Add CLOUD domains to docs

Issue-ID: SMO-155
Change-Id: I00818cfd5dc7dd6ad526a8602d8c87fa7041f1dc
Signed-off-by: JvD_Ericsson <>
diff --git a/docs/developer-guide.rst b/docs/developer-guide.rst
index 4fd9225..1ca19f4 100644
--- a/docs/developer-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/developer-guide.rst
@@ -136,9 +136,20 @@
 |                                   | | to represent management systems and management      |
 |                                   | | interfaces.                                         |
-| REL_EQUIPMENT_RAN                 | | This model contains the topology relations          |
+| CLOUD                             | | This model contains the topology entities and       |
+|                                   | | relations in the RAN CLOUD domain, which            |
+|                                   | | comprises cloud infrastructure and deployment       |
+|                                   | | aspects that can be used in the topology model.     |
+| EQUIPMENT_TO_RAN                  | | This model contains the topology relations          |
 |                                   | | between Equipment and RAN.                          |
-| REL_OAM_RAN                       | | This model contains the topology relations          |
+| OAM_TO_RAN                        | | This model contains the topology relations          |
 |                                   | | between O&M and RAN.                                |
+| CLOUD_TO_RAN                      | | This model contains the RAN Cloud to RAN Logical    |
+|                                   | | topology relations.                                 |
+| OAM_TO_CLOUD                      | | This model contains the RAN O&M to Cloud            |
+|                                   | | topology relations.                                 |
diff --git a/docs/query-api-examples.rst b/docs/query-api-examples.rst
index 3ff539a..66edffe 100644
--- a/docs/query-api-examples.rst
+++ b/docs/query-api-examples.rst
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 A detailed explanation about the *targetFilter* and *scopeFilter*
 parameters can be found in :doc:`Supported filter options
diff --git a/docs/supported-filter-options.rst b/docs/supported-filter-options.rst
index 476a1fd..8d75a27 100644
--- a/docs/supported-filter-options.rst
+++ b/docs/supported-filter-options.rst
@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@
 | Use case                                 | domainName  | entityTypeName | targetFilter | scopeFilter                | Query result                                     |
-| | To return the ids for all instances of | REL_OAM_RAN | ENodeBFunction |              | /managed-by-managedElement | | All ENodeBFunction entities that are managed   |
+| | To return the ids for all instances of | OAM_TO_RAN  | ENodeBFunction |              | /managed-by-managedElement | | All ENodeBFunction entities that are managed   |
 | | an entityTypeName related by an        |             |                |              |                            | | by any Managed Element.                        |
 | | association.                           |             |                |              |                            |                                                  |
-| | To return the ids for all instances of | REL_OAM_RAN | ENodeBFunction |              | /managed-by-managedElement | | All ENodeBFunction entities that are managed   |
+| | To return the ids for all instances of | OAM_TO_RAN  | ENodeBFunction |              | /managed-by-managedElement | | All ENodeBFunction entities that are managed   |
 | | an entityTypeName related by an        |             |                |              | [@id = 'urn\:3gpp:dn:      | | by the Managed Element                         |
 | | association to another entity          |             |                |              | ManagedElement=1']         | | *urn\:3gpp:dn: ManagedElement=1*.              |
 | | specified by its *id*.                 |             |                |              |                            |                                                  |
-| | To return the attributes for all       | REL_OAM_RAN | ENodeBFunction | /attributes  | /attributes [@enbId=1];    | | All EnodeBFunction entities with enbId as *1*  |
+| | To return the attributes for all       | OAM_TO_RAN  | ENodeBFunction | /attributes  | /attributes [@enbId=1];    | | All EnodeBFunction entities with enbId as *1*  |
 | | instances of an entityTypeName         |             |                |              |                            | | managed by the Managed Element                 |
 | | related by one or more associations    |             |                |              | /managed-by-managedElement | | *urn\:3gpp:dn: ManagedElement=1* or            |
 | | to other entities specified by their   |             |                |              | [@id='urn\:3gpp:dn:        | | *urn\:3gpp:dn: ManagedElement=2*,              |
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
 |                                          |             | Type Name       |        |                            |                                                 |
 |                                          |             |                 | Filter |                            |                                                 |
-| | To return all relationships for a      | REL_OAM_RAN | MANAGEDELEMENT  |        |                            | | All MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION     |
+| | To return all relationships for a      | OAM_TO_RAN  | MANAGEDELEMENT  |        |                            | | All MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION     |
 | | specified relationship                 |             | _MANAGES        |        |                            | | relationships                                 |
 |                                          |             | _ENODEBFUNCTION |        |                            |                                                 |
-| | To return all relationships for a      | REL_OAM_RAN | MANAGEDELEMENT  |        | /managed-by-managedElement | | All MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION     |
+| | To return all relationships for a      | OAM_TO_RAN  | MANAGEDELEMENT  |        | /managed-by-managedElement | | All MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION     |
 | | specified relationship type with a     |             | _MANAGES        |        | [@id='urn\:3gpp:dn:        | | relationships having an association           |
 | | specified association to an entity.    |             | _ENODEBFUNCTION |        | ManagedElement=1']         | | *managed-by-managedElement* to ManagedElement |
 |                                          |             |                 |        |                            | | *urn\:3gpp:dn: ManagedElement=1*.             |
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
-relationship with id *rel1* in the *REL_OAM_RAN* domain:
+relationship with id *rel1* in the *OAM_TO_RAN* domain:
-   GET https://<host>/topology-inventory/<API_VERSION>/domains/REL_OAM_RAN/relationship-types/MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION/relationships/rel1
+   GET https://<host>/topology-inventory/<API_VERSION>/domains/OAM_TO_RAN/relationship-types/MANAGEDELEMENT_MANAGES_ENODEBFUNCTION/relationships/rel1