blob: 7f77e94aa53906841a065a5e58ca80897efeb70d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
extern "C" {
#include "OCUCP-PF-Container.h"
#include "OCTET_STRING.h"
#include "asn_application.h"
#include "E2SM-KPM-IndicationMessage.h"
#include "FQIPERSlicesPerPlmnListItem.h"
#include "E2SM-KPM-RANfunction-Description.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"
#include "E2AP-PDU.h"
#include "RICsubscriptionRequest.h"
#include "RICsubscriptionResponse.h"
#include "RICactionType.h"
#include "ProtocolIE-Field.h"
#include "ProtocolIE-SingleContainer.h"
#include "InitiatingMessage.h"
#include "encode_kpm.hpp"
#include "encode_e2apv1.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include "e2sim.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
using namespace std;
struct neighbor_cell_entry {
char *cellid;
int rsrp;
int rsrq;
int rssinr;
void run_report_loop(long requestorId, long instanceId, long ranFunctionId, long actionId, int socket_fd) {
//Process simulation file
ifstream simfile;
string line;
long seqNum = 1;"simulation.txt", ios::in);
cout << "step1" << endl;
std::ifstream ue_stream("ueMeasReport.txt");
std::ifstream cell_stream("cellMeasReport.txt");
json all_ues_json;
ue_stream >> all_ues_json;
json all_cells_json;
cell_stream >> all_cells_json;
asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_cod;
cout << "UE RF Measurements" << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
int numMeasReports = (all_ues_json["/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList"_json_pointer]).size();
for (int i = 0; i < numMeasReports; i++) {
int nextCellId;
int nextRsrp;
int nextRsrq;
int nextRssinr;
cout << "UE number " + i << endl;
cout << "**********" << endl;
json::json_pointer p1(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/nrCellIdentity");
nextCellId = all_ues_json[p1].get<int>();
cout << "Serving Cell " << nextCellId << endl;
json::json_pointer p2(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/servingCellRfReport/rsrp");
nextRsrp = all_ues_json[p2].get<int>();
cout << " RSRP " << nextRsrp << endl;
json::json_pointer p3(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/servingCellRfReport/rsrq");
nextRsrq = all_ues_json[p3].get<int>();
cout << " RSRQ " << nextRsrq << endl;
json::json_pointer p4(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/servingCellRfReport/rssinr");
nextRssinr = all_ues_json[p4].get<int>();
cout << " RSSINR " << nextRssinr << endl;
json::json_pointer p5(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/neighbourCellList");
int numNeighborCells = (all_ues_json[p5]).size();
//REPORT Message 3 -- Encode and send OCUCP user-level report
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg3 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu3 = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
uint8_t *crnti_buf = (uint8_t*)calloc(1,2);
if (nextCellId == 0) {
uint8_t *buf2 = (uint8_t*)"12";
memcpy(crnti_buf, buf2, 2);
} else if (nextCellId == 1) {
uint8_t *buf2 = (uint8_t*)"22";
memcpy(crnti_buf, buf2, 2);
std::string serving_str = "{\"rsrp\": " + std::to_string(nextRsrp) + ", \"rsrq\": " +
std::to_string(nextRsrq) + ", \"rssinr\": " + std::to_string(nextRssinr) + "}";
const uint8_t *serving_buf = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(serving_str.c_str());
std::string neighbor_str = "[";
int nextNbCell;
int nextNbRsrp;
int nextNbRsrq;
int nextNbRssinr;
for (int j = 0; j < numNeighborCells; j++) {
json::json_pointer p8(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/neighbourCellList/" + std::to_string(j) + "/nbCellIdentity");
nextNbCell = all_ues_json[p8].get<int>();
cout << "Neighbor Cell " << all_ues_json[p8] << endl;
json::json_pointer p9(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i)
+"/neighbourCellList/" + std::to_string(j) + "/nbCellRfReport/rsrp");
nextNbRsrp = all_ues_json[p9].get<int>();
cout << " RSRP " << nextNbRsrp << endl;
json::json_pointer p10(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i)
+"/neighbourCellList/" + std::to_string(j) + "/nbCellRfReport/rsrq");
nextNbRsrq = all_ues_json[p10].get<int>();
cout << " RSRQ " << nextNbRsrq << endl;
json::json_pointer p11(std::string("/ueMeasReport/ueMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i)
