| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| |
| import unittest |
| import socket |
| |
| from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner |
| from vpp_ip_route import VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, VppMplsRoute, \ |
| VppMplsTable, VppIpMRoute, VppMRoutePath, VppIpTable, \ |
| MRouteEntryFlags, MRouteItfFlags, MPLS_LABEL_INVALID, DpoProto |
| from vpp_bier import * |
| from vpp_udp_encap import * |
| |
| from scapy.packet import Raw |
| from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether |
| from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, ICMP |
| from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6 |
| from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS |
| from scapy.contrib.bier import * |
| |
| |
| class TestBFIB(VppTestCase): |
| """ BIER FIB Test Case """ |
| |
| def test_bfib(self): |
| """ BFIB Unit Tests """ |
| error = self.vapi.cli("test bier") |
| |
| if error: |
| self.logger.critical(error) |
| self.assertEqual(error.find("Failed"), -1) |
| |
| |
| class TestBier(VppTestCase): |
| """ BIER Test Case """ |
| |
| def setUp(self): |
| super(TestBier, self).setUp() |
| |
| # create 2 pg interfaces |
| self.create_pg_interfaces(range(3)) |
| |
| # create the default MPLS table |
| self.tables = [] |
| tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) |
| tbl.add_vpp_config() |
| self.tables.append(tbl) |
| |
| tbl = VppIpTable(self, 10) |
| tbl.add_vpp_config() |
| self.tables.append(tbl) |
| |
| # setup both interfaces |
| for i in self.pg_interfaces: |
| if i == self.pg2: |
| i.set_table_ip4(10) |
| i.admin_up() |
| i.config_ip4() |
| i.resolve_arp() |
| i.enable_mpls() |
| |
| def tearDown(self): |
| for i in self.pg_interfaces: |
| i.disable_mpls() |
| i.unconfig_ip4() |
| i.set_table_ip4(0) |
| i.admin_down() |
| super(TestBier, self).tearDown() |
| |
| def send_and_assert_no_replies(self, intf, pkts, remark): |
| intf.add_stream(pkts) |
| self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) |
| self.pg_start() |
| for i in self.pg_interfaces: |
| i.assert_nothing_captured(remark=remark) |
| |
| def send_and_expect(self, input, pkts, output): |
| self.vapi.cli("trace add bier-mpls-lookup 10") |
| input.add_stream(pkts) |
| self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) |
| self.pg_start() |
| rx = output.get_capture(len(pkts)) |
| return rx |
| |
| def test_bier_midpoint(self): |
| """BIER midpoint""" |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 0, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(0, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, 77) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # A packet with no bits set gets dropped |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| MPLS(label=77, ttl=255) / |
| BIER(length=BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256, |
| BitString=chr(0)*64) / |
| IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6) / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / |
| Raw()) |
| pkts = [p] |
| |
| self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, pkts, |
| "Empty Bit-String") |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER route for each bit-position in the table via a different |
| # next-hop. Testing whether the BIER walk and replicate forwarding |
| # function works for all bit posisitons. |
| # |
| nh_routes = [] |
| bier_routes = [] |
| for i in range(1, 256): |
| nh = "10.0.%d.%d" % (i / 255, i % 255) |
| nh_routes.append(VppIpRoute(self, nh, 32, |
| [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, |
| self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| labels=[2000+i])])) |
| nh_routes[-1].add_vpp_config() |
| |
| bier_routes.append(VppBierRoute(self, bti, i, |
| [VppRoutePath(nh, 0xffffffff, |
| labels=[100+i])])) |
| bier_routes[-1].add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # A packet with all bits set gets spat out to BP:1 |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| MPLS(label=77, ttl=255) / |
| BIER(length=BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) / |
| IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6) / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / |
| Raw()) |
| pkts = [p] |
| |
| self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) |
| self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) |
| self.pg_start() |
| |
| rx = self.pg1.get_capture(255) |
| |
| for rxp in rx: |
| # |
| # The packets are not required to be sent in bit-position order |
| # when we setup the routes above we used the bit-position to |
| # construct the out-label. so use that here to determine the BP |
| # |
| olabel = rxp[MPLS] |
| bp = olabel.label - 2000 |
| |
| blabel = olabel[MPLS].payload |
| self.assertEqual(blabel.label, 100+bp) |
| self.assertEqual(blabel.ttl, 254) |
| |
| bier_hdr = blabel[MPLS].payload |
| |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.id, 5) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.version, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.length, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.entropy, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.OAM, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.RSV, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.DSCP, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_hdr.Proto, 5) |
| |
| # The bit-string should consist only of the BP given by i. |
| i = 0 |
| bitstring = "" |
| bpi = bp - 1 |
| while (i < bpi/8): |
| bitstring = chr(0) + bitstring |
| i += 1 |
| bitstring = chr(1 << bpi % 8) + bitstring |
