blob: 3be78b41b0a90473e41ee95e866ecf82434a847f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef vapi_hpp_included
#define vapi_hpp_included
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <vppinfra/types.h>
#include <vapi/vapi.h>
#include <vapi/vapi_internal.h>
#include <vapi/vapi_dbg.h>
#include <vapi/vpe.api.vapi.h>
#include <unordered_set>
* @file
* @brief C++ VPP API
namespace vapi
class Connection;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> class Request;
template <typename M> class Msg;
template <typename M> void vapi_swap_to_be (M *msg);
template <typename M> void vapi_swap_to_host (M *msg);
template <typename M, typename... Args>
M *vapi_alloc (Connection &con, Args...);
template <typename M> vapi_msg_id_t vapi_get_msg_id_t ();
template <typename M> class Event_registration;
class Unexpected_msg_id_exception : public std::exception
virtual const char *what () const throw ()
return "unexpected message id";
class Msg_not_available_exception : public std::exception
virtual const char *what () const throw ()
return "message unavailable";
typedef enum {
/** response not ready yet */
/** response to request is ready */
/** no response to request (will never come) */
} vapi_response_state_e;
* Class representing common functionality of a request - response state
* and context
class Common_req
virtual ~Common_req (){};
Connection &get_connection ()
return con;
vapi_response_state_e get_response_state (void) const
return response_state;
Connection &con;
Common_req (Connection &con) : con{con}, response_state{RESPONSE_NOT_READY}
void set_response_state (vapi_response_state_e state)
response_state = state;
virtual std::tuple<vapi_error_e, bool> assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t id,
void *shm_data) = 0;
void set_context (u32 context)
this->context = context;
u32 get_context ()
return context;
u32 context;
vapi_response_state_e response_state;
friend class Connection;
template <typename M> friend class Msg;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
friend class Request;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> friend class Dump;
template <typename M> friend class Event_registration;
* Class representing a connection to VPP
* After creating a Connection object, call connect() to actually connect
* to VPP. Use is_msg_available to discover whether a specific message is known
* and supported by the VPP connected to.
class Connection
Connection (void) : vapi_ctx{0}, event_count{0}
vapi_error_e rv = VAPI_OK;
if (!vapi_ctx)
if (VAPI_OK != (rv = vapi_ctx_alloc (&vapi_ctx)))
throw std::bad_alloc ();
events.reserve (vapi_get_message_count () + 1);
Connection (const Connection &) = delete;
~Connection (void)
vapi_ctx_free (vapi_ctx);
for (auto x : shm_data_set)
printf ("Leaked shm_data@%p!\n", x);
* @brief check if message identified by it's message id is known by the
* vpp to which the connection is open
bool is_msg_available (vapi_msg_id_t type)
return vapi_is_msg_available (vapi_ctx, type);
* @brief connect to vpp
* @param name application name
* @param chroot_prefix shared memory prefix
* @param max_queued_request max number of outstanding requests queued
* @return VAPI_OK on success, other error code on error
vapi_error_e connect (const char *name, const char *chroot_prefix,
int max_outstanding_requests, int response_queue_size)
return vapi_connect (vapi_ctx, name, chroot_prefix,
max_outstanding_requests, response_queue_size,
* @brief disconnect from vpp
* @return VAPI_OK on success, other error code on error
vapi_error_e disconnect ()
auto x = requests.size ();
while (x > 0)
VAPI_DBG ("popping request @%p", requests.front ());
requests.pop_front ();
return vapi_disconnect (vapi_ctx);
* @brief get event file descriptor
* @note this file descriptor becomes readable when messages (from vpp)
* are waiting in queue
* @param[out] fd pointer to result variable
* @return VAPI_OK on success, other error code on error
vapi_error_e get_fd (int *fd)
return vapi_get_fd (vapi_ctx, fd);
* @brief wait for responses from vpp and assign them to appropriate objects
* @param limit stop dispatch after the limit object received it's response
* @return VAPI_OK on success, other error code on error
vapi_error_e dispatch (const Common_req *limit = nullptr)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (dispatch_mutex);
vapi_error_e rv = VAPI_OK;
