blob: dca278c7370859d135e6395b2e50fc8e81cee0f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# To compile BusyBox without touching the original sources
# (as might be interesting for multi-target builds), create
# an empty directory, cd into it, and run this program by
# giving its explicit path (kind of like how you would run
# configure, if BusyBox had one). Then you should be ready
# to "make". Files in the build tree, in particular Config.h,
# will override those in the pristine source tree.
# if you use a ? in your path name, you lose.
DIR=`basedir ${0%%/pristine_setup}`
if [ ! -d $DIR ]; then
echo "unexpected problem: $DIR is not a directory. Aborting pristine setup"
echo " "
if [ -e ./Config.h ]; then
echo "./Config.h already exists: not overwriting"
cp $DIR/Config.h Config.h
if [ -e ./Makefile ]; then
echo "./Makefile already exists: not overwriting"
sed -e "s?BB_SRC_DIR =?BB_SRC_DIR = $DIR?" <$DIR/Makefile >Makefile || exit
echo " "
echo "You may now type 'make' to build busybox in this directory"
echo "($PWD) using the pristine sources in $DIR"
echo " "