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APPC Testing of a Local ONAP Component
*NOTE: Tested on APPC ONAP Component only, on a single Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
See also `Developing
ONAP <>`__
General Requirements
- A Gerrit Account to create a Gerrit account, please create one
- An Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop VM (14.04 LTS should work as well)
- No less than 8 GB
- 40 GB of hard disk drive
- 4 vCPUs should suffice
- Software Download Requirements:
- Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (latest stable release is neon
- Nexus OSS 2 (to upload ONAP Components Maven Artifacts locally): - grab the
bundle.tar.gz version
- Nexus OSS 3 (to upload ONAP Components Docker Image locally): - grab the
bundle.tar.gz version
- Apache Maven (latest stable version is 3.3.9): - grab the binary tar.gz
Installation procedure
General Setup
- First, download all of the Ubuntu apt packages needed:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk maven git-review
Setting up Git
- Set up your git information:
.. code:: bash
git config --global your_LF_account@email
git config --global --add gitreview.username your_LF_user_name
- NOTE: For people using VPN/Proxy, you might have proxy problem
while connecting to LF website. To avoid the problem, you should
add the proxy setting in git config, using the following command:
.. code:: bash
git config --global https.proxy https://<proxy_username>:<proxy_password>@<proxy_url>
git config --global http.proxy http://<proxy_username>:<proxy_password>@<proxy_url>
- Generate an HTTP Password in order to clone the necessary git repos:
- Go to
- As highlighted below, go to Settings --> HTTP Password -->
Generate Password.
- On a clean folder on your Desktop (or your preferred path), create a
folder and clone the ONAP APPC Git Repositories that we will test
with (NOTE: Use the previously generated HTTP Password to
.. code:: bash
git clone http://<LF_USER_ID>
git clone http://<LF_USER_ID>
Docker Engine Installation
- Go to `this
link <>`__
to set up the Docker Engine on your local machine (you will need this
to store the Docker Images that will be uploaded in the local Nexus
3s Docker Registry)
Setting up Nexus 2 and 3 OSS Repositories
- Install & run Nexus OSS 2 without sudo rights as a non-root user
(detailed and clear instructions on how to do install it are
`here <>`__
& how to run it are
`here <>`__)
- Default Nexus 2 OSS Local Webpage: http://localhost:8081/nexus
- Check nexus logs: $NEXUS\_HOME/logs/wrapper.log
- Default credentials: username is deployment, password is
- Install & run Nexus OSS 3 without sudo rights as a non-root user
(detailed and clear instructions on how to do are
`here <>`__)
- IMPORTANT: Since both Nexus 2 and Nexus 3s web sites run on port
8081, the Nexus 3 OSS needs to modify its configuration to start
up as a process in another port so as to avoid a conflict.
Therefore, follow the instructions here to start up Nexus 3 OSS on
another port (in the link, $data-dir usually refers to the
sonatype-work folder that the nexus tar file generates after being
- Nexus 3 OSS Local Webpage (assuming the port was changed as
explained above): http://localhost:9081
- Check nexus3 bootup logs: $data-dir/nexus3/log/nexus.log
- Check nexus3 logs: $data-dir/nexus3/log/jvm.log
- Default credentials: username is admin, default password is
- Create a Docker Registry Repository on Nexus 3 OSS Webpage
- In order to be able to deploy docker images to Nexus 3 OSS
Repository, you need to create a Docker Registry where you will
upload these docker images to.
- Go to http://localhost:9081 to access the Nexus 3 OSS Webpage, log
on, click on settings icon, and then click on Repositories which
will give you the option to Create Repository as shown below:
- On the next window, choose the Docker (Hosted)” option
- NOTE: you can choose the Docker (Proxy)” option if you have a
docker registry outside of your local Nexus 3 OSS that you want
to externally connect to, such as the public registry
for example.
- On the next window, fill out the required fields as highlighted
below and click on Create Repository to create your local docker
registry (NOTE: you can see that the HTTP port is at 8082, which
will be your local docker registry port)
Setting up Eclipse Java EE & Importing the ONAP Maven Projects
- As root, open up Eclipse (preference is to create a new workspace):
.. code:: bash
sudo -i
- Set up general Eclipse configuration as below:
- Go to Window --> Preferences
- On the left side of the pop up window, go to Maven --> User
Settings. In the text box, add the maven settings for this project
(pointing at the repositories), then click
on Update Settings --> Apply --> OK
- Go to Maven --> Installations, then Add…” the downloaded Apache
Maven (tested with 3.3.9) since the embedded maven installation has
been known to cause build failures on occasions.
