blob: c3e07d59a8b5a07aff9d4b9d37031bd7c938c85a [file] [log] [blame]
if [ "`docker ps -a | grep aaf_cass`" == "" ]; then
docker run --name aaf_cass -d cassandra:3.11
echo "Check for running Docker Container aaf_cass, then run again."
docker exec aaf_cass mkdir -p /opt/app/cass_init
docker cp "../src/main/cql/." aaf_cass:/opt/app/cass_init
echo "Docker Installed Basic Cassandra on aaf_cass. Executing the following "
echo "NOTE: This creator provided is only a Single Instance. For more complex Cassandra, create independently"
echo ""
echo " cd /opt/app/cass_init"
echo " cqlsh -u root -p root -f keyspace.cql"
echo " cqlsh -u root -p root -f init.cql"
echo " cqlsh -u root -p root -f osaaf.cql"
echo ""
echo "The following will give you a temporary identity with which to start working, or emergency"
echo " cqlsh -u root -p root -f temp_identity.cql"
echo "Sleeping for 10 seconds"
sleep 10
docker exec -it aaf_cass bash -c '\
cd /opt/app/cass_init; \
echo "Creating Keyspace";cqlsh -u root -p root -f keyspace.cql;\
echo "Creating init";cqlsh -u root -p root -f init.cql;\
echo "Creating osaaf";cqlsh -u root -p root -f osaaf.cql;\
echo "Creating temp Identity";cqlsh -u root -p root -f temp_identity.cql'
echo "Inspecting aafcassadra. Use to get the IP address to update org.osaaf.cassandra.props"
docker inspect aaf_cass | grep '"IPAddress' | head -1