+"/neighbourCellList/" + std::to_string(j) + "/nbCellRfReport/rssinr");
nextNbRssinr = all_ues_json[p11].get<int>();
cout << " RSSINR " << nextNbRssinr << endl;
if (j != 0) {
neighbor_str += ",";
neighbor_str += "{\"CID\" : \"" + std::to_string(nextNbCell) + "\", \"Cell-RF\" : \"{\"rsrp\": " + std::to_string(nextNbRsrp) +
", \"rsrq\": " + std::to_string(nextNbRsrq) + ", \"rssinr\": " + std::to_string(nextNbRssinr) + "}}";
neighbor_str += "]";
const uint8_t *neighbor_buf = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(neighbor_str.c_str());
printf("Neighbor string\n%s", neighbor_buf);
uint8_t *plmnid_buf = (uint8_t*)"747";
uint8_t *nrcellid_buf = (uint8_t*)"12340";
encode_kpm_report_rancontainer_cucp_parameterized(ind_msg3, plmnid_buf, nrcellid_buf, crnti_buf, serving_buf, neighbor_buf);
uint8_t e2smbuffer3[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size3 = 8192;
asn_enc_rval_t er3 = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg3, e2smbuffer3, e2smbuffer_size3);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er3.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf3 = (uint8_t*)"header";
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu3, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf3, 6, e2smbuffer3, er3.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu3, socket_fd);
cout << "Cell Measurements" << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
int numCellMeasReports = (all_cells_json["/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList"_json_pointer]).size();
uint8_t *sst_buf = (uint8_t*)"1";
uint8_t *sd_buf = (uint8_t*)"100";
uint8_t *plmnid_buf = (uint8_t*)"747";
for (int i = 0; i < numCellMeasReports; i++) {
int nextCellId;
int nextPdcpBytesDL;
int nextPdcpBytesUL;
int nextPRBBytesDL;
int nextPRBBytesUL;
json::json_pointer p1(std::string("/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/nrCellIdentity");
nextCellId = all_cells_json[p1].get<int>();
cout << std::string("Cell number ") << nextCellId << endl;
cout << "**********" << endl;
json::json_pointer p2(std::string("/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/pdcpByteMeasReport/pdcpBytesDl");
nextPdcpBytesDL = all_cells_json[p2].get<int>();
cout << std::string(" PDCP Bytes DL ") << nextPdcpBytesDL << endl;
json::json_pointer p3(std::string("/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/pdcpByteMeasReport/pdcpBytesUl");
nextPdcpBytesUL = all_cells_json[p3].get<int>();
cout << std::string(" PDCP Bytes UL ") << nextPdcpBytesUL << endl;
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)"GNBCUUP5";
int bytes_dl = nextPdcpBytesDL;
int bytes_ul = nextPdcpBytesUL;
// int bytes_dl = 3905;
// int bytes_ul = 1609321;
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg2 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu2 = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
encode_kpm_report_style5_parameterized(ind_msg2 , buf, bytes_dl, bytes_ul, sst_buf, sd_buf, plmnid_buf);
uint8_t e2smbuffer2[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size2 = 8192;
asn_enc_rval_t er2 = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg2, e2smbuffer2, e2smbuffer_size2);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er2.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf2 = (uint8_t*)"header";
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu2, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf2, 6, e2smbuffer2, er2.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu2, socket_fd);
json::json_pointer p4(std::string("/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/prbMeasReport/availPrbDl");
nextPRBBytesDL = all_cells_json[p4].get<int>();
cout << std::string(" PRB Bytes DL ") << all_cells_json[p4] << endl;
json::json_pointer p5(std::string("/cellMeasReport/cellMeasReportList/") + std::to_string(i) +"/prbMeasReport/availPrbUl");
nextPRBBytesUL = all_cells_json[p5].get<int>();
cout << std::string(" PRB Bytes UL ") << all_cells_json[p5] << endl;
//REPORT Message 1 -- Encode and send ODU cell-level report
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg1 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
long fiveqi = 7;
uint8_t *nrcellid_buf = (uint8_t*)"12340";
long dl_prbs = nextPRBBytesDL;