- Go to Java --> Installed JREs, then Add...” the downloaded Java 8
OpenJDK (usually located on /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64) as a
Standard VM
- Repeat the same steps below for APPC & deployment repos:
- Go to File --> Import --> Maven --> Select Existing Maven
- Pick the folder where you cloned the git repository
- Checking the Add project(s) to working set and defining a new
working set name is suggested to separate multiple git repositories
Initial build of the APPC Core Maven Project
This section will guide you on the steps to take in order to compile the
APPC Core Project into your local maven repository (usually located on
the /root/.m2/repository path).
- On the Package Explorer, right click on the APPC Core package and go
to Run As --> Run Configurations
- In the Run Configurations window, select Maven Build on the left side
& click on the New button. Set up your maven build configuration as
follows (relevant parts are highlighted):
- NOTE: In the above figure, it is recommended to uncheck the Skip
Tests option to run the test cases of the APPC Core Package to make
sure that APPC Core Features are tested beforehand.
- Make sure that you are pointing to the previously installed Java 8:
- For debugging purposes, it helps to output all build maven logs
generated to a file where you can check for any errors:
- Finally, click on Run.” Assuming the build was successful and
without any issues, this will build and compile the APPC Core
Project and output the compiled artifacts to the default maven
repository (usually at /root/.m2/repository).
Deploying the APPC Core Maven Artifacts to Local Nexus 2 Repository
Now that the APPC Core Project has been locally compiled by downloading
the APPC Core artifacts from the LF Nexus 2 Repository
( in the previous section, we can go ahead and
deploy/upload these locally compiled APPC Core artifacts into the
active local Nexus 2 Repository (http://localhost:8081/nexus).
- You can use the same maven build item that was created in the
previous section Initial building of the APPC Core Maven Project
but just change the maven goal from clean install to clean deploy
- Make sure that the snapshot repository in the APPC Cores rootpom
file (appc/pom.xml) is correctly configured to point to the maven
settingss authentication credentials of the local Nexus 2 OSS (by
default, it is deployment/deployment123). If not, then the upload
will fail with an Unauthorized error since it will try to default to
uploading to the LF Nexus 2 OSS Repository instead:
- You can now run the maven build in the Run Configurations window.
- Once your build is successful, check that all of the intended APPC
Core maven artifacts have been successfully uploaded to your local
Nexus 2 OSS by going on the snapshot repository (located on
- Now that the APPC Core maven artifacts are hosted and deployed on
your local Nexus 2 OSS Repository, you can compile and deploy the
APPC Deployment Repository in the next two sections.
Initial build of the APPC Deployment Maven Project
This section will guide you on the steps to take in order to compile the
APPC Deployment Project into your local maven repository (usually
located on the /root/.m2/repository path). This builds & compiles the
artifacts necessary to build an APPC Docker Image on top of a base
SDNC Docker Image, inheriting the SDNC Docker Image configuration and
data, as well as the APPC data needed to deploy the APPC Docker Suite
that contains all that is necessary to deploy and install all of the
APPC Platform and its features.
- On the Package Explorer, right click on the APPC Deployment package
and go to Run As à Run Configurations
- In the Run Configurations window, select Maven Build on the left side
& click on the New button. Set up your maven build configuration as
follows (relevant parts are highlighted):
- Make sure that you are pointing to the previously installed Java 8:
- For debugging purposes, it helps to output all build maven logs
generated to a file where you can check for any errors:
- Finally, click on Run.” Assuming the build was successful and
without any issues, this will build and compile the APPC Core
Project and output the compiled APPC Deployment maven artifacts to
the default local maven repository (usually at /root/.m2/repository).
