Alter DHCP address selection after DECLINE in consec-addr mode.
Avoid offering the same address after a recieving a DECLINE message
to stop an infinite protocol loop. This has long been done in
default address allocation mode: this adds similar behaviour
when allocaing addresses consecutively.
diff --git a/src/dhcp6.c b/src/dhcp6.c
index 3932cc7..f8b09e9 100644
--- a/src/dhcp6.c
+++ b/src/dhcp6.c
@@ -431,8 +431,15 @@
 	  if (!temp_addr && option_bool(OPT_CONSEC_ADDR))
-	    /* seed is largest extant lease addr in this context */
-	    start = lease_find_max_addr6(c) + serial;
+	    {
+	      /* seed is largest extant lease addr in this context,
+		 skip addresses equal to the number of addresses rejected
+		 by clients. This should avoid the same client being offered the same
+		 address after it has rjected it. */
+	      start = lease_find_max_addr6(c) + serial + c->addr_epoch;
+	      if (c->addr_epoch)
+		c->addr_epoch--;
+	    }
 	      u64 range = 1 + addr6part(&c->end6) - addr6part(&c->start6);