| |
| while len(bitstring) < 32: |
| bitstring = chr(0) + bitstring |
| |
| self.assertEqual(len(bitstring), len(bier_hdr.BitString)) |
| self.assertEqual(bitstring, bier_hdr.BitString) |
| |
| def test_bier_head(self): |
| """BIER head""" |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 0, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(0, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, 77) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # 2 bit positions via two next hops |
| # |
| nh1 = "" |
| nh2 = "" |
| ip_route_1 = VppIpRoute(self, nh1, 32, |
| [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, |
| self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| labels=[2001])]) |
| ip_route_2 = VppIpRoute(self, nh2, 32, |
| [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, |
| self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| labels=[2002])]) |
| ip_route_1.add_vpp_config() |
| ip_route_2.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| bier_route_1 = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 1, |
| [VppRoutePath(nh1, 0xffffffff, |
| labels=[101])]) |
| bier_route_2 = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 2, |
| [VppRoutePath(nh2, 0xffffffff, |
| labels=[102])]) |
| bier_route_1.add_vpp_config() |
| bier_route_2.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # An imposition object with both bit-positions set |
| # |
| bi = VppBierImp(self, bti, 333, chr(0x3) * 32) |
| bi.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # Add a multicast route that will forward into the BIER doamin |
| # |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg0.sw_if_index, |
| VppMRoutePath(0xffffffff, |
| proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_BIER, |
| bier_imp=bi.bi_index)]) |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # inject an IP packet. We expect it to be BIER encapped and |
| # replicated. |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, |
| src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| IP(src="", dst="") / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234)) |
| |
| self.pg0.add_stream([p]) |
| self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) |
| self.pg_start() |
| |
| rx = self.pg1.get_capture(2) |
| |
| # |
| # Encap Stack is; eth, MPLS, MPLS, BIER |
| # |
| igp_mpls = rx[0][MPLS] |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.label, 2001) |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.ttl, 64) |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.s, 0) |
| bier_mpls = igp_mpls[MPLS].payload |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.label, 101) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.ttl, 64) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.s, 1) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIER].length, 2) |
| |
| igp_mpls = rx[1][MPLS] |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.label, 2002) |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.ttl, 64) |
| self.assertEqual(igp_mpls.s, 0) |
| bier_mpls = igp_mpls[MPLS].payload |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.label, 102) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.ttl, 64) |
| self.assertEqual(bier_mpls.s, 1) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIER].length, 2) |
| |
| def test_bier_tail(self): |
| """BIER Tail""" |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 0, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(0, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, 77) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # disposition table |
| # |
| bdt = VppBierDispTable(self, 8) |
| bdt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # BIER route in table that's for-us |
| # |
| bier_route_1 = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 1, |
| [VppRoutePath("", |
| 0xffffffff, |
| nh_table_id=8)]) |
| bier_route_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # An entry in the disposition table |
| # |
| bier_de_1 = VppBierDispEntry(self, bdt.id, 99, |
| "", 0, rpf_id=8192) |
| bier_de_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # A multicast route to forward post BIER disposition |
| # |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(8192) |
| |
| # |
| # A packet with all bits set gets spat out to BP:1 |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| MPLS(label=77, ttl=255) / |
| BIER(length=BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256, BFRID=99) / |
| IP(src="", dst="") / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / |
| Raw()) |
| |
| self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) |
| |
| def test_bier_e2e(self): |
| """ BIER end-to-end """ |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 0, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(0, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, 77) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # Impostion Sets bit string 101010101.... |
| # sender 333 |
| # |
| bi = VppBierImp(self, bti, 333, chr(0x5) * 32) |
| bi.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # Add a multicast route that will forward into the BIER doamin |
| # |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg0.sw_if_index, |
| VppMRoutePath(0xffffffff, |
| proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_BIER, |
| bier_imp=bi.bi_index)]) |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # disposition table 8 |
| # |
| bdt = VppBierDispTable(self, 8) |
| bdt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # BIER route in table that's for-us, resolving through |