long ul_prbs = nextPRBBytesUL;
encode_kpm_report_style1_parameterized(ind_msg1, fiveqi, dl_prbs, ul_prbs, sst_buf, sd_buf, plmnid_buf, nrcellid_buf, &dl_prbs, &ul_prbs);
uint8_t e2smbuffer[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size = 8192;
asn_enc_rval_t er = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg1, e2smbuffer, e2smbuffer_size);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf = (uint8_t*)"header";
uint8_t *cpid_buf = (uint8_t*)"CPID";
fprintf(stderr, "About to encode Indication\n");
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf, 6, e2smbuffer, er.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu, socket_fd);
if (simfile.is_open()) {
while (getline(simfile, line)) {
cout << line << "\n";
//REPORT Message 1 -- Encode and send ODU cell-level report
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg1 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
long fiveqi = 7;
uint8_t *sst_buf = (uint8_t*)"1";
uint8_t *sd_buf = (uint8_t*)"100";
uint8_t *plmnid_buf = (uint8_t*)"747";
uint8_t *nrcellid_buf = (uint8_t*)"12340";
long dl_prbs = 100;
long ul_prbs = 50;
encode_kpm_report_style1_parameterized(ind_msg1, fiveqi, dl_prbs, ul_prbs, sst_buf, sd_buf, plmnid_buf, nrcellid_buf, &dl_prbs, &ul_prbs);
uint8_t e2smbuffer[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size = 8192;
asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_cod;
asn_enc_rval_t er = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg1, e2smbuffer, e2smbuffer_size);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf = (uint8_t*)"header";
uint8_t *cpid_buf = (uint8_t*)"CPID";
fprintf(stderr, "About to encode Indication\n");
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf, 6, e2smbuffer, er.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu, socket_fd);
//REPORT Message 2 -- Encode and send OCUUP cell-level report
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)"GNBCUUP5";
int bytes_dl = 40000;
int bytes_ul = 50000;
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg2 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu2 = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
encode_kpm_report_style5_parameterized(ind_msg2 , buf, bytes_dl, bytes_ul, sst_buf, sd_buf, plmnid_buf);
uint8_t e2smbuffer2[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size2 = 8192;
asn_enc_rval_t er2 = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg2, e2smbuffer2, e2smbuffer_size2);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er2.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf2 = (uint8_t*)"header";
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu2, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf2, 6, e2smbuffer2, er2.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu2, socket_fd);
//REPORT Message 3 -- Encode and send OCUCP user-level report
E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t *ind_msg3 =
E2AP_PDU *pdu3 = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
uint8_t *crnti_buf = (uint8_t*)"12";
// uint8_t *serving_buf = (uint8_t*)"RSRP10";
//uint8_t *neighbor_buf = (uint8_t*)"-10,-15";
int rsrpServ = 10;
int rsrqServ = 0;
int rssinrServ = 0;
std::string serving_str = "{\"rsrp\": " + std::to_string(rsrpServ) + ", \"rsrq\": " +
std::to_string(rsrqServ) + ", \"rssinr\": " + std::to_string(rssinrServ) + "}";
const uint8_t *serving_buf = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(serving_str.c_str());
neighbor_cell_entry n_entries[3];
n_entries[0] = {"123", 10, 0, 0};
n_entries[1] = {"456", 10, 0, 0};
n_entries[2] = {"789", 10, 0, 0};
std::string neighbor_str = "[";
for (int i=0; i < sizeof(n_entries)/sizeof(n_entries[0]); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
neighbor_str += ",";
neighbor_str += "{\"CID\" : \"" + std::string(n_entries[i].cellid) + "\", \"Cell-RF\" : \"{\"rsrp\": " + std::to_string(n_entries[i].rsrp) +
", \"rsrq\": " + std::to_string(n_entries[i].rsrq) + ", \"rssinr\": " + std::to_string(n_entries[i].rsrp) + "}}";
neighbor_str += "]";
const uint8_t *neighbor_buf = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(neighbor_str.c_str());
printf("Neighbor string\n%s", neighbor_buf);
