| if [ $persist = "true" ]; then |
| if [ $debug = "true" ]; then |
| if [ $verbose = "true" ]; then |
| if [ $unconfigure = "true" ]; then |
| args="$args -unconfigure" |
| args="$args -cpus ${i#*=}" |
| if [ $tc_name != "all" ]; then |
| args="$args -run $tc_name" |
| if [ $single_test -eq 0 ] && [ $persist_set -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo "persist flag is not supported while running all tests!" |
| if [ $unconfigure_set -eq 1 ] && [ $single_test -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "a single test has to be specified when unconfigure is set" |
| if [ $persist_set -eq 1 ] && [ $unconfigure_set -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo "setting persist flag and unconfigure flag is not allowed" |
| if [ $single_test -eq 0 ] && [ $debug_set -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo "VPP debug flag is not supperted while running all tests!" |
| sudo -E go test -timeout=20m -buildvcs=false -v $args |