bool loop_again = true;
while (loop_again)
void *shm_data;
size_t shm_data_size;
rv = vapi_recv (vapi_ctx, &shm_data, &shm_data_size);
if (VAPI_OK != rv)
return rv;
on_shm_data_alloc (shm_data);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> requests_lock (requests_mutex);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> events_lock (events_mutex);
vapi_msg_id_t id = vapi_lookup_vapi_msg_id_t (
vapi_ctx, be16toh (*static_cast<u16 *> (shm_data)));
bool has_context = vapi_msg_is_with_context (id);
bool break_dispatch = false;
Common_req *matching_req = nullptr;
if (has_context)
u32 context = *reinterpret_cast<u32 *> (
(static_cast<u8 *> (shm_data) + vapi_get_context_offset (id)));
const auto x = requests.front ();
matching_req = x;
if (context == x->context)
std::tie (rv, break_dispatch) =
x->assign_response (id, shm_data);
std::tie (rv, break_dispatch) =
x->assign_response (id, nullptr);
if (break_dispatch)
requests.pop_front ();
if (events[id])
std::tie (rv, break_dispatch) =
events[id]->assign_response (id, shm_data);
matching_req = events[id];
msg_free (shm_data);
if ((matching_req && matching_req == limit && break_dispatch) ||
VAPI_OK != rv)
return rv;
loop_again = !requests.empty () || (event_count > 0);
return rv;
* @brief convenience wrapper function
vapi_error_e dispatch (const Common_req &limit)
return dispatch (&limit);
* @brief wait for response to a specific request
* @param req request to wait for response for
* @return VAPI_OK on success, other error code on error
vapi_error_e wait_for_response (const Common_req &req)
if (RESPONSE_READY == req.get_response_state ())
return VAPI_OK;
return dispatch (req);
void msg_free (void *shm_data)
on_shm_data_free (shm_data);
vapi_msg_free (vapi_ctx, shm_data);
template <template <typename XReq, typename XResp, typename... XArgs>
class X,
typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
vapi_error_e send (X<Req, Resp, Args...> *req)
if (!req)
u32 req_context =
req_context_counter.fetch_add (1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
req->request.shm_data->header.context = req_context;
vapi_swap_to_be<Req> (req->request.shm_data);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock (requests_mutex);
vapi_error_e rv = vapi_send (vapi_ctx, req->request.shm_data);
if (VAPI_OK == rv)
VAPI_DBG ("Push %p", req);
requests.emplace_back (req);
req->set_context (req_context);
on_shm_data_free (req->request.shm_data);
req->request.shm_data = nullptr; /* consumed by vapi_send */
vapi_swap_to_host<Req> (req->request.shm_data);
return rv;
template <template <typename XReq, typename XResp, typename... XArgs>
class X,
typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
vapi_error_e send_with_control_ping (X<Req, Resp, Args...> *req)
if (!req)
u32 req_context =
req_context_counter.fetch_add (1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
req->request.shm_data->header.context = req_context;
vapi_swap_to_be<Req> (req->request.shm_data);
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock (requests_mutex);
vapi_error_e rv = vapi_send_with_control_ping (
vapi_ctx, req->request.shm_data, req_context);
if (VAPI_OK == rv)
VAPI_DBG ("Push %p", req);
requests.emplace_back (req);
req->set_context (req_context);
on_shm_data_free (req->request.shm_data);
req->request.shm_data = nullptr; /* consumed by vapi_send */
vapi_swap_to_host<Req> (req->request.shm_data);
return rv;
void unregister_request (Common_req *request)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock (requests_mutex);
std::remove (requests.begin (), requests.end (), request);
template <typename M> void register_event (Event_registration<M> *event)
const vapi_msg_id_t id = M::get_msg_id ();
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock (events_mutex);
events[id] = event;
template <typename M> void unregister_event (Event_registration<M> *event)
const vapi_msg_id_t id = M::get_msg_id ();
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock (events_mutex);
events[id] = nullptr;
vapi_ctx_t vapi_ctx;
std::atomic_ulong req_context_counter;
std::mutex dispatch_mutex;
std::recursive_mutex requests_mutex;
std::recursive_mutex events_mutex;
std::deque<Common_req *> requests;
std::vector<Common_req *> events;
int event_count;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
friend class Request;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> friend class Dump;
