Update developer-guide for API conformance test

This patch adds the procedure of the manual API conformance test
according to ETSI NFV-TST by using Xtesting.

Issue-ID: SMO-77
Signed-off-by: Koichi Edagawa <edagawa.kc@nec.com>
Change-Id: Ie160553df4c6201f37cd5d58b431b1fe77f1f4fc
diff --git a/docs/developer-guide.rst b/docs/developer-guide.rst
index a27d028..6aafe44 100644
--- a/docs/developer-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/developer-guide.rst
@@ -22,11 +22,240 @@
 ..   * This note must be removed after content has been added.
+API conformance test with ETSI NFV-TST
+`ETSI NFV-TST 010`_ specifies the method of the conformance test for APIs specified by NFV specifications.
+ETSI NFV-TST provides test suites called 'api-tests' based on `ETSI NFV-TST 010`_ specification.
+The following steps are the procedure of API conformance test according to the specification by using Xtesting.
+* Xtesting environment setup
+   1. Check out code from smo/o2 repository into /tmp/ directory in your local machine.
+   2. Create a virtual environment for xtesting in '~/tacker/tacker/tests/' directory.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cd ~/tacker/tacker/tests
+         $ mkdir xtesting
+         $ cd xtesting
+         $ virtualenv xtesting-py3 -p python3
+   3. Activate the virtual environment.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ . xtesting-py3/bin/activate
+   4. Install Xtesting package.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ pip install xtesting
+   5. Copy 'requirements.txt' from '/tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/' to the current directory and install it.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cp /tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/requirements.txt .
+         $ pip install -r requirements.txt
+   6. Check out 'api-tests' repository in ETSI NFV into the current directory.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ git clone https://forge.etsi.org/rep/nfv/api-tests.git
+   7. Copy the directories under '/tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/' to the location under the current directory.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cp -r /tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/CNFDeployment ./api-tests/SOL003
+         $ cp -r /tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/cnflcm ./api-tests/SOL003
+         $ cp -r /tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL005/CNFPrecondition ./api-tests/SOL005
+   8. Copy 'testcases.yaml' file from '/tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/' directory to the location under the current directory.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cp /tmp/o2/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/testcases.yaml ./xtesting-py3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xtesting/ci/
+      .. note::
+         If user is working in other directory than '/opt/stack/', then the path specified in 'suites' parameter in 'testcases.yaml' needs to be updated to the actual one.
+   9. Give permissions to 'api-tests' directory.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ sudo chmod -R 775 api-tests
+   10. Update 'VNFM_SCHEMA', 'VNFM_PORT', 'VNFM_HOST', 'PODS_SCHEMA', 'PODS_PORT' and 'PODS_HOST' variables in below files with appropriate Request Type (http or https), Port and Host.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ vi api-tests/SOL003/CNFDeployment/environment/configuration.txt
+         $ vi api-tests/SOL003/cnflcm/environment/configuration.txt
+* Preconditioning for test execution
+   1. If there is no 'nfv_user' and 'nfv' project, create them in your local environment.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ source ${devstack_dir}/openrc admin admin
+         $ openstack project create --domain default nfv
+         $ openstack user create --domain default --project nfv --password devstack nfv_user
+         $ openstack role add --project nfv --user nfv_user admin
+   2. Register Kubernetes VIM and create an executable environment for Helm CLI from steps mentioned in below link.