Deploying the APPC Deployment Maven Artifacts to Nexus 2 and Docker Image to Nexus 3 Repositories
*IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have created a local docker registry in
your local Nexus 3 OSS Repository before trying the steps below.*
Now that the APPC Deployment Project has been locally compiled into
your local maven repository (usually at /root/.m2/repository) by
downloading the APPC Deployment artifacts from the LF Nexus 2
Repository ( in the previous section, we can go
ahead and deploy/upload these locally compiled APPC Deployment
artifacts into the active local Nexus 2 Repository
(http://localhost:8081/nexus) as well as building and deploying the
APPC Docker Image into your local docker registry (localhost:8082). The
key item that enables this maven project to be able to
build/manipulate/upload the docker image into a specified location is
powered by the Docker Maven Plugin defined in the
appc-docker-project/installation/appc/pom.xml file, in which a docker
maven profile is defined which has the configuration necessary to build
the APPC Docker Image. More information on this maven docker plugin can
be found on
- Make sure that the snapshot repository in the APPC Deployments
rootpom file (appc-docker-project/pom.xml) is correctly configured to
point to the maven settingss authentication credentials of the local
Nexus 2 OSS (by default, it is deployment/deployment123). If not,
then the upload will fail with an Unauthorized error since it will
try to default to uploading to the LF Nexus 2 OSS Repository instead:
- Go to the Run Configurations window. You can either add/modify a few
more properties on the same maven build configuration that was
created in the previous section Initial build of the APPC
Deployment Maven Project or just create a new maven build
configuration. The additional properties and maven goal change are
highlighted below:
- From the new maven build configuration below, the following
properties were added to be able to download the dependent SDNC
Docker Image from LF Nexus 3 Docker Registry, as well as uploading
the finalized APPC Docker Image itself:
- docker.push.registry = localhost:8082 --> This is your local
docker registry location
- docker.push.username & docker.push.password --> Authentication
credentials to upload a docker image to the defined docker
- docker.pull.registry = --> This is the LF
Nexus 3 docker registry location
- docker.pull.username & docker.pull.password --> Authentication
credentials to download a docker image from the defined docker
- altDeploymentRepository=openecomp-snapshot::default::http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/
--> This serves as the alternative repository on which maven
artifacts should be deployed on in case that it was not defined in
. Therefore, this is optional.
- You can now run your maven build configuration.
- Once your build is successful, check that all of the intended APPC
Deployment maven artifacts have been successfully uploaded to your
local Nexus 2 OSS by going on the snapshot repository (located on
Also, go to the Nexus 3 Docker Registry location in the
http://localhost:9081/#browse/browse/components:docker.local to make
sure that your APPC Docker Image has been uploaded.
- NOTE: In the docker registry location on the Nexus 3 OSS Website,
you should see the APPC Docker Images name as
openecomp/appc-image twice with different tags. The number of
tags for the image will be decided by what is defined on the
docker maven plugins section (note that there are properties to
be defined in the tags section)
- As you change the tag names as more tags are uploaded on your
local docker registry, we have experienced scenarios where the
latest tag will not always be the actual latest version of the
image you last uploaded. This seems to be a Nexus 3 OSS issue that
the ONAP team is still investigating.
- Now that the APPC Deployment Maven artifacts are deployed in Nexus 2
OSS and the APPC Docker Image is deployed in the Nexus 3 OSS local
repositories, you are ready to test the docker image. There are
detailed steps to do this in either of the two APPC GIT Repositories
on the main
` <;a=blob;;h=9024ed1f4aae36a072ee1f4610920e69ac1eaef5;hb=HEAD>`__
.. |image0| image:: images/image0.png
.. |image1| image:: images/image1.png
.. |image2| image:: images/image2.png
.. |image3| image:: images/image3.png
.. |image4| image:: images/image4.png
.. |image5| image:: images/image5.png
.. |image6| image:: images/image6.png
.. |image7| image:: images/image7.png
.. |image8| image:: images/image8.png
.. |image9| image:: images/image9.png
.. |image10| image:: images/image10.png
.. |image11| image:: images/image11.png
.. |image12| image:: images/image12.png
.. |image13| image:: images/image13.png
.. |image14| image:: images/image14.png
.. |image15| image:: images/image15.png
.. |image16| image:: images/image16.png
.. |image17| image:: images/image17.png
.. |image18| image:: images/image18.png