| # disp table 8. |
| # |
| bier_route_1 = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 1, |
| [VppRoutePath("", |
| 0xffffffff, |
| nh_table_id=8)]) |
| bier_route_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # An entry in the disposition table for sender 333 |
| # lookup in VRF 10 |
| # |
| bier_de_1 = VppBierDispEntry(self, bdt.id, 333, |
| "", 10, rpf_id=8192) |
| bier_de_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # Add a multicast route that will forward the traffic |
| # post-disposition |
| # |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| table_id=10, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(8192) |
| |
| # |
| # inject a packet in VRF-0. We expect it to be BIER encapped, |
| # replicated, then hit the disposition and be forwarded |
| # out of VRF 10, i.e. on pg1 |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, |
| src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| IP(src="", dst="") / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234)) |
| |
| rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p*65, self.pg1) |
| |
| # |
| # should be IP |
| # |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].src, "") |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].dst, "") |
| |
| def test_bier_head_o_udp(self): |
| """BIER head over UDP""" |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 1, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(1, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, 77) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # 1 bit positions via 1 next hops |
| # |
| nh1 = "" |
| ip_route = VppIpRoute(self, nh1, 32, |
| [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, |
| self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| labels=[2001])]) |
| ip_route.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| udp_encap = VppUdpEncap(self, 4, |
| self.pg0.local_ip4, |
| nh1, |
| 330, 8138) |
| udp_encap.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| bier_route = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 1, |
| [VppRoutePath("", |
| is_udp_encap=1, |
| next_hop_id=4)]) |
| bier_route.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # An imposition object with all bit-positions set |
| # |
| bi = VppBierImp(self, bti, 333, chr(0xff) * 32) |
| bi.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # Add a multicast route that will forward into the BIER doamin |
| # |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg0.sw_if_index, |
| VppMRoutePath(0xffffffff, |
| proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_BIER, |
| bier_imp=bi.bi_index)]) |
| route_ing_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # inject a packet an IP. We expect it to be BIER and UDP encapped, |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, |
| src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| IP(src="", dst="") / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234)) |
| |
| self.pg0.add_stream([p]) |
| self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) |
| self.pg_start() |
| |
| rx = self.pg1.get_capture(1) |
| |
| # |
| # Encap Stack is, eth, IP, UDP, BIFT, BIER |
| # |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].src, self.pg0.local_ip4) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][IP].dst, nh1) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][UDP].sport, 330) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][UDP].dport, 8138) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIFT].bsl, 2) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIFT].sd, 1) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIFT].set, 0) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIFT].ttl, 64) |
| self.assertEqual(rx[0][BIER].length, 2) |
| |
| def test_bier_tail_o_udp(self): |
| """BIER Tail over UDP""" |
| |
| # |
| # Add a BIER table for sub-domain 0, set 0, and BSL 256 |
| # |
| bti = VppBierTableID(1, 0, BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256) |
| bt = VppBierTable(self, bti, MPLS_LABEL_INVALID) |
| bt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # disposition table |
| # |
| bdt = VppBierDispTable(self, 8) |
| bdt.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # BIER route in table that's for-us |
| # |
| bier_route_1 = VppBierRoute(self, bti, 1, |
| [VppRoutePath("", |
| 0xffffffff, |
| nh_table_id=8)]) |
| bier_route_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # An entry in the disposition table |
| # |
| bier_de_1 = VppBierDispEntry(self, bdt.id, 99, |
| "", 0, rpf_id=8192) |
| bier_de_1.add_vpp_config() |
| |
| # |
| # A multicast route to forward post BIER disposition |
| # |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( |
| self, |
| "", |
| "", 32, |
| MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, |
| paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg1.sw_if_index, |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() |
| route_eg_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(8192) |
| |
| # |
| # A packet with all bits set gets spat out to BP:1 |
| # |
| p = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / |
| IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst=self.pg0.local_ip4) / |
| UDP(sport=333, dport=8138) / |
| BIFT(sd=1, set=0, bsl=2, ttl=255) / |
| BIER(length=BIERLength.BIER_LEN_256, BFRID=99) / |
| IP(src="", dst="") / |
| UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / |
| Raw()) |
| |
| rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p], self.pg1) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner) |