template <typename M> friend class Result_set;
template <typename M> friend class Event_registration;
template <typename M, typename... Args>
friend M *vapi_alloc (Connection &con, Args...);
template <typename M> friend class Msg;
void on_shm_data_alloc (void *shm_data)
if (shm_data)
auto pos = shm_data_set.find (shm_data);
if (pos == shm_data_set.end ())
shm_data_set.insert (shm_data);
printf ("Double-add shm_data @%p!\n", shm_data);
void on_shm_data_free (void *shm_data)
auto pos = shm_data_set.find (shm_data);
if (pos == shm_data_set.end ())
printf ("Freeing untracked shm_data @%p!\n", shm_data);
shm_data_set.erase (pos);
std::unordered_set<void *> shm_data_set;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> class Request;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> class Dump;
template <class, class = void> struct vapi_has_payload_trait : std::false_type
template <class... T> using vapi_void_t = void;
template <class T>
struct vapi_has_payload_trait<T, vapi_void_t<decltype (&T::payload)>>
: std::true_type
template <typename M> void vapi_msg_set_msg_id (vapi_msg_id_t id)
Msg<M>::set_msg_id (id);
* Class representing a message stored in shared memory
template <typename M> class Msg
Msg (const Msg &) = delete;
~Msg ()
VAPI_DBG ("Destroy Msg<%s>@%p, shm_data@%p",
vapi_get_msg_name (get_msg_id ()), this, shm_data);
if (shm_data)
con.get ().msg_free (shm_data);
shm_data = nullptr;
static vapi_msg_id_t get_msg_id ()
return *msg_id_holder ();
template <typename X = M>
typename std::enable_if<vapi_has_payload_trait<X>::value,
decltype (X::payload) &>::type
get_payload () const
return shm_data->payload;
Msg (Msg<M> &&msg) : con{msg.con}
VAPI_DBG ("Move construct Msg<%s> from msg@%p to msg@%p, shm_data@%p",
vapi_get_msg_name (get_msg_id ()), &msg, this, msg.shm_data);
shm_data = msg.shm_data;
msg.shm_data = nullptr;
Msg<M> &operator= (Msg<M> &&msg)
VAPI_DBG ("Move assign Msg<%s> from msg@%p to msg@%p, shm_data@%p",
vapi_get_msg_name (get_msg_id ()), &msg, this, msg.shm_data);
con.get ().msg_free (shm_data);
con = msg.con;
shm_data = msg.shm_data;
msg.shm_data = nullptr;
return *this;
struct Msg_allocator : std::allocator<Msg<M>>
template <class U, class... Args> void construct (U *p, Args &&... args)
::new ((void *)p) U (std::forward<Args> (args)...);
template <class U> struct rebind
typedef Msg_allocator other;
static void set_msg_id (vapi_msg_id_t id)
assert ((~0 == *msg_id_holder ()) || (id == *msg_id_holder ()));
*msg_id_holder () = id;
static vapi_msg_id_t *msg_id_holder ()
static vapi_msg_id_t my_id{~0};
return &my_id;
Msg (Connection &con, void *shm_data) throw (Msg_not_available_exception)
: con{con}
if (!con.is_msg_available (get_msg_id ()))
throw Msg_not_available_exception ();
this->shm_data = static_cast<shm_data_type *> (shm_data);
VAPI_DBG ("New Msg<%s>@%p shm_data@%p", vapi_get_msg_name (get_msg_id ()),
this, shm_data);
void assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t resp_id,
void *shm_data) throw (Unexpected_msg_id_exception)
assert (nullptr == this->shm_data);
if (resp_id != get_msg_id ())
throw Unexpected_msg_id_exception ();
this->shm_data = static_cast<M *> (shm_data);
vapi_swap_to_host<M> (this->shm_data);
VAPI_DBG ("Assign response to Msg<%s>@%p shm_data@%p",
vapi_get_msg_name (get_msg_id ()), this, shm_data);
std::reference_wrapper<Connection> con;
using shm_data_type = M;
shm_data_type *shm_data;
friend class Connection;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
friend class Request;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> friend class Dump;
template <typename X> friend class Event_registration;
template <typename X> friend class Result_set;
friend struct Msg_allocator;
template <typename X> friend void vapi_msg_set_msg_id (vapi_msg_id_t id);
* Class representing a simple request - with a single response message
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
class Request : public Common_req
Request (Connection &con, Args... args,
std::function<vapi_error_e (Request<Req, Resp, Args...> &)>
callback = nullptr)
: Common_req{con}, callback{callback},
request{con, vapi_alloc<Req> (con, args...)}, response{con, nullptr}
Request (const Request &) = delete;
virtual ~Request ()
if (RESPONSE_NOT_READY == get_response_state ())
con.unregister_request (this);
