DEV_PKG )
+ set( deb_pkg_name "ricxfcpp-dev" )
+ set( rpm_pkg_name "ricxfcpp-devel" )
+ set( deb_pkg_name "ricxfcpp" )
+ set( rpm_pkg_name "ricxfcpp" )
+set( pkg_label "ricxfcpp${spoiled_str}-${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}-${sys_name}" )
+set( rpm_pkg_label "${rpm_pkg_name}${spoiled_str}-${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}-${rpm_sys_name}" )
+set( deb_pkg_label "${deb_pkg_name}${spoiled_str}_${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}_${deb_sys_name}" )
+message( "+++ pkg name: ${deb_pkg_label}.deb" )
+set( gen_rpm 0 )
+find_program( rpm NAMES rpmbuild ) # rpm package gen requires this to be installed
+if( "${rpm}" MATCHES "rpm-NOTFOUND" ) # cannot build rpm
+ set( pkg_list "DEB" )
+ message( "### make package will generate only deb package; cannot find support to generate rpm packages" )
+ message( "+++ pkg name: ${rpm_pkg_label}.rpm" ) # debugging if we think we can gen rpm too
+ set( pkg_list "DEB;RPM" )
+ set( gen_rpm 1 )
+ message( "+++ make package will generate both deb and rpm packages" )
+# this gets us round a chicken/egg problem. include files don't exist until make is run
+# but Cmake insists on having these exist when we add them to include directories to
+# enable code to find them after we build them.
+include_directories( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/messaging" )
+# Compiler flags
+set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g " )
+set( CMAKE_CPP_FLAGS "-g " )
+if( GPROF ) # if set, we'll set profiling flag on compiles
+ message( "+++ profiling is on" )
+ set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-pg " )
+ set( CMAKE_CPP_FLAGS "-pg " )
+ message( "+++ profiling is off" )
+unset( GPROF CACHE ) # we don't want this to persist
+# Include modules
+add_subdirectory( src/messaging )
+add_subdirectory( src/xapp )
+#add_subdirectory( doc ) # this will auto skip if {X}fm is not available
+# shared and static libraries are built from the same object files.
+add_library( ricxfcpp_shared SHARED "$<TARGET_OBJECTS:message_objects>;$<TARGET_OBJECTS:xapp_objects>" )
+set_target_properties( ricxfcpp_shared
+ OUTPUT_NAME "ricxfcpp"
+ SOVERSION ${major_version}
+ VERSION ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}
+target_include_directories( ricxfcpp_shared PUBLIC "src/messenger" "src/xapp" )
+# we only build/export the static archive (.a) if generating a dev package
+if( DEV_PKG )
+ add_library( ricxfcpp_static STATIC "$<TARGET_OBJECTS:message_objects>;$<TARGET_OBJECTS:xapp_objects>" )
+ set_target_properties( ricxfcpp_static
+ OUTPUT_NAME "ricxfcpp"
+ SOVERSION ${major_version}
+ VERSION ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_level}
+ )
+ target_include_directories( ricxfcpp_static PUBLIC "src/messenger" "src/xapp" )
+# ------------- packaging -----------------------------------------------------
+# Define what should be installed, and where they should go. For dev package we install
+# only the RMr headers, man pages and archive (.a) files. The run-time package gets just
+# the library (.so) files and nothing more.
+if( DEV_PKG )
+ set( target_list "ricxfcpp_static" )
+ set( target_list "ricxfcpp_shared" )
+install( TARGETS ${target_list} EXPORT LibraryConfig
+ LIBRARY DESTINATION ${install_lib}
+ ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${install_lib}
+unset( DEV_PKG CACHE ) # prevent from being a hidden setting if user redoes things
+IF( EXISTS "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CPack.cmake" )
+ include( InstallRequiredSystemLibraries )
+ set( CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME ${deb_pkg_name} )
+ set( CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_NAME ${rpm_pkg_name} )
+ set( CPACK_RPM_EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_FILELIST_ADDITION "/usr/local;/usr/local/bin;/usr/local/include;/usr/local/share;/usr/local/lib" )
+ set( CPACK_set_DESTDIR "on" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX "${install_root}" )
+ set( CPACK_GENERATOR "${pkg_list}" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION "C++ framework for RIC xAPPs based on RMR." )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "RIC xAPP C++ framework library" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "${major_version}" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "${minor_version}" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "${patch_level}" )
+ set( CPACK_PACKAGE "${pkg_label}" ) # generic name for old versions of cpack
+ set( CPACK_DEBIAN_FILE_NAME "${deb_pkg_label}.deb" )
+ set( CPACK_RPM_FILE_NAME "${rpm_pkg_label}.rpm" )
+ # Future: define dependencies on RMR and other libs
+ # this seems ingnored if included
+ #set( CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL Libraries ApplicationData )
+ INCLUDE( CPack )