+      * https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-smo-o2/en/latest/tacker-user-guide-cnf.html
+   3. Install 'dos2unix' and 'jq'.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ sudo apt-get install dos2unix
+         $ sudo apt install jq
+   4. Execute script 'packageTest.sh' for package creation and uploading.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cd ~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL005/CNFPrecondition
+         $ ./packageTest.sh  ../../SOL003/cnflcm/environment/variables.txt
+   5. Get 'vimId' and change it in the file 'inst.json' as below.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ openstack vim list -c "ID"
+      E.g: Output of command
+         .. code:: bash
+            +--------------------------------------+
+            | ID                                   |
+            +--------------------------------------+
+            | 08260b52-c3f6-47a9-bb1f-cec1f0d3956a |
+            +--------------------------------------+
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ vi ~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/cnflcm/jsons/inst.json
+      E.g: Content of file
+         .. code:: bash
+            {
+              "flavourId": "helmchart",
+              "additionalParams": {
+                "namespace": "default",
+                "use_helm": "true",
+                "using_helm_install_param": [
+                  {
+                    "exthelmchart": "false",
+                    "helmchartfile_path": "Files/kubernetes/localhelm-0.1.0.tgz",
+                    "helmreleasename": "tacker-test-vdu"
+                  }
+                ],
+                "helm_replica_values": {
+                  "vdu1_aspect": "replicaCount"
+                },
+                "vdu_mapping": {
+                  "VDU1": {
+                    "kind": "Deployment",
+                    "name": "vdu1-localhelm",
+                    "helmreleasename": "tacker-test-vdu"
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              "vimConnectionInfo": [
+                {
+                  "id": "742f1fc7-7f00-417d-85a6-d4e788353181",
+                  "vimId": "d7a811a3-e3fb-41a1-a4e2-4dce2209bcfe",  # Update value here
+                  "vimType": "kubernetes"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+   6. Start kubectl proxy.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ kubectl proxy --port=8080 &
+* Testing steps
+   1. Verify Vnflcm Create and Instantiate.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cd ~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/
+         $ . xtesting-py3/bin/activate
+         $ sudo xtesting-py3/bin/run_tests -t cnf-instantiate
+   2. Verify getting all pods and getting specific pod.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ cd ~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/
+         $ . xtesting-py3/bin/activate
+         $ sudo xtesting-py3/bin/run_tests -t cnf-deployments-validation
+      E.g: Output of command
+         .. code:: bash
+            2022-12-05 05:10:13,908 - xtesting.core.robotframework - INFO -
+            ==============================================================================
+            IndividualCnfLcmOperationOccurrence
+            ==============================================================================
+            Get All Pods :: Test ID: Test title: Get All Pods Test ... | PASS |
+            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            Get Specific Pod :: Test ID: Test title: Get Specific P... | PASS |
+            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            IndividualCnfLcmOperationOccurrence                                   | PASS |
+            2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
+            ==============================================================================
+            Output:  /var/lib/xtesting/results/cnf-deployments-validation/output.xml
+            2022-12-05 05:10:13,913 - xtesting.core.robotframework - INFO - Results were successfully parsed
+            2022-12-05 05:10:13,968 - xtesting.core.robotframework - INFO - Results were successfully generated
+            2022-12-05 05:10:13,969 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Test result:
+            +-------------------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+
+            |           TEST CASE           |     PROJECT     |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
+            +-------------------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+
+            |   cnf-deployments-validation  |       smo       |      00:01       |      PASS      |
+            +-------------------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+
+   3. For Re-testing, user must delete all the VNF instances and packages created in the above test. An example of steps is below.
+      .. code:: bash
+         $ grep -nur "vnfInstanceId" ~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/cnflcm | awk '{print $2}'
+         6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81f
+         $ openstack vnflcm terminate 6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81f
+         $ openstack vnflcm delete 6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81f
+         $ grep -nur "{vnfPkgId}" /opt/stack/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/cnflcm | awk '{print $2}'
+         718b9054-2a7a-4489-a893-f2b2b1794825
+         $ openstack vnf package update --operational-state DISABLED 718b9054-2a7a-4489-a893-f2b2b1794825
+         $ openstack vnf package delete 718b9054-2a7a-4489-a893-f2b2b1794825
+      .. note::
+         In current test, the package name and namespace mentioned in deployment file for "Get Specific Pod" test are "vdu2" and "default".
+         If any update in the package with respect to name and namespace, then the name and namespace variables in the file
+         '~/tacker/tacker/tests/xtesting/api-tests/SOL003/CNFDeployment/environment/variables.txt' need to be updated accordingly.
+.. _ETSI NFV-TST 010: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-TST/001_099/010/02.08.01_60/gs_NFV-TST010v020801p.pdf