encode_kpm_report_rancontainer_cucp_parameterized(ind_msg3, plmnid_buf, nrcellid_buf, crnti_buf, serving_buf, neighbor_buf);
uint8_t e2smbuffer3[8192];
size_t e2smbuffer_size3 = 8192;
asn_enc_rval_t er3 = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
ind_msg3, e2smbuffer3, e2smbuffer_size3);
fprintf(stderr, "er encded is %d\n", er3.encoded);
fprintf(stderr, "after encoding message\n");
uint8_t *e2smheader_buf3 = (uint8_t*)"header";
generate_e2apv1_indication_request_parameterized(pdu3, requestorId,
instanceId, ranFunctionId,
actionId, seqNum, e2smheader_buf3, 6, e2smbuffer3, er3.encoded);
encode_and_send_sctp_data(pdu3, socket_fd);
//Encode and send OCUUP user-level report
//Encode and send ODU user-level report
void callback_kpm_subscription_request(E2AP_PDU_t *sub_req_pdu, int socket_fd) {
//Record RIC Request ID
//Go through RIC action to be Setup List
//Find first entry with REPORT action Type
//Record ricActionID
//Encode subscription response
RICsubscriptionRequest_t orig_req =
RICsubscriptionResponse_IEs_t *ricreqid =
(RICsubscriptionResponse_IEs_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(RICsubscriptionResponse_IEs_t));
int count = orig_req.protocolIEs.list.count;
int size = orig_req.protocolIEs.list.size;
RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs_t **ies = (RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs_t**)orig_req.protocolIEs.list.array;
fprintf(stderr, "count%d\n", count);
fprintf(stderr, "size%d\n", size);
RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs__value_PR pres;
long reqRequestorId;
long reqInstanceId;
long reqActionId;
std::vector<long> actionIdsAccept;
std::vector<long> actionIdsReject;
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs_t *next_ie = ies[i];
pres = next_ie->value.present;
fprintf(stderr, "next present value %d\n", pres);
switch(pres) {
case RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs__value_PR_RICrequestID:
RICrequestID_t reqId = next_ie->value.choice.RICrequestID;
long requestorId = reqId.ricRequestorID;
long instanceId = reqId.ricInstanceID;
fprintf(stderr, "requestorId %d\n", requestorId);
fprintf(stderr, "instanceId %d\n", instanceId);
reqRequestorId = requestorId;
reqInstanceId = instanceId;
case RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs__value_PR_RANfunctionID:
case RICsubscriptionRequest_IEs__value_PR_RICsubscriptionDetails:
RICsubscriptionDetails_t subDetails = next_ie->value.choice.RICsubscriptionDetails;
RICeventTriggerDefinition_t triggerDef = subDetails.ricEventTriggerDefinition;
RICactions_ToBeSetup_List_t actionList = subDetails.ricAction_ToBeSetup_List;
//We are ignoring the trigger definition
//We identify the first action whose type is REPORT
//That is the only one accepted; all others are rejected
int actionCount = actionList.list.count;
fprintf(stderr, "action count%d\n", actionCount);
auto **item_array = actionList.list.array;
bool foundAction = false;
for (int i=0; i < actionCount; i++) {
auto *next_item = item_array[i];
RICactionID_t actionId = ((RICaction_ToBeSetup_ItemIEs*)next_item)->value.choice.RICaction_ToBeSetup_Item.ricActionID;
RICactionType_t actionType = ((RICaction_ToBeSetup_ItemIEs*)next_item)->value.choice.RICaction_ToBeSetup_Item.ricActionType;
if (!foundAction && actionType == RICactionType_report) {
reqActionId = actionId;
printf("adding accept\n");
foundAction = true;
} else {
reqActionId = actionId;
printf("adding reject\n");
fprintf(stderr, "After Processing Subscription Request\n");
fprintf(stderr, "requestorId %d\n", reqRequestorId);
fprintf(stderr, "instanceId %d\n", reqInstanceId);
for (int i=0; i < actionIdsAccept.size(); i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "Action ID %d %ld\n", i,;
E2AP_PDU *e2ap_pdu = (E2AP_PDU*)calloc(1,sizeof(E2AP_PDU));
long *accept_array = &actionIdsAccept[0];
long *reject_array = &actionIdsReject[0];
int accept_size = actionIdsAccept.size();
int reject_size = actionIdsReject.size();
generate_e2apv1_subscription_response_success(e2ap_pdu, accept_array, reject_array, accept_size, reject_size, reqRequestorId, reqInstanceId);
//Start thread for sending REPORT messages
// std::thread loop_thread;
long funcId = 1;
run_report_loop(reqRequestorId, reqInstanceId, funcId, reqActionId, socket_fd);
// loop_thread = std::thread(&run_report_loop);