blob: 45ab67133e126f71f816361d761b0da498304a3c [file] [log] [blame]
//Copyright (c) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
// Json object holds the method mapping.Update the JSON object with the proper route to logical mapping based
// on the example provided below :
// "helloWorld" = Service Name
// "method" = http method
// "url" = the url component from the route
// "logicalName"= When a combination of method and url from the route matches the json object ,
// the logical name is put in the http header as "x-CSI-ServiceName" and "x-CSI-MethodName"
// "dme2url"= if provided it register the endpoint to GRM, it is optional. This is useful for JAX-RS services.
"helloWorld": [
"method": "get",
"url": "/rest/babel/v1/helloWorld",
"logicalName": "GetMethod(Logical)"
"method": "get",
"url": "/services/babel/v1/jaxrsExample/jaxrs-services/echo/{input}",
"logicalName": "GetJaxrsExampleEcho(Logical)",
"dme2url": "/services/babel/v1/jaxrsExample/jaxrs-services/echo/{input}"
"method": "get",
"url": "/services/babel/v1/jaxrsExample/jaxrs-services/property/{fileName}/{input}",
"logicalName": "GetJaxrsExampleProperty(Logical)",
"dme2url": "/services/babel/v1/jaxrsExample/jaxrs-services/property/{fileName}/{input}"
"method": "get",
"url": "/services/babel/v1/jaxrsExample/errormessage/emls",
"logicalName": "setCAETHeaders(Logical)"
"method": "get",
"url": "/services/babel/v1/errorMessageLookupService2",
"logicalName": "setCAETHeaders(Logical)"