blob: 44029c2c9645bde2f9426a20610c410b572d1e93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Utilities for accessing Java classes/method/fields in an efficient
* manner.
* A potentially-uninitialized reference to a Java class
typedef struct vppjni_class {
// Fully-Qualified Class Name
const char *fqcn;
// Constructor signature
const char *init_sig;
// Global reference to class handle
jclass jclass;
// Constructor method handle
jmethodID jinit;
// Next item in linked list
struct vppjni_class *next;
} vppjni_class_t;
typedef struct jenv_field {
// Field name
const char *name;
// Field type
const char *type;
// Defining class reference
const vppjni_class_t *clsref;
// Field handle
jfieldID jfield;
// Next item in linked list
struct jenv_field *next;
} vppjni_field_t;
#define VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name) vppjni_class_##name
#define VPPJNI_CLASS_INIT(name) vppjni_class_##name##_init
#define BIND_JAPI_CLASS(name, sig) \
static vppjni_class_t VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name); \
static void VPPJNI_CLASS_INIT(name)(void) __attribute__((__constructor__)); \
static void VPPJNI_CLASS_INIT(name)() \
{ \
VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name).fqcn = "org/openvpp/vppjapi/" #name; \
VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name).init_sig = sig; \
vppjni_register_class(&VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name)); \
} \
static __attribute__((unused)) jobject name##Array(JNIEnv *env, jsize length) \
{ \
return (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, length, VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name).jclass, NULL); \
} \
static jobject name##Object(JNIEnv *env, ...) \
{ \
va_list ap; \
va_start(ap, env); \
jobject obj = vppjni_new_object(env, &VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(name), ap); \
va_end(ap); \
return obj; \
#define VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, name) vppjni_field_##cls##_##name
#define VPPJNI_FIELD_INIT(cls, name) vppjni_field_##cls##_##name##_init
#define BIND_JAPI_FIELD(cls, field, sig) \
static vppjni_field_t VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field); \
static void VPPJNI_FIELD_INIT(cls, field)(void) __attribute__((__constructor__)); \
static void VPPJNI_FIELD_INIT(cls, field)() \
{ \
VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).name = #field; \
VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).type = sig; \
VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).clsref = &VPPJNI_CLASS_SYMBOL(cls); \
vppjni_register_field(&VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field)); \
#define BIND_JAPI_BOOL_FIELD(cls, field) \
BIND_JAPI_FIELD(cls, field, "Z"); \
static void set_##cls##_##field(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jboolean value) \
{ \
(*env)->SetBooleanField(env, obj, VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).jfield, value); \
#define BIND_JAPI_BYTE_FIELD(cls, field) \
BIND_JAPI_FIELD(cls, field, "B"); \
static void set_##cls##_##field(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyte value) \
{ \
(*env)->SetByteField(env, obj, VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).jfield, value); \
#define BIND_JAPI_INT_FIELD(cls, field) \
BIND_JAPI_FIELD(cls, field, "I"); \
static void set_##cls##_##field(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint value) \
{ \
(*env)->SetIntField(env, obj, VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).jfield, value); \
#define BIND_JAPI_OBJ_FIELD(cls, field, sig) \
BIND_JAPI_FIELD(cls, field, sig); \
static void set_##cls##_##field(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject value) \
{ \
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, obj, VPPJNI_FIELD_SYMBOL(cls, field).jfield, value); \
#define BIND_JAPI_STRING_FIELD(cls, field) \
BIND_JAPI_OBJ_FIELD(cls, field, "Ljava/lang/String;")
jobject vppjni_new_object(JNIEnv *env, const vppjni_class_t *ptr, va_list ap) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));
void vppjni_register_class(vppjni_class_t *ptr) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));
void vppjni_register_field(vppjni_field_t *ptr) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));
int vppjni_init(JNIEnv *env) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));
void vppjni_uninit(JNIEnv *env) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));