blob: 23e762472494ea2253801f345a6e2d3cf49b6dba [file] [log] [blame]
# Create a p12 file from local certs
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Enter Keystore Name: "
read MACH
# Add Cert AND Intermediate CAs (Clients will have Root CAs (or not))
cat certs/$MACH.crt > $MACH.chain
# Add THIS Intermediate CA into chain
cat certs/ca.crt >> $MACH.chain
# Make a pkcs12 keystore, a jks keystore and a pem keystore
rm -f $MACH.p12
# Note: Openssl will pickup and load all Certs in the Chain file
openssl pkcs12 -name $MACH -export -in $MACH.chain -inkey private/$MACH.key -out $MACH.p12