blob: 3055ae363e8a9318696c2e1fd3141838f266a7c9 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation, Inc
This project aims at the Storage of sensitive information such as passwords, username, and tokens.
**Current state and gaps**
Many services in ONAP use password based authentication. Eg: Database servers, publish/subscribe brokers etc.
Passwords are stored in plain text files in many services.
With multiple instances of these services, the attack surface area becomes very big.
Hence there is a need to ensure that attack surface related to password exposure is reduced.
Need for Secure Secret Management.
Services are expected to get the secret only on needed basis using secret reference and remove the secrets once they are used up.
**Secret Service High Level Flow Diagram**
.. image:: sms_high_level.png
:width: 900px
:height: 400px
:alt: SMS Flow Diagram