Moved origin/cp-main to upstream v2.90 version

Following are the commands used to move to the v2.90
upstream version in the dnsmasq directory:
  1. git remote add upstream
  2. git remote -v show
  3. git fetch upstream
  4. git diff origin/cp-main v2.90 > ../dnsmasq_to_v2.90.gitdiff
  5. patch -p1 < ../dnsmasq_to_v2.90.gitdiff
  6. git add . && git commit -m "Moved origin/cp-main to upstream v2.90 version"
  7. git diff v2.90 - Should be empty

Change-Id: I167f369cc3c625e7d291b296950fe98aa8f7d513
diff --git a/debian/readme b/debian/readme
index 768662e..660cf67 100644
--- a/debian/readme
+++ b/debian/readme
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
     commented; see also the dnsmasq.8 man page for explanation of
     the options. The file /etc/default/dnsmasq also exists but it
     shouldn't need to be touched in most cases. To set up DHCP
-    options you might need to refer to a copy of RFC 2132. This is 
+    options you might need to refer to a copy of RFC 2132. This is
     available on Debian systems in the package doc-rfc-std as the file
     /usr/share/doc/RFC/draft-standard/rfc2132.txt.gz .
 (2) Installing the dnsmasq package also creates the directory
     /etc/dnsmasq.d which is searched by dnsmasq for configuration file
-    fragments. This behaviour can be disabled by editing 
+    fragments. This behaviour can be disabled by editing
 (3) If the Debian resolvconf package is installed then, regardless
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@
     generated file /etc/ppp/resolv.conf.  You should list
     as the first nameserver address in /etc/resolv.conf.
-(6) In the absence of resolvconf, dns-nameservers lines in 
+(6) In the absence of resolvconf, dns-nameservers lines in
     /etc/network/interfaces are ignored. If you do not use
     resolvconf, list as the first nameserver address
     in /etc/resolv.conf and configure your nameservers using
     "server=<IP-address>" lines in /etc/dnsmasq.conf.
 (7) If you run multiple DNS servers on a single machine, each
-    listening on a different interface, then it is necessary to use 
-    the bind-interfaces option by uncommenting "bind-interfaces" in 
-    /etc/dnsmasq.conf. This option stops dnsmasq from binding the 
+    listening on a different interface, then it is necessary to use
+    the bind-interfaces option by uncommenting "bind-interfaces" in
+    /etc/dnsmasq.conf. This option stops dnsmasq from binding the
     wildcard address and allows servers listening on port 53 on
-    interfaces not in use by dnsmasq to work. The Debian 
+    interfaces not in use by dnsmasq to work. The Debian
     libvirt package will add a configuration file in /etc/dnsmasq.d
     which does this so that the "system" dnsmasq and "private" dnsmasq
     instances started by libvirt do not clash.
 (8) The following options are supported in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
       noopt       : compile without optimisation.
-      nostrip     : don't remove symbols from binary. 
+      nostrip     : don't remove symbols from binary.
       nodocs      : omit documentation.
       notftp      : omit TFTP support.
       nodhcp      : omit DHCP support.
@@ -58,15 +58,16 @@
                     in Lua.
       noipv6      : omit IPv6 support.
       nodbus      : omit DBus support.
-      noconntrack : omit connection tracking support. 
+      noconntrack : omit connection tracking support.
       noipset     : omit IPset support.
+      nonftset    : omit nftset support.
       nortc       : compile alternate mode suitable for systems without an RTC.
       noi18n      : omit translations and internationalisation support.
       noidn       : omit international domain name support, must be
                     combined with noi18n to be effective.
       gitversion  : set the version of the produced packages from the
                     git-derived versioning information on the source,
-                    rather than the debian changelog. 
+                    rather than the debian changelog.
 (9) Dnsmasq comes as three packages - dnsmasq-utils, dnsmasq-base and
     dnsmasq. Dnsmasq-base provides the dnsmasq executable and
@@ -75,5 +76,5 @@
     infrastructure. This file assumes that both are installed. It is
     possible to install only dnsmasq-base and use dnsmasq as a
     non-"system" daemon. Libvirt, for instance, does this.
-    Dnsmasq-utils provides the utilities dhcp_release and 
+    Dnsmasq-utils provides the utilities dhcp_release and