blob: 1109f6eb5c8149817e94d1845e28ee1f6e1c45ca [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains test binary requirements.
# Currently only ubuntu dependencies are listed and dependencies for other
# platforms will be added going forward. Some dependencies might be named
# same on different platforms and they can be combined wherever needed.
# NOTE: test top level requirements
apt-transport-https [platform:dpkg]
ca-certificates [platform:dpkg]
curl [platform:dpkg]
dbus [platform:dpkg]
gcc [platform:dpkg]
git [platform:dpkg]
gnupg-agent [platform:dpkg]
libffi-dev [platform:dpkg]
libpython3-dev [platform:dpkg]
lsb-release [platform:dpkg]
make [platform:dpkg]
net-tools [platform:dpkg]
python3-apt [platform:dpkg]
python3-minimal [platform:dpkg]
python3-pip [platform:dpkg]
software-properties-common [platform:dpkg]
virtualenv [platform:dpkg]
wget [platform:dpkg]
xz-utils [platform:dpkg]