Handle caching with EDNS options better.

If we add the EDNS client subnet option, or the client's
MAC address, then the reply we get back may very depending on
that. Since the cache is ignorant of such things, it's not safe to
cache such replies. This patch determines when a dangerous EDNS
option is being added and disables caching.

Note that for much the same reason, we can't combine multiple
queries for the same question when dangerous EDNS options are
being added, and the code now handles that in the same way. This
query combining is required for security against cache poisoning,
so disabling the cache has a security function as well as a
correctness one.
diff --git a/src/forward.c b/src/forward.c
index d9b32b3..70b84d7 100644
--- a/src/forward.c
+++ b/src/forward.c
@@ -352,13 +352,10 @@
       /* Query from new source, but the same query may be in progress
 	 from another source. If so, just add this client to the
-	 list that will get the reply.
+	 list that will get the reply.*/
-	 Note that is the EDNS client subnet option is in use, we can't do this,
-	 as the clients (and therefore query EDNS options) will be different
-	 for each query. The EDNS subnet code has checks to avoid
-	 attacks in this case. */
-      if (!option_bool(OPT_CLIENT_SUBNET) && (forward = lookup_frec_by_query(hash, fwd_flags)))
+      if (!option_bool(OPT_ADD_MAC) && !option_bool(OPT_MAC_B64) &&
+	  (forward = lookup_frec_by_query(hash, fwd_flags)))
 	  /* Note whine_malloc() zeros memory. */
 	  if (!daemon->free_frec_src &&
@@ -455,18 +452,21 @@
   if (!flags && forward)
       struct server *firstsentto = start;
-      int subnet, forwarded = 0;
+      int subnet, cacheable, forwarded = 0;
       size_t edns0_len;
       unsigned char *pheader;
       /* If a query is retried, use the log_id for the retry when logging the answer. */
       forward->frec_src.log_id = daemon->log_id;
-      plen = add_edns0_config(header, plen, ((unsigned char *)header) + PACKETSZ, &forward->frec_src.source, now, &subnet);
+      plen = add_edns0_config(header, plen, ((unsigned char *)header) + PACKETSZ, &forward->frec_src.source, now, &subnet, &cacheable);
       if (subnet)
 	forward->flags |= FREC_HAS_SUBNET;
+      if (!cacheable)
+	forward->flags |= FREC_NO_CACHE;
       if (option_bool(OPT_DNSSEC_VALID) && do_dnssec)
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
   if ((pheader = find_pseudoheader(header, n, &plen, &sizep, &is_sign, NULL)))
       /* Get extended RCODE. */
@@ -1260,6 +1260,11 @@
 	header->hb4 |= HB4_CD;
 	header->hb4 &= ~HB4_CD;
+      /* Never cache answers which are contingent on the source or MAC address EDSN0 option,
+	 since the cache is ignorant of such things. */
+      if (forward->flags & FREC_NO_CACHE)
+	no_cache_dnssec = 1;
       if ((nn = process_reply(header, now, forward->sentto, (size_t)n, check_rebind, no_cache_dnssec, cache_secure, bogusanswer, 
 			      forward->flags & FREC_AD_QUESTION, forward->flags & FREC_DO_QUESTION, 
@@ -1821,7 +1826,7 @@
   int local_auth = 0;
   int checking_disabled, do_bit, added_pheader = 0, have_pseudoheader = 0;
-  int check_subnet, no_cache_dnssec = 0, cache_secure = 0, bogusanswer = 0;
+  int check_subnet, cacheable, no_cache_dnssec = 0, cache_secure = 0, bogusanswer = 0;
   size_t m;
   unsigned short qtype;
   unsigned int gotname;
@@ -1992,7 +1997,7 @@
 	      char *domain = NULL;
 	      unsigned char *oph = find_pseudoheader(header, size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	      size = add_edns0_config(header, size, ((unsigned char *) header) + 65536, &peer_addr, now, &check_subnet);
+	      size = add_edns0_config(header, size, ((unsigned char *) header) + 65536, &peer_addr, now, &check_subnet, &cacheable);
 	      if (gotname)
 		flags = search_servers(now, &addrp, gotname, daemon->namebuff, &type, &domain, &norebind);
@@ -2171,6 +2176,11 @@
+		      /* Never cache answers which are contingent on the source or MAC address EDSN0 option,
+			 since the cache is ignorant of such things. */
+		      if (!cacheable)
+			no_cache_dnssec = 1;
 		      m = process_reply(header, now, last_server, (unsigned int)m, 
 					option_bool(OPT_NO_REBIND) && !norebind, no_cache_dnssec, cache_secure, bogusanswer,
 					ad_reqd, do_bit, added_pheader, check_subnet, &peer_addr); 
@@ -2435,10 +2445,13 @@
   struct frec *f;
   /* FREC_DNSKEY and FREC_DS_QUERY are never set in flags, so the test below 
-     ensures that no frec created for internal DNSSEC query can be returned here. */
+     ensures that no frec created for internal DNSSEC query can be returned here.
+     Similarly FREC_NO_CACHE is never set in flags, so a query which is
+     contigent on a particular source address EDNS0 option will never be matched. */
   for(f = daemon->frec_list; f; f = f->next)
     if (f->sentto &&