vapi_error_e execute ()
return con.send (this);
const Msg<Req> &get_request (void) const
return request;
const Msg<Resp> &get_response (void)
return response;
virtual std::tuple<vapi_error_e, bool> assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t id,
void *shm_data)
assert (RESPONSE_NOT_READY == get_response_state ());
response.assign_response (id, shm_data);
set_response_state (RESPONSE_READY);
if (nullptr != callback)
return std::make_pair (callback (*this), true);
return std::make_pair (VAPI_OK, true);
std::function<vapi_error_e (Request<Req, Resp, Args...> &)> callback;
Msg<Req> request;
Msg<Resp> response;
friend class Connection;
* Class representing iterable set of responses of the same type
template <typename M> class Result_set
~Result_set ()
Result_set (const Result_set &) = delete;
bool is_complete () const
return complete;
size_t size () const
return set.size ();
using const_iterator =
typename std::vector<Msg<M>,
typename Msg<M>::Msg_allocator>::const_iterator;
const_iterator begin () const
return set.begin ();
const_iterator end () const
return set.end ();
void free_response (const_iterator pos)
set.erase (pos);
void free_all_responses ()
set.clear ();
void mark_complete ()
complete = true;
void assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t resp_id,
void *shm_data) throw (Unexpected_msg_id_exception)
if (resp_id != Msg<M>::get_msg_id ())
throw Unexpected_msg_id_exception ();
else if (shm_data)
vapi_swap_to_host<M> (static_cast<M *> (shm_data));
set.emplace_back (con, shm_data);
VAPI_DBG ("Result_set@%p emplace_back shm_data@%p", this, shm_data);
Result_set (Connection &con) : con{con}, complete{false}
Connection &con;
bool complete;
std::vector<Msg<M>, typename Msg<M>::Msg_allocator> set;
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args> friend class Dump;
template <typename X> friend class Event_registration;
* Class representing a dump request - zero or more identical responses to a
* single request message
template <typename Req, typename Resp, typename... Args>
class Dump : public Common_req
Dump (Connection &con, Args... args,
std::function<vapi_error_e (Dump<Req, Resp, Args...> &)> callback =
: Common_req{con}, request{con, vapi_alloc<Req> (con, args...)},
result_set{con}, callback{callback}
Dump (const Dump &) = delete;
virtual ~Dump ()
virtual std::tuple<vapi_error_e, bool> assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t id,
void *shm_data)
if (id == vapi_msg_id_control_ping_reply)
con.msg_free (shm_data);
result_set.mark_complete ();
set_response_state (RESPONSE_READY);
if (nullptr != callback)
return std::make_pair (callback (*this), true);
return std::make_pair (VAPI_OK, true);
result_set.assign_response (id, shm_data);
return std::make_pair (VAPI_OK, false);
vapi_error_e execute ()
return con.send_with_control_ping (this);
Msg<Req> &get_request (void)
return request;
using resp_type = typename Msg<Resp>::shm_data_type;
const Result_set<Resp> &get_result_set (void) const
return result_set;
Msg<Req> request;
Result_set<resp_type> result_set;
std::function<vapi_error_e (Dump<Req, Resp, Args...> &)> callback;
friend class Connection;
* Class representing event registration - incoming events (messages) from
* vpp as a result of a subscription (typically a want_* simple request)
template <typename M> class Event_registration : public Common_req
Event_registration (
Connection &con,
std::function<vapi_error_e (Event_registration<M> &)> callback =
nullptr) throw (Msg_not_available_exception)
: Common_req{con}, result_set{con}, callback{callback}
if (!con.is_msg_available (M::get_msg_id ()))
throw Msg_not_available_exception ();
con.register_event (this);
Event_registration (const Event_registration &) = delete;
virtual ~Event_registration ()
con.unregister_event (this);
virtual std::tuple<vapi_error_e, bool> assign_response (vapi_msg_id_t id,
void *shm_data)
result_set.assign_response (id, shm_data);
if (nullptr != callback)
return std::make_pair (callback (*this), true);
return std::make_pair (VAPI_OK, true);
using resp_type = typename M::shm_data_type;
Result_set<resp_type> &get_result_set (void)
return result_set;
Result_set<resp_type> result_set;
std::function<vapi_error_e (Event_registration<M> &)> callback;
* coding-style-patch-verification: ON
* Local Variables:
* eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
* End: