blob: 040762b01bad090973df7b98bbcaae965da8c757 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _developer-friendly:
Developer Friendly
This section describes the different ways VPP is friendly to developers:
* Extensive runtime counters; throughput, `intructions per cycle <>`_, errors, events etc.
* Integrated pipeline tracing facilities
* Multi-language API bindings
* Integrated command line for debugging
* Fault-tolerant and upgradable
* Runs as a standard user-space process for fault tolerance, software crashes seldom require more than a process restart.
* Improved fault-tolerance and upgradability when compared to running similar packet processing in the kernel, software updates never require system reboots.
* Development experience is easier compared to similar kernel code
* Hardware isolation and protection (`iommu <>`_)
* Built for security
* Extensive white-box testing
* Image segment base address randomization
* Shared-memory segment base address randomization
* Stack bounds checking
* Static analysis with `Coverity <>`_