Add metrics API

Defines MetricsData, MetricsReport and MetricsManager classes
so client xApps can generate and send reports via RMR.

Issue-ID: RIC-381
Signed-off-by: Lott, Christopher (cl778h) <>
Change-Id: I46890db2e9fedd007412cb480f592d059687ccf8
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40c978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
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+# =================================================================================2
+#       Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
+#       Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+# ==================================================================================
+import json
+import pytest
+import time
+from mdclogpy import Logger
+from ricxappframe.metric import metric
+from ricxappframe.metric.exceptions import EmptyReport
+from ricxappframe.metric.metric import MetricData, MetricsReport, MetricsManager
+from ricxappframe.rmr import rmr
+mdc_logger = Logger(name=__name__)
+MRC_SEND = None
+MRC_RCV = None
+SIZE = 256
+def setup_module():
+    """
+    test metric module setup
+    """
+    global MRC_SEND
+    MRC_SEND = rmr.rmr_init(b"4568", rmr.RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES, 0x00)
+    while rmr.rmr_ready(MRC_SEND) == 0:
+        time.sleep(1)
+    global MRC_RCV
+    MRC_RCV = rmr.rmr_init(b"4569", rmr.RMR_MAX_RCV_BYTES, 0x00)
+    while rmr.rmr_ready(MRC_RCV) == 0:
+        time.sleep(1)
+    # let all the RMR output appear
+    time.sleep(2)
+    mdc_logger.debug("RMR instances initialized")
+def teardown_module():
+    """
+    test metric module teardown
+    """
+    mdc_logger.debug("Closing RMR instances")
+    rmr.rmr_close(MRC_SEND)
+    rmr.rmr_close(MRC_RCV)
+def test_metric_set_get(monkeypatch):
+    mdc_logger.debug("Testing set functions")
+    md = MetricData("id", "value", "type")
+    assert md[metric.KEY_DATA_ID] == "id"
+    assert md[metric.KEY_DATA_VALUE] == "value"
+    assert md[metric.KEY_DATA_TYPE] == "type"
+    mr = MetricsReport("reporter", "generator", [md])
+    assert mr[metric.KEY_REPORTER] == "reporter"
+    assert mr[metric.KEY_GENERATOR] == "generator"
+    assert len(mr[metric.KEY_DATA]) == 1
+    assert mr[metric.KEY_DATA][0] == md
+    mgr = metric.MetricsManager(MRC_SEND, "reporter", "generator")
+    assert mgr is not None
+    assert mgr.reporter == "reporter"
+    assert mgr.generator == "generator"
+    mr = MetricsReport("empty", "empty", [])
+    with pytest.raises(EmptyReport):
+        mgr.send_report(mr)
+def _receive_metric_rpt(rptr: str):
+    """
+    delays briefly, receives a message, checks the message type and reporter
+    """
+    time.sleep(0.5)
+    sbuf_rcv = rmr.rmr_alloc_msg(MRC_RCV, SIZE)
+    sbuf_rcv = rmr.rmr_torcv_msg(MRC_RCV, sbuf_rcv, 2000)
+    rcv_summary = rmr.message_summary(sbuf_rcv)
+    mdc_logger.debug("Receive result is {}".format(rcv_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_STATE]))
+    assert rcv_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_STATE] == rmr.RMR_OK
+    assert rcv_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_MSG_TYPE] == metric.RIC_METRICS
+    # parse JSON
+    data = json.loads(rcv_summary[rmr.RMR_MS_PAYLOAD].decode())
+    mdc_logger.debug("Received reporter {}".format(data[metric.KEY_REPORTER]))
+    assert data[metric.KEY_REPORTER] == rptr
+def test_metrics_manager():
+    """
+    test send functions and ensure a message arrives
+    """
+    mdc_logger.debug("Testing metrics-send functions")
+    rptr = "metr"
+    mgr = MetricsManager(MRC_SEND, rptr, "generator")
+    assert mgr is not None
+    md = MetricData("id", "value", "type")
+    assert md is not None
+    success = mgr.send_metrics([md])
+    assert success
+    _receive_metric_rpt(rptr)