| Create folder under /tmp/volume/host_<host name> for each host (example |
| host_sample where sample is the name of the tpm capable host). |
| This folder will be mounted into the container as shared volume for now. |
| |
| Expects the input SRK pulic key "out_parent_public" for each host under |
| the corresponding host directory and file "passphrase" under /tmp/volume/ |
| containing the passphrase to encrypt the key. |
| |
| example |
| |
| /tmp/volume/host_sample/out_parent_public |
| /tmp/volume/passphrase |
| |
| Build the container using |
| |
| docker build --no-cache -t dist-center . |
| |
| Run it mounting the volume |
| |
| docker run -v /tmp/volume:/volume dist-center |
| |
| This will output the following files in /tmp/volume/host_<host name> |
| |
| ca.cert |
| dupEncKey |
| dupPriv |
| dupPub |
| dupSymseed |
| |
| Encrypted private key and certificate under /tmp/volume |
| |
| ca.cert |
| privkey.pem.gpg |