| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| |
| if [ "$(lsb_release -is)" != Ubuntu ]; then |
| echo "Host stack test framework is supported only on Ubuntu" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| LAST_STATE_FILE=".last_state_hash" |
| |
| # get current state hash |
| current_state_hash=$(git status --porcelain | grep -vE '(/\.|/10|\.go$|\.sum$|\.mod$|\.txt$|\.test$)' | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}') |
| |
| if [ -f "$LAST_STATE_FILE" ]; then |
| last_state_hash=$(cat "$LAST_STATE_FILE") |
| else |
| last_state_hash="" |
| fi |
| |
| # compare current state with last state |
| if [ "$current_state_hash" = "$last_state_hash" ]; then |
| echo "*** Skipping docker build - no new changes \ |
| (excluding .go, .txt, .sum, .mod, dotfiles, IP address files) ***" |
| exit 0 |
| fi |
| |
| export VPP_WS=../.. |
| OS_ARCH="$(uname -m)" |
| DOCKER_BUILD_DIR="/scratch/docker-build" |
| |
| if [ -d "${DOCKER_BUILD_DIR}" ] ; then |
| mkdir -p "${DOCKER_CACHE_DIR}" |
| DOCKER_HST_BUILDER="hst_builder" |
| set -x |
| if ! docker buildx ls --format "{{.Name}}" | grep -q "${DOCKER_HST_BUILDER}"; then |
| docker buildx create --name=${DOCKER_HST_BUILDER} --driver=docker-container --use --bootstrap || true |
| fi |
| set -x |
| DOCKER_CACHE_ARGS="--builder=${DOCKER_HST_BUILDER} --load --cache-to type=local,dest=${DOCKER_CACHE_DIR},mode=max --cache-from type=local,src=${DOCKER_CACHE_DIR}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then |
| VPP_BUILD_ROOT=${VPP_WS}/build-root/build-vpp_debug-native/vpp |
| elif [ "$1" == "gcov" ]; then |
| VPP_BUILD_ROOT=${VPP_WS}/build-root/build-vpp_gcov-native/vpp |
| else |
| VPP_BUILD_ROOT=${VPP_WS}/build-root/build-vpp-native/vpp |
| fi |
| echo "Taking build objects from ${VPP_BUILD_ROOT}" |
| |
| export UBUNTU_VERSION=${UBUNTU_VERSION:-"$(lsb_release -rs)"} |
| echo "Ubuntu version is set to ${UBUNTU_VERSION}" |
| |
| export HST_LDPRELOAD=${VPP_BUILD_ROOT}/lib/${OS_ARCH}-linux-gnu/libvcl_ldpreload.so |
| echo "HST_LDPRELOAD is set to ${HST_LDPRELOAD}" |
| |
| export PATH=${VPP_BUILD_ROOT}/bin:$PATH |
| |
| bin=vpp-data/bin |
| lib=vpp-data/lib |
| |
| mkdir -p ${bin} ${lib} || true |
| rm -rf vpp-data/bin/* || true |
| rm -rf vpp-data/lib/* || true |
| |
| cp ${VPP_BUILD_ROOT}/bin/* ${bin} |
| res+=$? |
| cp -r ${VPP_BUILD_ROOT}/lib/"${OS_ARCH}"-linux-gnu/* ${lib} |
| res+=$? |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Failed to copy VPP files. Is VPP built? Try running 'make build' in VPP directory." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| docker_build () { |
| tag=$1 |
| dockername=$2 |
| set -ex |
| # shellcheck disable=2086 |
| docker buildx build ${DOCKER_CACHE_ARGS} \ |
| --build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION \ |
| --build-arg OS_ARCH="$OS_ARCH" \ |
| --build-arg http_proxy="$HTTP_PROXY" \ |
| --build-arg https_proxy="$HTTP_PROXY" \ |
| --build-arg HTTP_PROXY="$HTTP_PROXY" \ |
| --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="$HTTP_PROXY" \ |
| -t "$tag" -f docker/Dockerfile."$dockername" . |
| set +ex |
| } |
| |
| docker_build hs-test/vpp vpp |
| docker_build hs-test/nginx-ldp nginx |
| docker_build hs-test/nginx-server nginx-server |
| docker_build hs-test/curl curl |
| docker_build hs-test/envoy envoy |
| docker_build hs-test/nginx-http3 nginx-http3 |
| docker_build hs-test/ab ab |
| docker_build hs-test/wrk wrk |
| |
| # cleanup detached images |
| images=$(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) |
| if [ "$images" != "" ]; then |
| # shellcheck disable=SC2086 |
| docker rmi $images |
| fi |
| |
| echo "$current_state_hash" > "$LAST_STATE_FILE" |